Chapter 218 Dark Forces
"Mom, we are relieved that Aunt Gao is protecting you in secret. But, Mom, can you arrange for Aunt Gao to meet with us? Maybe you can ask Aunt Gao to find out about the situation?"

When Su Lin heard her mother say that Gao Fang was also protecting her and Xiaotong, she felt a strange warmth in her heart.

Considering Gao Fang's status, such a move was not easy.

Don't think that her husband can be unscrupulous because of his high position and power. In fact, because Mr. Liu still holds the actual power of the country, Gao Fang is even more wary, because her words and deeds, no matter whether they are ordered by Mr. Liu, everyone will I think it's Mr. Liu's meaning.

Su Lin knew that her request was a little too much, because Gao Fang's ability to protect her mother and children was beyond her expectations.

If Gao Fang didn't do this, Su Lin could understand that she was protecting Mr. Liu.

"I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on Aunt Gao. Now she has tried her best."

As the wife of an official, Zheng Yuzhen naturally understood the key points.

"Well, mom, do you know the general itinerary of Aunt Gao? I can find a way to meet her."

"Her schedule is still very fixed. I generally know when to go to the beauty salon and when to go to the health gym.

But daughter, we can't innocently implicate your Aunt Gao. "

Zheng Yuzhen is also a temperamental person. At this time, she has to think about others.

"Don't worry, mom, when did I miss what I did?"

Su Lin smiled mischievously, reassuring her mother.

Thinking about her daughter's return to school, no matter whether she helped Gao Fang cure her illness, or later started a company, until now she has cured Xiaotong's illness, and everything is reliable. Zheng Yuzhen felt relieved and put Gao Fang's weekly weekly The itinerary told Su Lin.

Zheng Yuzhen and Gao Fang belonged to the relationship of best friends. These places, the two of them used to go together often, so they knew Gao Fang's itinerary well.

Although Zheng Yuzhen was unable to go out because she was under residential surveillance, Gao Fang's itinerary should not change much in the short term.

Silently recorded Gao Fang's itinerary, determined that it would be safer for her mother and child to live at home than to wander with herself and her younger brother. Su Lin had no choice but to leave with Su Bing.

Su Lin secretly vowed that she must find out who was behind the scenes against their Su family, and let her father's grievances be cleared.

But now, the most important thing is that they don't even know what the grievances about their father are?
It is unbelievable to say.

But this kind of thing does happen in this magical country. Their basis is a certain report letter, or a certain vague report CD, or a persistent whistleblower...

"Madam Gao, is this method okay?"

Gao Fang closed her eyes, enjoying the meticulous facial massage techniques on her face, just thinking that this new beautician is really good at skills, and if she comes again in the future, she will definitely call her by name again. A familiar voice came from the side.

Gao Fang's heart moved, but then she still closed her eyes slightly, not looking at the other party, and responded softly:

"Not bad, it's still a familiar smell. I think you can not only massage your face, but you must also be good at lumbar spine care, right?"

"This is also fine, I have learned professional massage."

"Okay, then you can help me massage my waist in the health room!"

Gao Fang continued to enjoy the precise technique on the face. After the whole facial massage, she did not even glance at the beautician, but skillfully led her to the massage and massage room.

According to the usual practice, one needs to wash the body briefly before going for a massage. Gao Fang took the beautician into the bathroom together.

In this high-end beauty club, the bathrooms provided to the guests are all single rooms and super luxurious. As soon as Gao Fang entered, closed the door, and turned on the shower head, the water immediately sizzled.

"Su Lin, why are you here?"

Gao Fang turned around and asked the beautician. Although the beautician had thick makeup on his face, she knew immediately from the voice that the new beautician was Su Lin.

"Aunt Gao, I want to ask you about my father's whereabouts!"

"Hey, your dad got into big trouble this time, and I don't know why he offended that person."

Gao Fang was obviously also very jealous of that person. When he mentioned "that person", his body shivered uncontrollably.

"who's that person?"

"You can't know it yet, this person is too powerful, the more you know, the less safe you are.

For so many years, he has been operating in the dark, and now his wings are gradually growing, and he can be said to be in power. At present, no one can do anything about him except Jinshang.

But Jinshang is the one who trusts him the most. The current situation is that he has a large army in his hands, and no one can match his authority except Jinshang.

However, you should not easily guess which dignitary he is in the court, because he does not often appear in the so-called lists that are often made public.

His power developed very secretly and slowly, and he would not have noticed him at first, but after your father's accident, we did some research, and the more we investigated, the more shocking we found the inside story.

It's useless to talk too much about these things now.For the current plan, you can rest assured for the time being, I know that you and your younger brother Su Bing are both free, and you should cherish this identity.

As for your father, we will do our best to protect him, and his life is not in danger for the time being.

And your mother and daughter, I have sent a few loyal subordinates to garrison near your home, and I will definitely do my best to protect them. "

The sound of "squeaking" water, and the fact that Gao Fang was whispering in Su Lin's ear, was almost inaudible, which was enough to show that Gao Fang's tone of voice on this matter was extremely cautious.

If it wasn't for Su Lin's great kindness to her, Gao Fang might not have risked some kind of risk to say these things to her.

Su Lin nodded silently. That's all she said. If she presses her again, it will make Gao Fang difficult, and Gao Fang may have some deeper secrets to tell.

Because Su Lin could see that on Gao Fang's face, hesitant to speak appeared several times.

Next, Su Lin really helped Gao Fang do health care again, injecting her more pure aura into Gao Fang's body, and after helping her clear the sluggish microcirculation blood, Su Lin became like a real health care beauty doctor. The teacher said goodbye to Gao Fang politely.

After leaving Gaofang, Su Lin walked to the beautician's lounge, opened one of the beautician's exclusive cabinets, carried the beautician out, put the beautician on a chair, and then lay her upper body on the dressing table, then, Tapped her acupoints.

After Su Lin left, the beautician woke up suddenly. She looked around in a daze, only remembering that she seemed to be distracted just now, why did she lie down and fall asleep?
"Sister, does Aunt Gao mean that we should not act rashly now?"

Su Bing analyzed after listening to his sister's words after contacting Gao Fang.

"That's what it means. However, I don't think we can sit still. We have to do something, right?"

"Hey, both of you, thank you for giving me the first pot of gold in this life. So, tonight, I will treat Xiao Li generously. You can eat the packed pizza, special roast duck, and all kinds of drinks."

The siblings were talking when suddenly the door was knocked open by the owner, Xiao Li.

After the task was completed, Su Lin immediately transferred 1000 million to Xiao Li's account as promised.Xiao Li, a penniless counterfeit dealer, immediately transformed into a rich and handsome man with 1000 million wealth, how could he not be in full bloom?
In broad daylight today, I immediately ran to see a 120-square-meter house located in a better part of the city, and immediately paid off the full amount. I became a small rich man with millions of assets. I believe Soon you can get a beautiful woman in your arms, so it's really easy to invite a little guest.

"Xiao Li, are you planning to move out soon?"

Naturally, Su Lin and the others were not polite, and immediately picked up the pizza and ate it.

"I plan to move out immediately. All the furniture should be settled in tomorrow. Haha, it feels so good to have my own house!"

Xiao Li made a posture of looking up to the sky and laughing.

He would never have dreamed that he could earn 1000 million yuan just by moving his fingers and giving full play to his technical expertise, which would immediately change the fate of his poor class. Of course, he would have to thank these two benefactors.

Although he could also see that the two benefactors seemed to be in some kind of trouble, which was not a small trouble, but if they didn't mention it, naturally he couldn't get involved too deeply.

Anyway, he is paid according to his work, and those who ask for it will not get high prices.

"Well, Xiao Li, if you leave, can you sublet this house to us?"

Su Lin felt that the alley was deep and very quiet, and generally no one would disturb it, and the alley extended in all directions, so it would be more convenient to escape in case of any situation, so she was moved to sublet.

"Hey, big sister, don't worry about whether it's going to turn or not. My classmate won't come back for ten or eight years. I heard that he went to Australia to herd sheep. I worry all day whether his sheep will get sick. How can I care about it?" here?"

With a big wave of Xiao Li's hand, he was generous to others.

"Okay, the rent must be calculated accordingly. If you make a small fortune, you should increase revenue and reduce expenditure!"

Su Bing kindly reminded that Xiao Li Leng is much richer than him and his sister now, so don't waste all the money because of getting rich overnight.

"Understood, brother!" Xiao Li could feel the kindness of the two of you, "But to be honest, I'm pretty much unemployed now, and I don't plan to do the fake certificate again, in case I get caught by the police Come on, maybe this article will be pulled out again, I'd better wash my hands in Jinpan and find a decent job.

I don't know if the two of you have any good job introductions? "

Xiao Li asked seriously.

"I know a person who is engaged in this field of work. With your talent, he must be in the right way. If you want, I will introduce you to him.

However, there is a condition that I cannot reveal where I am now, can you guarantee it? "

Su Lin glanced at Xiao Li and said.

(End of this chapter)

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