A wealthy abandoned woman can't afford to hurt

Chapter 191 Sudden Production Discontinuation

Chapter 191 Sudden Production Discontinuation
If this matter is left alone and He Jian is allowed to ignite the explosives, with the status of Yanjing Airport as an international airport, if passengers are injured, it will have a bad impact internationally.

From a small point of view, from a large point of view, it will even seriously damage the image of China.

Su Lin saw it herself, and He Jian was at the scene and shouted loudly for the passengers to get out of the way.

Generally, thugs who are forced to die will never do this kind of behavior. They must hope that they are going to die, and it would be better to drag more people to die together.

The intention of He Jian's move may be just to awaken the society to his own personal experience, so he still has some kind thoughts in his heart, and has no attempt to drag more people to die together.

If it wasn't for He Jian's kindness, Su Lin wouldn't have saved him.

Because she could imagine that if He Jian was brought in by the security personnel, what kind of crimes and charges he would face, maybe he would never get out of prison for the rest of his life.

Coupled with the fact that he is disabled, it is hard to say what kind of situation he will encounter in prison.

Su Lin also had a good idea, and under the circumstances at that time, if she didn't act immediately, she might hurt more innocent passengers.

"By the way, kind girl, you just said that my leg still has hope of healing. Over the years, I have sought medical advice everywhere, and they all said that my leg is not working.

Because of this, he also spent a lot of money, and ended up with nothing to live on.

If my legs can be cured, I can go out to work and earn money. Even if I earn eight hundred a month, it is enough to support myself and my old father. I will not take this extreme road. "

After calming down, He Jian's sanity slowly recovered, and he began to feel scared.

"I am a medical student. If you believe me, I will treat you now."

Su Lin felt that He Jian's words were quite sincere, the so-called healing the sick and saving lives.If He Jian's leg is healed, his deformed psychology is corrected, and his hatred for society is turned into a pursuit of life, it will be much more meaningful than arresting He Jian and putting him in prison.

"Hey, my legs have been seen all over the country. I have done all kinds of things like queuing up to buy numbers. I have seen many so-called famous doctors and spent a lot of money. I have also experienced both Chinese and Western medicine. Doctors All gave up hope on my legs.

So, leave it to you!I don't care if I cure it more than once! "

He Jian didn't expect that Su Lin said that his leg was promising, and thought she was going to recommend some famous doctor for him, but Su Lin would recommend herself.

But Su Lin is too young, right?And she doesn't look like a doctor either.Besides, other doctors have to choose a place to treat his illness. This girl is lucky, so she will treat him in the park. Can this be cured?

However, seeing Su Lin's enthusiasm and saving him from being a party to a criminal case just now, He Jian closed his eyes and let Su Lin show her skills.

The most is to treat myself as an experimental product, He Jian thought to himself.

Su Lin smiled slightly, and didn't mind He Jian's indifferent attitude.

She took out the medicine bag from her backpack, and rows of silver needles were neatly placed in the grid of the medicine bag. Su Lin took out the silver needles, aimed at several acupuncture points on He Jian's thigh, and took advantage of the trend to inject the aura Into He Jian's body.

"Oops, it hurts!"

He Jian yelled, quite dissatisfied in his heart, and couldn't help saying:

"Girl, your medical skills don't look very good. I never heard that pricking acupuncture points will hurt!"

"Hey, I'm sorry, let me take it easy!"

Su Lin smiled, but when she said this, why did she feel a little oily...

He Jian could also hear the teasing meaning in Su Lin's words. Acupuncture can be severe or not. Acupuncture looks scary. A silver needle penetrates three to four centimeters, seven or eight centimeters under the skin, but it is clearly not painful. It will hurt.

"Hey, no, girl, my legs have been numb and unconscious for more than ten years, why does it hurt?"

He Jian's face showed ecstasy, "I'm sorry, girl, I blamed you wrongly, you are really a miracle doctor, a miracle doctor!"

"Hey, He Jian, don't get excited. This is the first step. Allow me to continue with the injection, okay?"

Seeing that He Jian was so excited, Su Lin shook her body involuntarily. She couldn't even find the acupuncture point for the needle, so she shook her head helplessly and spoke out to remind her.

"Okay, I will be honest and stay still!"

He Jian, as he said, has seen all the large and small hospitals across the country and all the "miracle doctors" he has heard of, but there has never been a doctor who can make him feel like this.

There is pain in the legs, which means that the nerves are still good, or they have recovered under the stimulation of the girl's silver needles. He Jian's already hopeless heart has once again raised hope.

At this time, He Jian focused more on the feeling of his legs.

As Su Lin's silver needles were continuously inserted into He Jian's legs like a butterfly piercing through flowers, He Jian felt bursts of numbness, itching and swelling in his legs...

Sweat dripped from Su Lin's head, and after taking off the last silver needle, Su Lin said to He Jian with a sense of relief:
"You go home, follow the prescription I prescribed for another three months, and then actively participate in rehabilitation, and you will be back to normal soon."

After Su Lin finished speaking, she wrote a prescription, handed it to He Jian, and handed him a small packet, then said:
"Take care and don't do extreme things in the future."

Before He Jian could react, Su Lin put on her backpack and left.

"Hey, girl, what's your name? I haven't thanked you yet!"

He Jian got up from the bench in the park and saw Su Lin disappearing into the green avenue of the park in a blink of an eye. He remembered that from the beginning to the end, the girl not only prevented herself from becoming a criminal, but also cured her own leg disease. Say thank you, and get up quickly to catch up.

"Hey, young man, you haven't got your bag yet!"

In the park, an old man sweeping the floor hurriedly called He Jian.

He Jian looked back and saw a small bag left on the bench in the park, which was handed to him by the girl just now, but he was in a hurry and forgot to take it.

He hurried back to pick up the small bag, opened it, and found that there was a pile of money inside, not only a hundred yuan, but also small bills.

It seems that this girl is worried that he will not have the travel expenses to go back!

What a nice man!Living Bodhisattva!

During the more than ten years of He Jian's illness, except for his old father, no one has ever treated him well.

At this time, he suddenly felt the warmth from the outside world, and his heart felt sore, tears fell out. He pulled up his clothes, wiped his eyes, and then walked slowly outside the park.

"Huh? No, how can I go? Ah, I can go, can I really go? Isn't it amazing?"

He Jian walked all the way to the gate of the park, and suddenly realized that he had walked all the way. Now, except for the long-term exhaustion of his leg muscles, he is a little uncomfortable when walking, everything has recovered before when he was not sick. look.

"Oh, I can go, I can go! I'm normal!"

He Jian laughed and cried happily. Passers-by saw him like this, and couldn't help but give way. There are too many mental illnesses in this society, so don't let yourself encounter them. It's like stabbing someone with a knife, and it doesn't show mercy.

Su Lin took a taxi and went straight back to Yanda's home. In the past half a month, she has been wandering in the mountains, and she hasn't taken care of herself seriously.

With his current image, if he went directly to the company, it would definitely frighten Su Bing and everyone else in the company.

When Su Lin went home, she packed herself first, took a nice bubble bath, then changed into comfortable clothes, and then went out with the box containing the silver grass.

On the way out, Su Lin suddenly realized that her mobile phone hadn't been turned on yet. She pressed the power button, but the screen of the mobile phone remained motionless for a long time.

It was only then that Su Lin realized that the battery might have been drained because the phone hadn't been turned on for a long time.

Forget it, anyway, we will meet soon, so Su Lin is not in a hurry, so she gets in the car and drives leisurely to Shennong Baicao Company in Wuqiao District.

"Hey, is it a holiday today? Why is it so deserted in front of the company?"

After leaving for more than half a month, Su Lin felt a little excited when she saw her company's building from a distance. After all, she, her younger brother, and the company's veterans made it up with one hand and one foot. After not seeing each other for many days, Su Lin realized that, It turns out that the company has already occupied such an important position in my heart.

However, when the car drove close to the company, Su Lin realized that the company, which was bustling with people and bustling like a market, turned out to be deserted in front of the door, and there was no one in sight.

What's going on?Is the product produced by the company unpopular?

Su Lin still remembers the scene outside the company store that was so lively when she left.Now the store is closed, and the company's door is also locked, and it looks like it is not in production at all.

Su Lin parked the car outside the company's gate, and she couldn't help being dumbfounded when she saw the sticker saying "Our company suspends production" on the company's gate.

No way, is it because of the lack of raw materials for Qingrong grass?

However, I have already purchased a large amount of Qingrong grass from Julin Town, and the Qingrong grass sent by Dayan Village for subsequent harvesting should be enough to maintain the company's production needs for half a year.

So why did the company cease production?

It was only then that Su Lin blamed herself. She had been traveling outside for more than half a month, and her mobile phone had been turned off all the time. She didn't even know that there seemed to be something wrong with the company.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Su Bing, only to find that the phone was out of battery, so Su Lin had no choice but to drive directly to her mother's house.

"Hey, sir, may I ask, do you know why this company stopped production?"

Su Lin was in a hurry. She saw an old man walking by with vegetables, and she knew it was a nearby resident, so she went up to ask him.

"I don't know, this company's business is booming. Since its opening, the door is full of people buying products every day. I heard that there is a limit on purchases.

By the way, it seems that in the last two days, the production was suddenly stopped, and the people who came to buy the product saw this announcement, and they didn't come. "

The uncle talked about what he saw with his own eyes, no matter how much he said, he couldn't explain why.

After Su Lin thanked her, she quickly got into the car and rushed to her mother's house.

For the moment, only by finding Su Bing can we understand the whole story.

(End of this chapter)

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