Chapter 187 Another one

Because, Su Lin saw that the thing protruding from the ground that tripped Panhu was actually a human hand hardened by cold.

That hand was extremely stiff from the cold, and it was completely bloodless. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was a branch!

Seeing that Su Lin didn't speak, Panhu looked down and was startled. Sitting on the ground, he couldn't help jumping back two steps:
"This, this..." "Don't worry, it's not a zombie, it's all frozen hard."

Su Lin was about to help Panhu up, but who knew that he suddenly let go of her hand, and then snatched the engineering shovel from Su Lin's backpack, and dug hard on the ground where the frozen hands protruded.

The first layer of the ground is floating snow, and there is no trampling of people and animals, so it is not solid.Panhu only dug for a while, and dug up the floating soil on the ground.

This place used to be a fertile land, which can be felt from the soft and frozen soil, and the more you dig down, the more you can see, it seems that there are still springs flowing below the surface.

Otherwise, the soil here would not be so soft.Anyway, it was the hand that was exposed to the surface, because there was no moisture, it was frozen as hard as a stone.

The feeling of the excavated soil slag is like the feeling of Coke that has been shaken violently after being put into the quick freezer for an hour and then taken out.

The ice slag was mixed with mud.

The reason why it is described in such detail is because the next scene is even more jaw-dropping.

Panhu lived more and more smoothly, and Su Lin gradually understood that he wanted to dig out the corpse inside.

Seeing Panhu's sturdy figure disappear inch by inch into the pit, Su Lin felt something was wrong.

Isn't it just a corpse?Is it worth Panhu doing this?

At this moment, Panhu's head was no longer visible, and suddenly a black object was thrown on the edge of the pit, and when it fell to the ground, there was a heavy "thumping" sound.

Su Lin picked it up and saw that it was an old-fashioned firecracker. It was covered with black rust and had been scrapped.

This kind of firecracker has long since disappeared in today's Xiangxi.Because the Huaxia Kingdom does not allow civilians to hide firearms privately, and now professional hunters are disappearing day by day, so even in Miao Village, this kind of firearm has become history.Only occasionally can this kind of firecracker be seen in the local folk museum.

"Come and help me, Doctor Su!"

Panhu suddenly poked his head out of the pit, then the corpse's hand moved suddenly, and then most of the corpse's body appeared.

It seems that Pan Hu wanted Su Lin to drag the corpse up.

It turned out that the corpse was buried half upright, so his hands were exposed on the ground, but his lower body was still deep in the ground.

If it wasn't for Pan Hu's unknowing sudden force, it would have been quite difficult to pull the corpse out of the ground.

Since the water gets richer as you go down, the whole body is still very moist except for the hand sticking out of the ground.

Looking at the pickled corpse, Su Lin gritted her teeth and stepped forward to help Panhu drag the corpse up.

Fortunately, it may be because of the extreme shade of the land, so although this corpse seems to have been here not long ago, it has not yet rotted.

However, the most convenient position to drag the corpse up is to hold it under the armpit, and Su Lin can't avoid it. In this way, the focus is on the shoulders of the corpse. However, as soon as the hand touched it, Su Lin couldn't help but Diwei let out a "huh", because under the tentacles, if the whole body was not wet and cold, it would still be quite elastic.

Of course, during this process, it was inevitable that Su Lin's hands would be stained with the dripping corpse water from the corpse.

Fortunately, Su Lin is a doctor, so the metabolites produced during the degradation process of the human body are not as disgusting as ordinary people.

It's just that it's okay for Su Lin to drag on the top, but the pan tiger below is probably even more uncomfortable. The wet and sticky corpse water probably dripped onto the pan tiger below.

Su Lin dragged it up, and Pan Hu sent it up from below, and the whole corpse was quickly pulled up.

Su Lin looked at the corpse, the complexion was like that in the ancient tomb

Pan Hu also quickly crawled out from the bottom of the pit. He was covered in dirt and mud, and there were still spots of stains on his clothes. He looked in a mess.

He sat beside the corpse, panting heavily, the digging and pulling really exhausted him.

"Are you okay, Uncle Pan? Why are you so interested in this corpse?"

Su Lin asked him, it was definitely not for nothing that it took so much effort to dig out the corpse.

"Do you see what he's wearing?"

Pan Hu pointed to the corpse, and then to the body.

The body of the corpse was pickled, and the clothes had been soaked in the corpse water to the point where they couldn't see the color, but since Panhu saw the clues from the corpse, Su Lin took it seriously.

A closer look reveals some similarities.

It turned out that although the color of the cloth of the corpse could not be seen for a long time, the style and material of the clothes on the corpse were the same as the homespun clothes that Pan Hu originally wore.

"Hey, Uncle Pan, can't the same person weave the cloth?"

Su Lin asked Pan Hu.

"Doctor Su, you are right. Although the cloth is not woven by the same person, the weaving technique is unique to our village.

You see, they are all twill, and the unique ending method of warp and latitude is unique in our village, and other villages are different.In our case, such fabrics also allow us to distinguish the identities of our respective villages. "

"Is this someone from your village?"

Su Lin finally understood.

"Yes, I think he was one of those hunters who went into the mountains with my great-grandfather's."

Pan Hu said.

"Hey, that's how it is."

At this time, Su Lin felt a little respect for this corpse, because he had embarked on the journey to find other companions without hesitation back then.

"Yes, my senior. I don't know what they went through back then, just look at the expression on his face."

Su Lin carefully observed the expression of the corpse, she was really terrified, her mouth was wide open, and although her eye sockets were shriveled, she could still tell that she died with her eyes open.

"The deceased is dead, shall we bury him?"

Su Lin pointed to the pit dug by Panhu, and motioned him to bury the body here in the normal way.

Pan Hu thought for a while, then nodded silently, picked up the engineer shovel again, and expanded forward along the hole he dug.

Originally, the corpse was half-vertically embedded in the soil. When Panhu dug it out, a deep pit was formed. If it was to be buried in the normal way, it could not be put into the pit hastily. Its limbs still cannot be stretched.

Therefore, Panhu shoveled forward with the deep hole.

"I'll dig a shallow hole, and when I go back, I'll discuss it with the old people in the village and send more people over to take it home.

It is always better for leaves to return to their roots.

There are no traces of wild animals here, so it should be fine to dig shallower. "

Panhu said to Su Lin while digging.

"Uncle Pan, why don't you take a break and let me dig?"

"How can it be like this, you are a girl, how can you have the strength to dig this? It's okay, we are used to rough and heavy work, so this amount of labor is nothing."

As Panhu said, he spat into his right palm and continued to shovel away the ice and dirt.

"Pop, flop, flop", just as Pan Hu was exerting all his strength, he suddenly felt that the touch of his hands was a bit wrong, as if it was different from those ice slags and mud.

Panhu saved some snacks and carefully pulled them with a shovel.

Seeing that his movements suddenly became solemn, Su Lin also looked down, and now she saw that with Pan Hu's light strokes, a piece of fabric was exposed again.

"There's someone down there!"

Su Lin exclaimed.

"Shh, be quiet."

Pan Hu's face was serious, and his voice became quieter. It seemed that he was frightened by the successive occurrences. He even looked up and looked around, only him and Su Lin. Only a little calmly said:
"They're from our village again."

Su Lin knew that Panhu must judge by looking at the fabric. The clothes on the corpse just now were intact, so it is impossible to miss a piece of fabric on this side.

Well, now that there was another piece of cloth, that could only mean that there was a new body underneath.

"Be careful, it might be the same group of hunters who came in with him."

In fact, without Su Lin's reminder, Panhu quickly scraped away the floating soil around him lightly, and sure enough, the prototype of a corpse gradually appeared inside.

Su Lin couldn't be idle anymore, she picked up a thick branch nearby, and helped Panhu dig it up.

After a long time, they also dug up this corpse, but it was not in a sideways position.

"Oh, it really is the same group of hunters as my great-grandfather. Their descendants are still in the stockade. If I go back and inform them, it will be a comfort to them."

Pan Hu said.

"No, there seems to be more below."

Su Lin saw that there was a piece of cloth exposed under the dug up corpse, and her scalp couldn't help but feel numb:
"How many hunters were there in total when they entered the mountain?"

"Maybe there are twelve. My great-grandfather is alive, so there are still eleven!"

"Then stop digging."

Su Lin persuaded Pan Huan.

"Well, I'll go back and inform the descendants of the hunters who entered the mountain."

After thinking about it for a while, Pan Hu also knew what Su Lin meant. It is estimated that this area is the place where the eleven hunters were buried.

Now it's just the two of them, and they won't be able to take them away even if they are dug out. It's not good until they are fully prepared in the future.

"Hey, then I'll bury these two seniors back first!"

As Panhu said, pinching earth for incense, he knelt down in front of the corpses of the two village ancestors, and bowed three times!

Su Lin helped Panhu bury the two corpses in the shallow pit.

Su Lin looked at the corpse dug out from behind, and noticed that the face of this corpse was still the same as the first corpse, with its mouth wide open and eyes open. It looked like it had been extremely frightened before death.

(End of this chapter)

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