Chapter 164 Communication
Dr. Gross spoke English, but Su Lin, who had been well-educated since she was a child, naturally understood it. Seeing Dr. Gross's sincere attitude, she nodded and led Gross to another small reception room.

From Fang Xiaomei's introduction just now, Su Lin knew the status of St. Mary's Hospital in the international medical field, and also knew that Gross is a well-known brain doctor, and also knew Dr. Gross's three free treatment He Yi How precious.

Although no one wants to use this kind of quota, if it is really needed, it can indeed save a life.

Of course, with Su Lin's current ability, it is impossible for relatives to use these quotas, but it is not surprising that Chinese people pay attention to courtesy. Since Gross treats each other with sincerity, Su Lin also welcomes them with courtesy.

"Excuse me, Dr. Gross, what can I do for you?"

In the small reception room, Fang Xiaomei followed up and brought in two cups of tea. As the Minister of Security, she was quite vigilant.

When handing the tea to Su Lin, she gestured to Su Lin with her eyes.

That means: if there is any accident, I will be outside!

If she knew that Su Lin was Shi Linna, she probably wouldn't be so worried.

Su Lin smiled and nodded to her, expressing her understanding and reassuring her.

Su Lin was very satisfied with Fang Xiaomei's performance in the company.With Fang Xiaomei helping in the company, she felt more at ease about Su Bing's personal safety.

Although there is no obvious danger yet, after the establishment of the company, the opportunities for Su Bing to show up have increased. too much.

"It's like this. Before that, Weimin Hospital in your country and I jointly treated a patient named Song Zicheng. Today I saw that he also came to your opening ceremony.

At that time, Song Zicheng's life was on the verge of death. After we discussed with his family, they agreed to use a new drug that we had developed but not yet on the market.

Later, Song Zicheng made a miraculous reversal and recovered his health. Today I also gave him a general check-up on the spot, and it is true that he has fully met the health standards of ordinary people.

This has also caused disagreements within our hospital. Some people agree with me and think that my new medicine has played a role, but some people think that it was Ms. Su who cured him with your magical Chinese medicine. .

So, I came here today to verify whether it was your medical skills that cured Song Zicheng, or our new medicine. "

"Hey, this, how should I put it, I think there may be cross-effects in it. Your new drug worked, and then my power of gold and stone also took advantage of it, so I think it should be our joint efforts. Song Zicheng was rescued and came back.

Besides, it doesn't matter who rescued Song Zicheng, right?The important thing is that we, as doctors, saved a patient's life. "

When Su Lin said this, Dr. Gross, who was very pedantic, didn't know what to say. He didn't come to China to prove the efficacy of his new medicine.

For a good doctor, figuring out how this dying case suddenly came to life is the most important thing.

If it is the efficacy of the new medicine, he is happy to see it succeed, but if it is Su Lin's miraculous medical skills that saved the patient, then his biggest idea is to worship Su Lin as his teacher and ask Su Lin to teach him the miraculous medical skills of treating patients.

As for the dispute with another doctor William, Gross is not even willing to mention it. Regarding the position of the so-called vice president, if he can better use his own medical insights and open up his own medical stage, Gross is naturally happy. Take this seat.

However, William blatantly wanted to compete with him for the position, and Dr. Gross, who was obsessed with improving his medical skills, didn't care at all.Besides, it doesn't make much sense to talk about these things with Su Lin.

As a gentleman, I disdain to win the sympathy of the other party.

However, Su Lin's answer made Gross speechless for a while.

"However, Dr. Su, can we further communicate in this area in the future? Although traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have always competed in the past, I think that both sides have their own strengths and may be able to help each other, just like we did this time. It’s the same as the case we treated together.”

After some exchanges, Su Lin found that although Gross was famous, he was a true academic intellectual, and she didn't feel disgusted with him, so she said generously:
"Okay, no problem, how about this, here is my business card, if there is any latest medical information, we can also communicate with each other."

Communicating with international celebrities is also what Su Lin yearns for, so she left her business card to Gross.

Gross accepted it respectfully with both hands. Although he is an internationally famous doctor, he always has a humble heart in front of equally powerful opponents.

Gross quickly took out his business card and handed it to Su Lin.

Su Lin saw that the business card of Gross was everything. It not only contained his contact number, but also listed his office phone number, private home phone number, and e-mail address in St. Mary's Hospital.

What Su Lin didn't know was that Gross would only send such business cards with complete contact information to a few important people.

In foreign countries, everyone pays great attention to personal privacy. Generally, they only list business phone numbers, and private home numbers will not be given to unfamiliar people casually.

Therefore, we can see Su Lin's position in Gross' heart.

Seeing Su Lin leave the small conference room in dismay, Gross felt unwilling, but couldn't say anything for a while.

Entering the VIP room, Song Wen's family, Sima Zhiqiang, Ding Sanshi, Sun Ziyi and other important figures were all present, and Su Lin hurried forward to thank everyone.

With the end of the press conference, Su Bing and Sima Xiaoyan also walked into the VIP room and invited everyone to the lunch buffet.

Sima Zhiqiang is most satisfied with his daughter's current working status. Although Shennong Baicao Company used to be a small company in his opinion, it was too condescending for his daughter to work here, but today it seems that Shennong Baicao Company has so many distinguished guests to congratulate. The potential is endless.

Moreover, seeing that her daughter holds an important position in the company, although she is busy, she is full of energy. Without the past, although she is excellent in academics, she hides a mental state of inferiority. Sima Zhiqiang only has this only daughter. Knowing his own role and talent, he was immediately relieved.

What's more, even Gao Fang personally came to congratulate him today, and the grade of this company was imperceptibly raised in Sima Zhiqiang's heart, and the worry that his daughter would be looked down upon by his classmates who had found a job in a big company disappeared naturally.

Ding Sanshi and Sun Ziyi were originally the most powerful guests invited at the opening ceremony. Unexpectedly, they are the last ones to accompany them today. Even the power of murdering photographers and videographers is not as high as that of Yang Function.

However, as big men in business, Ding Sanshi and Sun Ziyi didn't want themselves to be entertained news figures at all, so they were secretly grateful to Yang Function for helping them block the battle.

There are many celebrities in this VIP room, and as soon as they appeared at the buffet, they immediately aroused the pursuit of their respective fans.

Those who like entertainment stars naturally follow Yang Fun; those who pursue Internet bosses naturally like to follow Ding Sanshi and Sun Ziyi; and political figures like Cao Mushan naturally will not give up their friendship with Vice Minister of Finance Song Wen Opportunity……

A grand ceremony did not end until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

After seeing off the guests one by one, Su Lin and Su Bing suddenly felt relaxed.

"Sister, starting from tomorrow, we will be officially in operation!"

Su Bing took his sister to the factory, and all the machines were started, cleaning, pressing, distillation, extraction...all in an orderly manner, there were not many workers in the factory, and the entire production process was basically automated. .

Only in the packaging workshop, there are a few more quality inspectors to conduct manual sampling inspections on the packaged products.

Seeing the busy scene in front of her, Su Lin also had a gratified smile on her face.

"I won't talk about the hard work. From tomorrow on, let's work hard!"

Su Bing nodded vigorously. In the past six months of preparation, he has experienced various world situations. Although he has resolved many problems with the help of the local government, he has tasted all the difficulties he has dealt with, so naturally I have matured a lot.

The fluffy stubble that I had in college has also become rough and hard, giving me a little more masculine feel.

The siblings of the Su family were happy here, but there was an uproar in Zhao Zhenye's side.

He only found out about Su Lin's establishment of the company from Wu Xue's phone call. He didn't believe it at first, but after checking online, there was a live broadcast of the video on the Internet that day.

The reason for the live broadcast of the online news conference was that Ding Sanshi and Sun Ziyi arrived at the scene at first. Unexpected; the last thing I expected was that Mr. Liu's wife Gao Fang also arrived at the scene...

The more Zhao Zhenye looked at it, the more he became dumbfounded. Is this what his quiet and well-behaved wife who lived at home in the past did?

Su Lin actually has the skills to support such a big scene?

With so many important people, Zhao Zhenye knew that if he was alone, he would not be able to invite so many important people to participate.

When did my own wife undergo such a transformation?

Zhao Zhenye found out that he no longer knew Su Lin.

In the past, in his eyes, Su Lin was the child's mother, and it was enough to be a good wife at home.

When did this transformation begin?
Maybe it happened unknowingly since she took the initiative to go back to Yanda?
It's ridiculous to think of her as the quiet little woman who could be controlled with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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