Chapter 161
Although there are various details and problems, the pace of Shennong Baicao's opening is still unswervingly advancing.

Because of the opening of the business, Su Lin has also put all her thoughts into the company these few days.Although the company bears her own name, in Su Lin's heart, she is the assistant and the younger brother is the main one.So even if she doesn't like to meddle in the company's affairs, it's not good for her brother to make a fool of herself.

After a busy day, the employees in the company are basically off work. I never thought that the bathroom in my office was blocked.

Su Lin had no choice but to go to the public washroom at the end of the corridor to wash her face before going home.

However, when she left the public restroom and walked to her office, she almost bumped into a man head-on.

If this man didn't have a smooth chin and no beard, Su Lin would have thought he was Wu Zhiqiang, her coach at the Wilderness Survival Training Camp of the Big Bear Training Camp.

So, Su Lin was taken aback when they met each other, and almost called out Wu Zhiqiang's name.

"Hello, President Su!"

Unexpectedly, when this man saw Su Lin, he called her proactively and courteously.

However, this is also normal, the boss may not know all the employees, but the employees will definitely know the boss, so it is not surprising that this man can recognize Su Lin.

"Hello, your name is..."

"My name is Wu Zhihui. I'm a clerk in the general manager's office. I'm new here. Su Lin may not know me yet."

Wu Zhihui's attitude is very good, which is quite in line with the attitude that the staff of the general manager's office should have.

The staff of the general office are under the direct responsibility of the younger brother Su Bing. Seeing this, Su Lin didn't take it seriously. Although he looked a lot like Wu Zhiqiang, and even had the same name, Su Lin nodded and returned to herself. office.

After tidying up, she picked up her bag and went home.

Seeing Su Lin leave, Wu Zhihui couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his brow, because Su Lin looked at him just now, as if she knew him.

However, he didn't know that it was such a coincidence that his brother Wu Zhiqiang had served as Su Lin's coach not long ago, and he had just met Su Lin as soon as he got into Shennong Baicao Company.

Since he and Wu Zhiqiang performed tasks separately, he never expected that the Su family siblings would start a company together, and his sister would also intervene in the company's affairs. Business loopholes, although he has not found it yet...

When Su Lin returned home, she filled her head with all the data, as well as every detail of the company's opening ribbon-cutting, as small as the entrance of a family of guests, she needed to worry about it.

After working hard to start this company, Su Lin realized that it was not easy to do anything.

However, this kind of chaos only happened before the opening. Su Lin believes that as long as the company's business is on the right track, it will not be so chaotic.


After several days of intense preparations, the grand opening day of Shennong Baicao Company finally ushered in.

Although Su Lin still won't appear face to face today, she is still very excited in her heart.Because the process of starting this company was done bit by bit by myself and my younger brother.Now it is finally officially launched, and it also supports my own good wishes for the future.

In front of the company's headquarters building, there are lights and festoons today, such as balloon arches, colorful flags, billboards, and welcome bands. Although they are noisy, they are unavoidable.

There were quite a few guests who came to congratulate them. Cao Mushan, a high-ranking party official in Wuqiao District, and Jing Haotian, the district mayor, were local snakes, and they also introduced the company, so they naturally didn't mention it.

But when they heard that Ding Sanshi was going to come, there were no less than a hundred media reporters from all walks of life, but they were still quite mysterious about the background and origin of this company.

Because they have checked, the registered capital of this company is only a mere 300 million. Although the scale of the company is not bad, in the eyes of veterans who are used to the world's top [-] companies, this company Enterprises are not particularly conspicuous.

However, the long red carpet in front of them for congratulatory guests from all walks of life was a bit beyond their expectations.

Events like the red carpet show are actually borrowed from the entertainment industry. It seems that this company is quite creative in public relations.

However, who will be photographed on this red carpet today?Or is it because of the appearance of heavyweights that this solemn red carpet will be laid out?
All the veterans have speculated.

However, not to mention these memorabilia, even Su Lin didn't know who came up with the idea of ​​laying such a unique red carpet in the center of the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In fact, this start-up originated from Sima Xiaoyan, the temporary part-time head of the public relations department, because I heard that Sun Ziyi, the American Internet upstart, and Ding Sanshi, the CEO of the famous Internet portal in China, are coming. Unexpected characters are coming, so Sima Xiaoyan prepared this red carpet.

Sure enough, as the Yanjing traditional master of ceremonies cheered, unexpected distinguished guests appeared one after another. They all heard from various parties that Su Lin's company was about to open and came to congratulate them.

"Sima Zhiqiang, vice president of Huaqing University, and his wife came to congratulate him and send Qi Baishi a drunken crab painting..."

As the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Sima Zhiqiang, the respected vice president of Huaqing University, and his wife appeared on the red carpet hand in hand. Although he was a little surprised by this dramatic red carpet, he was well-informed and very Calm down soon...

"Song Wen, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance, brought his whole family to congratulate and send a pair of congratulatory Tang Sancai..."

"What? Song Wen, the vice minister of the Ministry of Finance, is also here? How big is this company? How can the vice minister of the Ministry of Finance like such a small company?"

Reporters chattered.

Generally, the people watching the excitement may not know it, but the reporters know that although Song Wen is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, the money under Song Wen's management is calculated in hundreds of billions, and the local leaders of the world's top [-] companies want to see Song Wen. , have to arrange a schedule, Song Wen actually has the time to congratulate the establishment of this small enterprise?
Song Wen brought his wife Wu Mei, daughter Song Yanran, and son Song Zicheng to appear on the red carpet in high spirits. Their family is quite high-society, and the four of them saw the media's long guns and short guns aimed at themselves, so they walked together and became goose

Song Wen's family was able to come, naturally, on the one hand, it was out of gratitude to Su Lin for saving their son Song Zicheng. The password, the decryption of this password, raised an unexpected huge sum of money for the Song family, and it was possible for Song Wen to go further, and with the approval of the family, reach a new peak in his official career.

And the recent good luck seems to be related to Su Lin. Besides, Song Yanran also found out that the Qingrong Pill produced by Su Lin's company is a great tonic for a woman's appearance, so naturally she tried her best to persuade the whole family to come and give it to her. Su Lin cheered.

Next, due to the appearance of the first two groups of limelight figures, the appearance of Ding Sanshi and Sun Ziyi did not arouse the shock of the reporters as before.However, during the period, there were still reporters who did not give up and asked Sun Ziyi:

"May I ask Mr. Sun what's his opinion on the recent brawl with the media?"

Of course, the reporter only got a polite answer from Sun Ziyi:
"Today is the opening of my friend's company, so I have no comment on anything that has nothing to do with it. If you are interested, you can ask my lawyer for an interview."

"Yang Fun, it's Yang Fun, why is she here?"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed reporter saw a beautiful woman in a pink sexy dress walking towards the other end of the red carpet. The person walking hand in hand with her was naturally her famous partner who was inseparable from her.

Speaking of which, the popular Yang Fun came here uninvited, but she asked her agent to contact Sima Xiaoyan before, because she has a cousin who is a teacher at Huaqing University, and she knew that the mole on Sima Xiaoyan's face was mysterious The disappearing secret.

As soon as Yang Function heard that Su Lin's company was related to women's beauty and beauty, he immediately became energetic. Apart from increasing the exposure rate, the most important thing for a female star is to keep her beautiful appearance, so that she can keep her current status. everything.

Therefore, through the matchmaking between his cousin and Sima Xiaoyan, Yang Function took the initiative to celebrate the establishment of Shennong Baicao Company.

However, the number of media reporters at the scene was beyond Yang's expectations. It seemed that attending such a press conference would not dishonor his own reputation.

Therefore, under the yelling of the reporters at the scene, Yang Function also cooperated with the couple to do a lot of poses on the red carpet, adding a touch of entertainment to today's red carpet event.

It was only at this time that the reporters at the scene realized that what they came to this press conference today was not just an irrelevant opening news.

They were attracted by Ding Sanshi at the beginning, but now, their group has split.

Reporters who are concerned about the economy have already entangled Song Wen; reporters who are concerned about entertainment are keeping a close eye on Yang Function. For the exclusive photos taken today, they will receive material rewards when they return to the newspaper office. Thinking of the satisfied smile of the editor-in-chief, big guy My heart is sweet.

Everyone thought that was the case for today's heavyweights. Unexpectedly, at this time, the master of ceremonies sang in a traditional accent:
"Ms. Gao Fanggao came to congratulate, and sent a pair of He Yi Hua Blooming Rich Jade Ornaments..."

Gao Fang?

Which Gao Fang?

The brains of the reporters at the scene were a little short-circuited for a while. It wasn't that they reacted too slowly, but they didn't expect that Gao Fang, the wife of the Prime Minister, would also show her face publicly on the occasion of the establishment of this small company.

Gao Fang, as a family member of a senior leading cadre, has no position, but as the woman behind Mr. Liu, it is impossible for her to avoid public attention.

None of the reporters present had heard of Gao Fang, but it was just that the Gao Fang sung by the master of ceremonies at this time did not match the name of Mrs. Liu's wife Gao Fang in their impression.

When Su Lin heard that Gao Fang was also present, she couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. She never expected that Gao Fang would come to the scene without saying a word. Such silent support was really a great encouragement to Su Lin.

"Hey, tell me, is this Gao Fang Mrs. Liu's wife Gao Fang? The one who pissed off the first lady in the United States not long ago?"

A female reporter of the media, her heart of gossip is no less than that of ordinary audiences, she still keeps asking a male reporter beside her.

"It's unlikely, maybe they have the same name and surname. Besides, isn't the name Gao Fang very common? There is more than one Gao Fang in China who has the surname Gao?"

The male reporter felt a little disdainful. He didn't believe Mr. Liu's wife would appear at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of this small company.

The appearance of Yang Fun just now has already surprised people. If you want to say that if you can take away her demeanor, it is really unless this Gao Fang is Gao Fang, Mrs. Liu's wife...

(End of this chapter)

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