Chapter 429 Paris trip (11)

The next day was Baishang Bioom's first show at Paris Fashion Week. Unfortunately, Su Ran's schedule conflicted, so he couldn't witness the scene in person, which was somewhat regrettable.

Xia Yunxi met Ian backstage, this mysterious man who had been famous for a long time but had never met before. It was Mr. Ian's favor that made Yunmo and today's show possible.

Jerry raised his orchid fingers and introduced to Xia Yunxi with a smile: "This is our investor, Mr. Ian, and this is Mr. Ian's girlfriend, Ms. Ada."

Mr. Ian stretched out his hand very politely, and Xia Yunxi shook hands with her generously, but she was amazed in her heart... I never thought that Mr. Ian was so young and so handsome, his whole body, every gesture of his hands and feet was full of tears. Nobility.

"Mr. Ian, thank you for your favor and trust. It is because of you that Yunmo is where it is today." Xia Yunxi smiled.

"Beautiful Miss Yunxi, I should be the one to thank you for maintaining the record of eight successful investments in Ian's No.40." Mr. Ian has an elegant and charming smile, and a magnetic voice with a British accent, which is extremely pleasant .

And kissed the back of Xia Yunxi's hand.

Although Xia Yunxi was a little shy, she didn't mind, this was their etiquette.

Xia Yunxi smiled, and took the initiative to reach out to Ada.

"Miss Ada, nice to meet you."

If she remembers correctly, it is precisely because Miss Ada likes her design very much and is a loyal customer of baishangbiom that Mr. Ian invested.And what Miss Ada is wearing today is exactly the blue petal skirt that Su Ran performed in Yunmo's first fashion show.

A total of three sets of this dress were ordered, not because no one wanted it, but because she deliberately limited the quantity, there were only three in the whole world, Su Ran had one, a customer in Hong Kong ordered one through Deng Jiaying, and the other was a customer from Europe , the other party was very mysterious, only reported the size and called the money.

It has to be said that Ada's figure comparable to a supermodel, beautiful appearance, and fresh temperament wear this skirt more suitable than Su Ran.

"Hello, Xia Yunxi, I finally met the deity." Miss Ada smiled.

Xia Yunxi froze for a moment, this Miss Ada actually spoke pure Mandarin.

Looking closely at her appearance, although she has a deep European outline and three-dimensional features, she has a pair of bright black eyes.

Is she a mixed race?
Xia Yunxi smiled: "Miss Ada's Chinese is very good."

Mr Ian explained: "Ada's grandfather was Chinese."

No wonder, because of this layer of factors, people suddenly feel a lot closer.

"Yunxi, I'm looking forward to today's show." Ada said.

"I hope I won't disappoint you." Xia Yunxi said slightly.

"I like your design very much. It has a strong Chinese style and is fashionable, which is very good." Ada praised.

Ian smiled: "Okay, let's go out first, so that Miss Yunxi's work will not be affected, and we will celebrate after the show is over."

"Okay." Xia Yunxi said happily.

Jerry sent them away, returned after a while, and said to Xia Yunxi, "Mr. Ian has already arranged a celebration banquet."

Uh... Xia Yunxi thought it was just for everyone to have a meal and get together, but unexpectedly, a celebration banquet was arranged. She didn't know if this design would be recognized by the industry!Whether it will be successful or not is hard to say.

It immediately made her feel a lot of pressure.

After all, Ian is an investor.

It could be seen that Yunxi was nervous, Jerry smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, Yunxi, I found that your design has made breakthroughs and improved a lot after returning to China. I think it may be because of love."

Love is a very magical thing, it can make people stupid, and it can also make people inspired, and Xia Yunxi is obviously the latter.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm ignoring you, I have to get ready." Xia Yunxi said with a blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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