Chapter 411 Loyalty and traitor (4)

Since the incident of jumping off the building, Jun's stock price has fallen by the limit for three consecutive days. Coupled with the previous turmoil caused by Jun Mo's resignation, Jun's shares have shrunk by more than 40.00%.

Today is the fourth day, which is the critical day that Jun Mo said.

Mo Haobo deliberately postponed the meeting originally scheduled for this morning to 03:30 in the afternoon, telling the secretary not to disturb him, and made a cup of coffee and sat leisurely in front of the computer.

Today, he was going to witness a good show with his own eyes, and he couldn't help fantasizing that Jun's property became his pocket, and the smile spread from his heart and came out from his eyes.

At 22:[-], the rate of rise and fall of Jun's shares unsurprisingly stayed at minus seven points. Just like the previous few days, it would take a few hours of desperate struggle before it would drop to the limit.

Poor aunt, she is at the end of her rope. Although my aunt asks for help from the Leng family, the Song family, and the Ning family, the funds raised are limited and cannot be of much use. She can only watch Jun's stock price plummet. fall.

Shareholders fled, retail investors evacuated, and Jun's shares, which were once hot, have now become a stinky piece of meat that cannot be avoided.

The defeat is like a mountain, and even the shareholders have lost confidence in the Jun family. Can the Jun family be saved?
And Jun Mo these days has been busy appeasing the family members of the deceased who jumped off the building and investigating Huaxia's problems.

Hehe, let's see how you can hold back his combined punches and this series of tricks.

At 09:30, the stock market officially opened, and Jun’s shares fell all the way, even falling below minus nine points, but quickly pulled back to minus seven points.

A call came in, and Mo Haobo answered it.

"Do you want to buy now?" asked the other side.

"Don't worry, wait until the limit falls before entering." Mo Haobo said calmly with confidence.

The tug-of-war lasted for about an hour, and Jun's stock price fell below minus nine points again. Mo Haobo became a little excited, and it was going to drop soon.

Mo Haobo picked up the coffee cup and found that he had finished drinking it, so he got up to make another cup.

However, at this time something unexpected happened. Just when the limit was about to drop, Jun's stock price rose suddenly, and the speed was like riding a roller coaster, and it went straight up, just a few minutes Things, and then stay on the limit board.

Mo Haobo was pouring boiling water when the phone rang.

Mo Haobo was still happy for a while, did he finally hit the limit?

Putting down the coffee cup, Mo Haobo answered the phone.

"It's not good, someone is pushing up the stock price, and the daily limit has already been reached."

Mo Haobo was taken aback, how could it be possible?Who has this strength?
That would have to be more than a billion.

Mo Haobo hastily walked back to the computer, and sure enough it was the daily limit, and, as many people paid for food, he remained firm at the daily limit.

"Quickly find out who is driving up the stock price."

Mo Haobo Khan has come down, he never expected such a situation to happen.

"Then, can we still go in?"

"You're stupid, can you still enter after the daily limit?" Mo Haobo roared angrily, and hung up the phone.

His face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

Jun Mo, it must be Jun Mo, because he knows exactly what's going on with his aunt, so it can't be her handwriting.It can only be Jun Mo, maybe, Jun Mo talked to Ian, and Ian does have this strength.

Mo Haobo immediately made a call: "Do you know what Jun Mo is doing now?"

"Master Jun is in the hospital."

"Which hospital?"

"It's Haicheng Central Hospital."

Mo Haobo gritted his teeth, is Jun Mo accompanying the old lady in the hospital?so calm?Is the ticket in your hands?
(End of this chapter)

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