my gaming boyfriend

Chapter 892 Self-aiming?

Chapter 892 Self-aiming?
But what else to do.

In addition to applying for arbitration, why can't they really beat them up?
Day two of the finals.

In the first round, DFG took full advantage of the advantage, pulled up the points that fell yesterday, and ranked fourth.

In the second time, I met SK at the time of six and seven. No matter how good my consciousness was, I fell in love with SK's superb marksmanship.

In the third round, many teams didn't dare to fight any more, and became more cautious, so until the fifth lap was refreshed, more than 40 players survived in the safety zone.

Unfortunately, there was a flat crop circle in the safe area, and there was nothing in the circle except scattered haystacks.

It is impossible to realize the tactic of eating chicken in this circle, and it can only be tough.

This kind of circle is an excellent circle for the SK team to harvest heads. They killed ten people in one final circle.

Jiang Huaichu really wanted to be tough with SK, but as soon as he showed his body, the opponent's muzzle seemed to have eyes, and even a small spot like the shoulder could be hit.

When the circle was finally closed, the number of people had dropped sharply, and even Han Yue and Mu Fei fell in the fifth circle.

At this time, DFG has already planted the second round in the hands of SK.

SK is really too strong, no team can go through a complete round of team battles in their hands.

The forum almost exploded because of DFG's ranking.

Because in the second day's finals, DFG's ranking was only No.4.

This is the rhythm of not taking back the trophy.

DFG has been a god for so many years, but was beaten so badly by a new generation team?
Sure enough, no matter how strong a myth is, it will always end one day.

The group of people in the e-sports forum felt as if they really saw the tragedy of DFG being pulled down from the altar by a newcomer, and some people began to analyze why DFG could not beat SK.

If Jianghuaichu had seen these words, he would definitely go to battle in person, and replied that my old lady could fight for another 100 years, who said DFG is yellow!Who said that! !
Some words in the e-sports forum are simply unreadable. Fortunately, Yu Xingyue had the foresight to confiscate Jiang Huaichu's mobile phone first.

The SK team still danced happily on the social platform without any concealment. They blatantly named DFG and said that DFG is nothing more than that. The old seniors must have the consciousness to make concessions to the newcomers, and even come to participate in PGL, and then they will be humiliated a little bit If they don't have any face, then don't blame the newcomers for not saving face for the seniors.

See what people say? ?
But at this juncture when everyone pushed the wall down, DFG took the materials and submitted an arbitration to the competition committee.

SK played on the field.

At the same time, the DFG official blog has already posted the collected evidence first, which almost shocked a lot of people's jaws.

Countless GIF format animations are all on that Weibo. Players who don't understand really think that the players of the SK team are stable when they see it.

However, those who know how to play and understand all know that there are many factors to consider when pressing a gun. How can it be possible to press such a stable gun?

And there is also a short video in which the muzzle of a member of the SK team is obviously aiming at another building. Then, without seeing how the player saw the person, the muzzle of the gun suddenly turned [-] degrees , Instantly aimed at the person at the window of another building, and killed him with a headshot.

There are finally more people who understand this video.

this is……

 Ahhhhh I'm coming I'm coming! ! !Sorry for being late! !
  I just fell asleep while I was writing, oh my mother, I can fall asleep anywhere QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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