my gaming boyfriend

Chapter 256 Successfully Won the First Game

Chapter 256 Successfully Won the First Game
From this angle, Wen Fengxi could just see the man coming around, he jumped out from the window on the second floor, and shot directly on the second floor.

This is the second head of Wen Fengxi.

Since it is the preliminary round, those teams with similar strength will not be matched together. Both the TF team and the SSSS team are ranked in the bottom few places.

This one can be said to be DFG's first show.

The DFG team is a seed team, and Wen Fengxi's popularity is very high. The director cut the camera to him one after another, watching his kill count increase from one or two to four, five, six.

On the electronic screen, DFG's standings are at the top, and no team has ever been shaken.

There are 25 players in a game, a total of [-] teams, all teams ranked after [-] are eliminated, and there is no rematch in the preliminary round.

"The circle cuts south."

"Seventeen still has a chance. He is going to KJ's cheers, is he trying to steal a back?"

"It can be seen that the KJ team has only scored 60 points so far. If the only seedling is stolen by Shiqi, it will be difficult to advance even if the ranking points are added."

"The GH team that Seventeen belongs to can be said to be the dark horse in this game. It has already killed twelve people. It is very fierce."

"I feel that the goal of the GH team may not be to advance to the top twelve. It probably wants to compete with the DFG team for the first chicken."

During the commentary, the audience saw Seventeen, who was about to turn his back, bumped into sigh head-on.

Wen Fengxi's hand speed and reaction were faster than him, and when the kill announcement popped up after his death, Shi Qi realized belatedly that the person who had just confronted him with the gun was actually sigh.

Jiang Huaichu smiled and said: "What is this? Is the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?"

Lu An also smiled and said, "Probably the cicada waiting to be arrested didn't sense the danger at all."

"There are still three teams on the field, and the other two surviving players of GH have been surrounded by DFG. In fact, the victory and defeat have already been clearly divided..."

Before the commentary was finished, DFG directly outflanked and eliminated the GH team, leaving only a single seedling of KJ.

Wen Fengxi's last shot knocked Cheers down and ate the first chicken of the day.

There were cheers at the scene.

"Let us congratulate DFG for living up to expectations and successfully winning the first game!"

Even through the earphones, the loud cheers of the audience could be heard. Han Yue and the others slapped each other, but when it was Wen Feng's turn, they were embarrassed and dared not make a move.

Wen Fengxi took off the headset and said, "Keep on."

Then there is the second one. There is no DFG game for the time being, so you can take a break, but the commentary is not good. Basically, one commentary lasts for three or four hours.

Wen Fengxi asked Luo Yong for a travel pass: "I'll go out for a while."

Luo Yong was sorting out the data of the game just now, he lowered his head and said something to Mu Fei, and after a while he realized and asked him: "Hey, where are you going?"

Wen Fengxi left long ago.

Luo Yong: "Run so fast..."

Wen Fengxi avoided the fans who were about to squat backstage, and found the nearest pharmacy wearing a mask, and bought a box of Golden Throat and Pang Dahai.

After he went back, he still did not escape Luo Yong, and was pulled aside to analyze his strategy: "Tomorrow we will very likely meet TF and SSSS in the second and third rounds, we haven't fought them for a long time, wait a minute You should watch their two games carefully."

Wen Fengxi said lightly: "Don't worry, they will make you look good."

(End of this chapter)

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