my gaming boyfriend

Chapter 249 E-Sports Don't Need Eyesight

Chapter 249 E-Sports Don't Need Eyesight

Xu Xin's head was covered with the big earphones that are common in Internet cafes. Zhou Hang turned around and saw that she was actually playing chicken.

Zhou Hang: " play this too?"

Xu Xin was still searching the house, so she glanced at him very quickly, and was about to turn back when she saw his thief-like outfit and burst out laughing: "What are you doing?"

Zhou Hang glared at her angrily: "You're so embarrassed! Do you know who I am?"

Xu Xin: "Who else are you, Zhou..."

Zhou Hang quickly covered her mouth, and whispered into her ear, "This is an Internet cafe, I'm an e-sports player, understand?"

Xu Xin was stunned for a while, and smiled extravagantly, taking into account Captain Zhou's idol burden that was heavier than the mountain: "All right."

Zhou Hang urged her: "Let's go, I won't be able to go home yet."

"Wait until I finish this game?"

Seeing that there were only twenty or so survivors left, Zhou Hang could only find a seat next to her and sit down first.

Zhou Hang was bored waiting, so he just watched her play: "Why are you searching things so slowly?"

Xu Xin walked a few steps forward only to find that there were still bullets in the place he just passed by, and he turned around slowly to pick up the bullets: "Isn't this normal hand speed?"

Zhou Hang was speechless for a while: " search a house in one minute, is that normal hand speed?"

Xu Xin blinked at him: "How long does it take you professional players to search for a house?"

Zhou Hang: "Ten seconds? 15 seconds?" He blinked and saw the hill outside the window, "There are people outside the window."

Xu Xin immediately turned her head away, "Where?"

"On the hill."

Xu Xin also leaned over to take a closer look: "I didn't see it."

Zhou Hang was very suspicious of Xu Xin's eyesight: " didn't see such a big green head?"

Xu Xin looked around again, but didn't see anyone.

Zhou Hang couldn't stand it anymore, so he pointed to Xu Xin himself, and tapped a spot on the screen: "This."

Xu Xin: "Damn it, how did you see it so far away?!"

Zhou Hang: "Why can't you see it so close?!" It's only 50 meters away.

Xu Xin is very innocent: "E-sports does not require eyesight."

Then she turned around and ran away after saying this.

Zhou Hang: "You don't want to fight?"

Xu Xin: "It's impossible to be good with a gun. It's impossible to be good with a gun in this life. Only a dog can make a living by lying on the ground."

Zhou Hang: "There is a saying that the poor eat the chicken and the rich express, do you know? Your boss is so rigid, you dare not go on it."

Xu Xin was actually quite confident: "Because I'm good food, otherwise I would be a flower in the anchor world if I went to live broadcast."

Zhou Hang: "..."

This technique has not been inherited to the beginning of Jianghuai, but the Saohua technique is about to graduate.

In the past few minutes, Zhou Hang only saw her searching the house, lingering, shrinking the circle, and lingering in another place.

When the circle finally shrunk into the wheat field, there was nothing to cover except haystacks, Xu Xin finally became strict and switched to Voldemort mode.

Zhou Hang looked at the number of survivors: "It's amazing, you can actually make it into the top six."

Xu Xin was complacent: "What's the top ten, maybe I can still touch the dick's butt."

Then after she finished saying this, she ran up to her by herself and jumped out suddenly.

Xu Xin didn't see her on the other side, so Xu Xin seized the opportunity and shot forty rounds at a time. After one-third of the shots, he didn't kill anyone, and was eliminated by the enemy who knew it later.

Zhou Hang snorted and laughed, "Do you believe in Buddhism?"

Xu Xin: "What?"

Zhou Hang: "Great Mercy and Great Mercy marksmanship."


(End of this chapter)

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