my gaming boyfriend

Chapter 187 Gu Zhigui

Chapter 187 Gu Zhigui

The young man next to Cao Bo is very young, no more than 2324 at most, about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a white casual coat, with a clear and handsome face, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with a faint His smile looks very gentle.

Cao Bo's words made the training hall quiet, and his eyes focused on the young man next to him.

There are only a few people in Jianghuai Chu, this game has just started, and it is not easy to trick teammates. On the surface, they pretend to be a good baby listening to Cao Bo, and the thumb under the table is still tapping the screen fiercely.

Cao Bo said: "This is Gu Zhigui, the captain of the 4s team. In addition to sigh, he will also be in charge of your daily training in the future."

There are too many hidden meanings in Cao Bo's words.

When the PUBG summer vacation youth training camp was established, only the TF team said that they would recruit a substitute in them, and the DFG team of Xishen had their own youth training camp under the name, so they didn't necessarily have to come to them to select candidates.

The ssss team only took up the name of one organizer, and did not explicitly say that the team wanted to recruit people. Now that the captain of ssss is here to lead the training, does it mean that they have the idea of ​​recruiting people?
That way their chances are much greater.

TF, DFG, and SSSS are all domestic first-tier teams, and have won numerous awards. Although the DFG team has a sign of a higher level because of sigh's debut, the other two are veteran teams, and their background is still not inferior to DFG. .

With a gentle smile on Gu Zhigui's face, he didn't look like the captain of a first-line e-sports team, but rather a civilized white-collar worker with a gentle temperament.

Everyone thought that Gu Zhigui was going to give a big speech like a new official, but he just smiled at everyone and said to Cao Bo, "Let's go."

Jiao Xingwen muttered: "Aren't the captains of these first-line teams appointed based on their looks..."

Not to mention Wen Fengxi, who is responsible for the beauty of the e-sports circle, just pulling Zhou Hang out can instantly kill the current batch of sunshine fresh meat. The captain of ssss is actually a handsome guy with temperament.

Jiao Xingwen was really right.

Jiang Huaichu was playing blue, and said without raising his head when he heard the words: "If this is the case, you probably won't be able to play in this life, but I still have a chance to fight hehehe."

Although they admitted that Jiang Huaichu's face was indeed very lethal, but they couldn't stand her boasting like a queen, and suddenly a group of people booed "Huh—"

"Hey, hey! I'm not telling the truth!"

Gu Zhigui followed Cao Bo to the lounge, and there was already a stack of materials on the table.

Cao Bo: "These are the information of the young trainees this time, and I put the best ones on it."

Gu Zhigui looked over one by one, and then turned his attention to the materials of Jiang Huaichu in hand: "Linchuan Jiang's family?"

"Ah?" Cao Bo didn't react at first, then glanced at the information, and said, "Yes, the Jiang family in Linchuan has a very large business. Not long ago, the old man of the Jiang family was pushing news on the whole network. , just like sigh, you don’t want to play e-sports with your family property, don’t look like she’s a girl, she’s pretty good at playing games.”

Gu Zhigui let out a "hmm" and continued to look through the documents.

"You said why did something like that suddenly happen to Chastise, and he retired suddenly without any preparations. Then who do you want to fill in for the assault position of your team?"

(End of this chapter)

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