Chapter 144
Jiang Huai Chu casually found a jeep on the road, and drove back to receive the news.

There are actually three openings in the airdrop hole, but the host of that post only marked one. Jianghuai Chu drove the car into the small woods and looked for the rock wall that the host pointed out.

As a result, we went around for several minutes, but Jiang Huaichu couldn't find it.

Wen Fengxi poked his head out of the window in a very arrogant manner and then retracted: "Send me the location."

Jiang Huaichu reposted the post to Wen Fengxi, Wen Fengxi looked at it for a while and said, "You drive at 35 degrees."

Jiang Huaichu was very obedient and heard the command of Fengxi.

"Turn left by the tree ahead."

"Turn a little to the right."

Wen Fengxi was still looking down at the guide on his mobile phone, but when he looked up, he found that the little jeep hadn't moved: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Huaichu coughed in embarrassment: "I'm stuck in the snow..."

I saw with my own eyes that the barrage of Jianghuai's soul car skills was constantly brushing.

【Your driver's license has been revoked by Xishen. 】

【Clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam clam]

[Female driver wants to be clack clack clack clack clam********** Huai Chu hurriedly remedied: "Small problem! You get out of the car first, I'll blow it out with a grenade."

Jiang Huaichu jumped out of the car, took out the grenade, pulled the string and threw it under the car.

A few seconds later, the grenade exploded with a "boom".

The jeep shook up and down, the wheels were still stuck in the snow, only the hood suddenly billowed with black smoke, and a few seconds later, the whole car was on fire.

The air was silent for a few seconds.

Wen Fengxi couldn't help asking: " did you get into the top [-] on the Asian server?"

Jiang Huaichu wanted to prove that this was really a mistake: "You believe me! I was not like this before!"

The teammates you choose, no matter how tricky you are, you have to fight.

Wen Feng sighed: "I'll go find the car, wait for me."

[Xishin is really good to the first day of junior high school, QAQ has a super good temper]

[I remember one time when I was driving a three-split car in a practice match, I overturned the car. Sigh asked him to practice the car on the custom server for a whole month.]

[I know about this too! 】

After a while, Wen Fengxi drove up a small motorcycle: "Get in the car."

Jiang Huai Chu sat on the butt of the car, and drove out with a buzzing sound.

Half a minute later, Wen Fengxi stopped in front of a rock wall.

Jiang Huaichu: "That's right, that's right."

After the words fell, the unique sound of snowmobiles came to mind behind the buttocks, slowly moving from near to far.

Wen Fengxi said concisely: "Two hundred and six."

Jiang Huaichu immediately took out his gun and looked for a tree: "It should also be looking for the airdrop hole."

The team stopped not far away, obviously seeing the motorcycles Jiang Huaicu and the others left behind.

Then several grenades were thrown high, directly forming an artificial bombing circle.

Jiang Huaichu's luck was really bad, a grenade fell next to her, and she had to run out of the hiding place.

In the next second, the sound of gunfire fell on her side, and there was another slight sound of a hard object falling to the ground.

Fuck, it won't be so unlucky.

Jiang Huaichu originally thought it was a grenade, but a shock of smoke rose from behind her.

Wen Fengxi's calm and cold voice sounded from the earphone: "Hide in."

The two people on the opposite side didn't know how many grenades they picked up, and they still threw their arms with their arms arrogantly.

Wen Fengxi raised the gun and pointed his head to the left, and pressed the gun down with his arm. The ballistic trajectory was steady, and it landed on the exposed half of the black head of the person opposite.

[DFG-sigh uses Scar-L to knock down jaleoc56458]

(End of this chapter)

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