Wife reservation: It's hard to get a black-bellied chief

Chapter 396 Believe She Will Come Chapter [-]

Chapter 396 Believe She Will Come Back
"I'm sorry, husband, I know it's my fault. I shouldn't just worry about Weiwei and not care about it. You know, I have always had your place in my heart, and no one can take it away." This Time, of course I want to say something nice, first get rid of my dear husband first.

"I'm not you, how do I know what you think." Lu Haoyang said angrily, resolutely.

"I've said everything I think. You're still my favorite person. As for Weiwei? I just want to know if she's okay. There's nothing else! All I think about is you " After finishing speaking, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips.

After letting go, he looked at Lu Haoyang with a charming smile.Sure enough, this move was quite effective for Lu Haoyang, but he was confused by Tranquility.The next second, he kissed her directly.All the words are blocked, nothing can be said, only some shy monotones can be uttered.

After a long time, Lu Haoyang let go of the tranquility. At this time, both of them were breathing deeply, breathing in the fresh air with big gulps.During this period, Lu Haoyang has been holding Tranquility and never let go.

"Jing'er, let's have a child! A child who looks like you and like me." I wanted to talk to Tranquility a long time ago, but the two of them have been busy all the time, so I didn't implement it.

Now things are almost settled, so it's about time.We've been married for a while, and my mother has always wanted a grandson or granddaughter, but Lu Haoyang has never answered directly, saying that the two of them are still young, and they want to spend more time in the world of two.

Now, the matter has almost come to an end, and I really want to have a love crystallization belonging to the two.

"A child who is like you and like me." Tranquility murmured these words, and the same words echoed in her ears.

If you want to know, I have never thought about having a child before, and I feel that I am still like a child. How can I have a child?Now, Lu Haoyang said such a word, like you and like my child, can it not seduce a peaceful heart?

"Yes, if you think about it, if there is a child who looks like you and like me, walking around beside us, that petite and cute look." Lu Haoyang tempted Tranquility's thoughts step by step, and guided Tranquility step by step look into that world.

Sure enough, Tranquility fell silent. I didn't think about it before, but now, thinking about it, I think it should be pretty good!So, nodded.

This serene nod made Lu Haoyang completely excited.Do you think Tranquility will think for a while?But he didn't expect that he would agree so soon.This was really beyond his expectation. He originally wanted to say that he would first mention this matter to her today, and then discuss it later. As a result, what he didn't expect was that she agreed so quickly and nodded. Can you not be excited?

"Yang, tell me, when we have children in the future, should we be more like you, or more like me?" Tranquility imagined what her child would look like.

"What do I think? If it's a girl, it's like you, and if it's a boy, it's like me. It's actually nice to have a smaller version of us."

"Yeah, I also think it's not bad. Thinking about it, I think it's pretty good." At this moment, the tranquility is completely fascinated by the child's world, and I can't get out.

After that, the two talked about finding a child, and of course they had to act.If there is no action, where will the child come from?It still needs the personal practice of two people, and only when he sows will there be reaping.

The night is long, but the two people, the two hearts are very close.

"Secretary Lan, let me know that this project needs to be done again." Dongfang Chen threw out the document and said loudly.

"Okay." Lan Yue didn't dare to say anything, and replied professionally.He bent down, picked up all the documents that had fallen on the floor, and tidied them up.

"President, if I don't have anything else to do, I'll go out and get busy first." When you go to work, you should look like you're at work, and you shouldn't do other irrelevant things.Although Lan Yue and Dongfang Chen have a lot of friendship in private because of Gao Yuxi's relationship, Lan Yue can still tell the difference clearly.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Lan Yue said what she had to say, turned around and left.At this time, Dongfang Chen called Lan Yue and said, "Secretary Lan, wait a moment, I have something to ask you."

"President, please tell me." Lan Yue turned around and said to Dongfang Chen.

"Has Weiwei contacted you recently?" With this sentence, Dongfang Chen really wanted to ask other people, but he didn't know who to ask, just right now, Secretary Lan was right in front of him, so he asked.

Lan Yue was a little taken aback, thinking that Dongfang Chen would ask about work matters?But I didn't expect it to be this.He said firmly, "No, Weiwei didn't contact me. If there is any news from my side, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Lan Yue was also considerate of Dongfang Chen, knowing that he was worried about Xia Wei's safety and wanted to know her news.She can understand this point, so before Dongfang Chen said anything else, she said it first.

"Okay, thank you, you can go to work first!" Dongfang Chen's thank you made Lan Yue's head short-circuit temporarily.

She heard it right just now, since Dongfang Chen said thank you to herself, she was really flattered, and she was also very flattered?When will Dongfang Chen say thank you for these two words.I have been his secretary for so long, and I have never seen him say it, even if it is with Ning Yu and the others, or a customer or something, Dongfang Chen has never said these two words, but now, he said such words .

After being stunned for a while, he still walked out, but his thoughts couldn't keep up.After returning to the seat, it took a while before I realized it.After that, get on with your own business.

As Dongfang Chen's secretary, the salary is very considerable, but the workload is not small at all, quite heavy.Fortunately, after a period of time, my proficiency is basically very proficient, and it will not be so difficult to do it.Not very important things, leave it to your subordinates to do.

The new little secretary is pretty good in every way, he can help Xia Wei quite a bit, much better than the others.It would be nice to be able to help out one day.

It is a great helper for Lan Yue to have such a person to help her. Otherwise, she would have to do everything by herself and ask about everything by herself, which is really tiring.It's been a while since I've been here, and I've gotten used to all aspects of it, and I can handle it with ease.

night bar
"Chen, what's the matter, you're not in a good mood, you're still thinking about it." Gao Yuxi said jokingly.

"I asked you to drink, why are you talking so much nonsense." After speaking, Dongfang Chen drank another glass of wine.

During this period of time, Dongfang Chen didn't even know how much wine he drank.Anyway, he didn't care, who Dongfang Chen was, he couldn't drink enough of these wines.To him, what is the money for this drink?It's not worth mentioning at all, he has plenty of money, even if he doesn't work for the rest of his life and spends casually, he won't be able to spend all his assets.

How much his assets are is not accurate at all. It is changing every moment and every second. No one can tell the ups and downs of those stock prices. Whether it will rise or fall in the next second is related to his net worth. , is up or down.

He doesn't care about this issue. The only thing he cares about is whether Xia Wei is doing well, where she is, whether she is thinking about it, and whether she is happy.

Dongfang Chen's words choked everyone present.Gao Yuxi didn't say anything, just drank his own wine.Ning Yu didn't speak all the time. Looking at Dongfang Chen's expression, he knew that he was very unhappy and uncomfortable, so he didn't say much.

If he wants to drink, he can drink with him, as long as he thinks it will make him feel better, that's fine.To drink away his worries, when did the rational Dongfang Chen also come to this point.

However, it is also a very good thing to let the one you love buy drunk for yourself.

It is worth noting that there were a lot of empty bottles in the box before leaving the box.

Drinking wine to relieve sorrow, worry more sorrow.Can it really be done? Maybe, I use alcohol to numb myself at that moment, so I don't think about other things, and I don't care about other things.

Ning Yu knew very well that if Xia Wei didn't come back, Dongfang Chen would not be happy, and he would not be happy for a day.The sadness in his heart can only be healed by Weiwei.But, can Weiwei and him continue to walk?
Although the events of that year were not related to the two of them, they were both victims outside the bureau and bore the answers to all of this.However, those are my family members, my relatives, so can I pretend that nothing happened?
Before, I had always suspected Wu Lifang's sincerity, and doubted her purpose of doing so.People have to doubt Wu Lifang's motives for doing this, but in the end, she still didn't do anything, and everyone knew that she had misunderstood her.She really just wanted to think about Xia Wei, not for revenge or anything, but simply wanted Weiwei to be happy.

Her purpose of doing this is very simple, that is, to make Weiwei live a happy life. As for the past, she didn't want to mention it, she just wanted to protect Weiwei, but, in the end, everything was exposed.

When Xia Wei left, everyone was very moved by what she said.She really thinks of Weiwei in everything, knowing that Weiwei wants to go out to calm down, she also begs everyone not to go to Weiwei and give her time.

If many parents know that their children are in a bad mood and leave like this, they will definitely try their best to find them.However, she did not do this, giving Xia Wei enough time and space, believing that she would come back, and that she would be fine.

Weiwei, I don't know where you are, but I also believe that you will be fine, you will definitely come back, and we will all be here, waiting for you to come back, waiting to drink your and Chen's wedding wine.

There will be such a day, you will not let me down!

(End of this chapter)

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