Chapter 337 Unknown Answer

After listening to Ye Yun's words, Xia Wei could probably guess what kind of scene it was. If Dongfang Chen was treated so enthusiastically, what expression would he have?For a while, Xia Wei missed Dongfang Chen very much, wondering if he was thinking about herself.

"It seems that my worries are completely superfluous. I shouldn't worry about him." Life in the country is very simple, but he is very warm to guests.

"Yeah, don't worry at all, just eat well and sleep well. It's not like me, worrying will almost break your heart." If you only look at the superficial scenery, you are indeed living a very good and happy life, but you don't know what's going on behind the scenes. How worried and uncomfortable I am in myself.

"Don't think too much, aren't you living a good life and happy now? Don't think too much about that." What's the use of thinking, and what's the use of worrying?In the end, if you don't torture yourself, who will see the pain in your heart?
The two fell silent, not knowing what to say.I'm in the same mood!They are all worrying and suffering for the man they love.But I can't tell them yet, there is no one who even has an idea.

After a while, Ye Yun asked, "Sister Weiwei, what are your plans and what are you going to do next?" I had no idea at all, if I had, I didn't need to ask Sister Weiwei, I just wanted to hope , she could give herself some hints.

Look at the blue sky, close your eyes, everything in front of you disappears in front of you, you can't see anything, it's like a dark hole, closing everything.Only when you open your eyes, you will know how vast the outside world is.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "I think it's time to say it. If this is the case, we are all uncomfortable and unhappy. What is it? We don't know what is going on. So, I I want to face it. Let's make it clear in person that we will bear the consequences together." Xia Wei thought about this for a long time and thought it over and over again.

How long can you hide it if you don't face it?In this case, everyone is tired, especially tired.I would face my lover every day, but I wondered why he didn't tell me about his other identity, and why.

Every time I see it, I will think of it in my heart, such a day is torture for everyone.Every time the words came to my lips, I still couldn't say anything, and swallowed again.The other party can also feel that there is a problem with him, but he doesn't say it.Anyway, invisibly, there is an extra wall in everyone's heart, blocking each other.

Since they chose to be together, they should be honest and honest, and there should be nothing to hide.Xia Wei didn't want to continue living like this, and felt that if she continued, she would go crazy.

"Have you thought about it? Really have to face it." Ye Yun asked softly.

Speaking of this matter, as Sister Weiwei said, I will feel better in my heart, and it is indeed the case.But, do you really have the courage to face it?After tearing apart the anti-counterfeiting, can the relationship remain the same as before?
Ye Yun doesn't have the courage of Xia Wei. To be honest, she is very afraid that Xi Xiang will leave her.These days, he has lived in his heart, and suddenly said that he wants to leave, can he bear it?
This is an unknown answer, and no one knows what the outcome will be.

"Well, I know, you will be very worried, so why don't I worry? It's just that what should come and what should be faced, I can't escape it anyway, I always have to face it." I thought about the cause and effect myself , If you can’t accept it, you have to accept it. Now that you know all this, it’s impossible to pretend that nothing happened.

It was not the first time that Xia Wei hypnotized herself and said that she didn't know anything and hadn't discovered anything.But it's useful, it's useless.In the end, I still couldn't pass my own test, and my heart still couldn't be at peace.

So, stop hypnotizing yourself, you're just procrastinating, there's nothing else but that.The longer the delay, the more uncomfortable my heart will be, and the more I will be tortured.It's better to make it clear earlier, for everyone, it's a relief.

"Now we are guessing their thoughts, but. Who knows, are they guessing our thoughts too? So, this is very tiring for everyone." Xia Wei decided, and she wanted to speak out , I don't want to continue to hide it.

"But, I'm not ready yet?" Did everything come too suddenly?I can't accept it a bit.

"Why don't you! I'll just say it alone, and you guys just pretend you don't know. I won't tell you and Tranquility. After all, it's because of me." Xia Wei saw Ye Yun's behavior Worry, so, decide one takes it all.

When Xia Wei said this, Ye Yun became anxious. She hadn't expressed it clearly yet, so how did Sister Weiwei know?So, he hurriedly said, "No, that's not the case, Sister Weiwei, I want to face it with you, and I won't back down." With Xia Wei in front and herself behind, what are you still worried about? ?

In the end, both of them talked a lot and said what was on their minds.Only now did Ye Yun realize that there were so many things hidden in Xia Wei's heart. She thought it was simply because of their identities, but she never thought that there were other things.

If she didn't say it, Ye Yun really wouldn't be able to guess.

Looking at such a thin person, how can he take on so many things?If it was me, wouldn't it have collapsed long ago?She couldn't hold on for a long time and collapsed, but Sister Weiwei still held on strong and persisted until now.

"Let's go, let's go back. Otherwise, Xi Xiang will look for you everywhere again. I should go back too, or my mother will worry about me again." Xia Wei also stood up after speaking, and she had been out for a while. It's time to go back.

"Oh, I see."

Ye Yun admired Xia Wei very much, a little more than before.After experiencing these things, she seems to have really grown up a lot, and she knows how to handle things better.Since everyone I admire will improve, then I should also work hard and learn like Xia Wei.

Sure enough, when he got home, he saw Xi Xiang facing himself with a dark face.Grandma was still sleeping at this time, parents didn't know what they were busy with, and my brother went to school, so the house was quiet, and Xi Xiang was the only one left depressed.

"Wake up, why don't you sleep more?" Ye Yun walked over, stood beside him, and said softly.

"Where have you been?" A cold voice sounded.

"I went to see sister Weiwei." Like a primary school student, Ye Yun confessed to find her whereabouts.

Standing very straight, she didn't dare to look directly into his eyes. Ye Yun still couldn't hold back those sharp eyes, so she better look down at her feet.

Seeing Ye Yun's appearance, Xi Xiang couldn't get angry even if he wanted to. He has already explained what he can do.The me just now was obviously very angry, why did I calm down so much in just a short while?It's really strange.

Sure enough, I will be affected by her, and it has become more and more serious recently. How could my previous self be affected by others?It can't affect me at all, what happened recently, could it be that I have also fallen into the vortex of emotions.

"Do you want to go out for a walk? I can take you out for a walk." It's rare for him to come, should I take him out for a walk?
"Yes." Xi Xiang answered briefly.

If you want to sleep, you have already slept for a long time, and you have nothing else to do, so going out for a walk is not an option.The weather here is not bad, and the air is very fresh. Where can there be such weather in the city?Now that everyone is here, of course we have to go out for a walk.

First, I went to the place where I stayed with Xia Wei just now. The stream there is very cool and the environment is not bad.What Ye Yun wants most is to sit on the grass like this with the one he loves, even if he doesn't do anything, lying on the grass together is not bad.

There are many roads nearby, blocking the sun, and only wisps of light come in.When it is quiet, you can hear the sound of the stream flowing, which is very crisp.Undoubtedly, this is a very suitable place for dating, and it is also the best place for dating.

On the way here, Xi Xiang turned around, and Xi Xiang showed a very unwilling expression. When he saw all this, he put aside all emotions.Feeling relaxed and happy, the whole person feels much refreshed.It's not stuffy, it's not noisy, it's a quiet piece of pure land.Sure enough, it's much better than staying at home in the stuffy heat.

Seeing Ye Yun kick off his shoes and put his feet in the stream, Xi Xiang couldn't help taking off his shoes and socks.The two played in the water here leisurely, Xi Xiang sat down beside Ye Yun, stretched out his hand to hold her tightly in his arms, and put his big arms around her thin shoulders.

Ye Yun was a little taken aback at the beginning, but she calmed down quickly.In fact, I would also long for his support. Usually, he always looks cold, as if he should not approach strangers.I don't know how long it took to get to where I am today.

In the end, Ye Yun took Xi Xiang to her previous school, not daring to go too far.When they arrived, they were still in class, and the whole school was very lively, so they didn't bother them much, they just walked around the school, listening to Ye Yun's stories about her childhood and the stories that happened here.

When Ye Yun said that when he was here, he had a crush on a little boy, Xi Xiang's entire face darkened.Anyway, she was in a bad mood, maybe it was because she heard that she had a crush on a little boy.

Where did that uneasy feeling come from, and what was the cause of the unhappiness, Xi Xiang himself didn't know, but he felt that when Ye Yun said that, he was very unhappy and missed a lot.I really hope that I, like Dongfang Chen and Xia Wei, have known each other since childhood and identified each other early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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