Chapter 214

"Chen, what's the matter, there is no response after knocking on the door for a long time." Gao Yuxi knocked on the door for a long time, but did not see Dongfang Chen's reply, so he pushed the door and walked in, but saw him in a daze, and said out.

He raised his head coldly and looked at the person with deep eyes, unable to see his thoughts.

Gao Yuxi is not afraid of his eyes, he has long been used to it, "What's the matter, what happened, here is a document, you are in a hurry to sign it?" Gao Yuxi handed him the document in his hand, if he was not in a hurry, he would He didn't dare to barge into his office like this. He didn't forget the warning he gave him sternly last time, so what happened?
The moment he stretched it out, he saw with sharp eyes that the resignation letter on his desktop, more coincidentally, let him see the two words 'Xia Wei' signed.

"Chen, what's going on, Weiwei is going to resign." After Gao Yuxi called out, he realized that he should pretend that he didn't see anything.Judging by his appearance, he was troubled just because of this, and he even stepped on it.

"Give it to me, where do I need a signature." Dongfang Chen was in no mood to read these documents now, so he signed them directly for him.

Gao Yuxi pointed out that where a signature was required, he didn't even look at the content, and directly signed his name, and then dumped it to Gao Yuxi.Then he turned his executive chair and turned his back to Gao Yuxi, ignoring Gao Yuxi who was still on the side.

In such a situation, Gao Yuxi couldn't stay any longer, he needed to calm down, and he was too embarrassed to disturb him here.He said, "Chen, think about it carefully, maybe, he has something to hide, I'll go first." Closing the door, he left his office.

When passing by the secretary's room, he also told Lan Yue not to let anyone in.He gave Lan Yue a deep look.Lan Yue nodded, indicating that she understood.

One afternoon, Xia Wei was busy with her work, she hadn't come over for more than a week, and there were many things to deal with.Even if she wants to leave, Xia Wei still wants to do a good job of the previous things and things that belong to her job category, just because of responsibility and no other factors.

Tranquility and Ye Yun's eyes were on Xia Wei's body all day long, and they looked in Xia Wei's direction when they had nothing to do.However, after seeing it so many times, Xia Wei is always working.He didn't notice the eyes of other people at all.

On the contrary, Tranquility and Ye Yun's gazes would always collide. The two gazes met in the air, and then looked at Xia Wei together, before turning their heads and busying themselves with their work.This is the time for work, not suitable for too many exchanges of personal matters.

And someone on the top floor, after receiving Xia Wei's resignation letter, has been in a daze, thinking all afternoon, why, what happened, why did it become like this?In my mind, besides Xia Wei, it is still Xia Wei. Now, there is nothing that can compare to her.

After get off work, everyone packed up their things and left work. Tranquility didn't dare to leave so fast. She was worried at all with Xia Wei's appearance, one thousand, ten thousand.Moreover, every time after Xia Wei asked for leave, she would work overtime when she came back to work in order to keep up with her work progress, and she was used to it.It was very abnormal today. As soon as the off-duty time came, Xia Wei packed her things, and then left the office very quickly without even saying hello to anyone.

Tranquility called Ye Yun, and the other party quickly understood, packed up her things, and followed Xia Wei.Since she wants to be calm and doesn't want to talk about it, then I will silently follow behind her.

The two followed Xia Wei all the way to the downstairs of her apartment, and they breathed a sigh of relief.I was just afraid that she might be overwhelmed by something. Now it seems that she just went home and felt more at ease.Although it was very strange, why Weiwei didn't go back to Dongfang Chen's villa, after thinking about it, it was impossible for Weiwei to go there if she wanted to calm down, and it was normal to go back to the apartment here.

"Sister Tranquility, you go back first. I live here too, and I will help you pay attention." Sister Weiwei went back, and the two of them could not follow if they continued to follow.

"Well, then I'll go back first, call me if you have anything to do, thank you, Ye Yun." Tranquility looked up, wanting to see where Xia Wei lived, wanting to see her figure, and explained, Also turned and left.

"Well, go back and be careful. If there is anything, I will notify you immediately."

On the way back, Ning Jing thought a lot, and finally sent a message to Xia Wei.

'Vivi, I don't know what happened to you, but I won't stay by your side all the time, and spend it with you. '

When going back, Tranquility was thinking all the way.If I hadn't taken a taxi by myself, I wouldn't have known where I was going. If it hadn't been for the taxi driver, I'd told her about it, and my peaceful thoughts would not have come back.

After paying the fare, he stumbled back to his place of residence, kicked off his shoes, lost his bag, and nestled on the sofa.Now she is thoughts, all of which belong to Xia Wei.I've known her for so many years, but I've never seen him like this before. Can you not be worried?Even if you force yourself to smile, talk to yourself, or hug yourself and cry, it's better than doing nothing and ignoring people now.

Years of sisterhood is not fake.In the past, she was the one who walked with him through the wind and rain. Now, when she is in trouble, he should also accompany her through the wind and rain.

When Lu Haoyang came home, he saw Tranquility nestled on the sofa, and even when he came back, he didn't respond to calling her a few times.Terrified, he hurriedly dropped his briefcase and walked towards her.

"Jing'er, what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell?" When has she ever seen Tranquility like this, except when she was sick, she would curl herself up like this.

Tranquility fell into Lu Haoyang's arms, and she felt safe only after feeling the warmth. She was really afraid of losing Xia Wei, a friend.For some reason, Tranquility also had a very bad premonition, as if Xia Wei would leave at any time.

"Haoyang, you're back!" Tranquility hugged her husband tightly, and buried her head in his chest.

"What's the matter, Jing'er, did something happen?" Lu Haoyang patted Tranquility's back lightly to calm her down.

"Wei Wei is back, but she's so thin and changed, she doesn't even want to talk to me." If she was willing to vent, she could comfort her a few times, but now, she has no reaction at all.

"Okay, Weiwei may be in a bad mood, so she doesn't want to talk to you. When she is in a better mood tomorrow, she will talk to you. Don't think too much. Are you hungry? I'll make something delicious for you. , okay." You can't starve your baby anyway, put other things aside first.

"Well, maybe it's up to you to say it. Weiwei is just in a bad mood and doesn't want to talk. It won't be like this tomorrow!" After being reminded by Lu Haoyang, Tranquility no longer struggled.

Or Lu Haoyang has a way to comfort Tranquility, Ning Yu's words, he has always only hit Tranquility, how can he say these comforting words?However, no one expected that Xia Wei just went back to the company for a day's work and disappeared again.

Dongfang Chen stayed in the office very late, and it was Huibo who called him to bring him back to his thoughts.The whole office was filled with the smell of cigarettes, the smell was very strong, and the ashtray was also full of cigarette butts.He didn't smoke, knowing that Xia Wei didn't like the smell of smoke, but now he can only rely on nicotine to anesthetize himself, light it up, and then watch it burn off bit by bit, repeating this for several hours.

It was Huibo's phone call that brought him back to his thoughts. After checking the time, it was indeed getting late, no wonder Huibo would call himself.

On the way back, Dongfang Chen's car was driving very fast, and he even opened the windows. Now he needs to blow some air and think calmly.There were no pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, couples walked hand in hand on the street together. Dongfang Chen looked into his eyes and stepped on the accelerator hard.It usually took more than half an hour by car, but Dongfang Chen only took 10 minutes.

When I came back, I didn't eat dinner, so I went back to the room directly.

This night is destined to be a restless night.When Gao Yuxi saw Xia Wei's resignation letter, she was very disturbed.Although it is not his own business, the two of them's business is even more important than his own. As long as it is about Dongfang Chen, both he and Xi Xiang cannot escape the responsibility.Tranquility is also thinking about Xia Wei's indifference to herself today, lying restlessly in Lu Haoyang's arms, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Dongfang Chen was still holding a glass of wine, standing in front of the window, looking at the dark night outside.This night is darker than ever.Xia Wei, back to the apartment, stayed away for a while, and went to cook. Although she couldn't be with him, her life had to go on.After dinner, she was still in a daze when she suddenly received a call from Aunt Fu. She immediately changed her clothes, rushed out of the apartment, and rushed back to the countryside overnight.

Right now, everyone is thinking that yesterday's time was used to settle, and today's time is used to explain.Everyone discovered that since the protagonist disappeared again, no one knew what happened.In this way, everyone's atrium was shocked again.

Tranquility didn't sleep well, she came to the company early in the morning, she thought all night, anyway, today I just want to have a good talk with Weiwei, even if she doesn't want to talk, I have to force her to talk, if this continues, She will break down.

It's just that I have been waiting, but I haven't waited for Xia Wei's arrival. Seeing that the working hours are coming soon, I still haven't seen the slightest sign. I asked Ye Yun, and she said she didn't know. I knocked on her door early this morning, and there was no one. reacted.Tranquility asked Sister Xili again, did Weiwei ask for leave, but Sister Xili's answer broke her down, "Xia Wei didn't ask for leave with me, but she submitted her resignation letter yesterday."

Tranquility didn't know how she walked out of Sister Xili's office. It was pitch black in front of her eyes. If Ye Yun hadn't helped her in time, she would have fallen to the ground.

In her head, the words of Sister Xi Li were all swirling. She handed in her resignation letter. She handed in her resignation letter.She really wanted to leave, without explaining anything, she was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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