The love of fast wear choose me super sweet

Chapter 725 The bossy president fell in love with me

Chapter 725 The bossy president fell in love with me (14)

Three years later.

"Faith value +20, total faith value 80!" The system sprinkled flowers: "Congratulations to Huan Huan Duck~~"

Qiao Huan lifted his eyes slightly, signed the document, and said to the subordinate who came to report: "Yes, we will follow this."

The subordinate took the documents and left the bright and atmospheric office.

Qiao Huan twirled the pen in his hand, and said, "The task is completed with 20 faith points left!"

In the past three years, her own clothing company has been successfully listed in the domestic market and gained a considerable market share.

The next step is to go public abroad.

After independence, Qiao Huan, a female entrepreneur, has gradually become the goal of young girls.

If only I could start a business like Mr. Qiao!

At this time, a bully will jump out: "He has a father like Qiao Guohua, what do you have?"

"In the end, we are still fighting for father, we lost at the starting line!"

"He was born directly at the finish line, and you can't compare to others in your efforts!"

"Effort may succeed, but it must be comfortable not to work hard!"


Qiao Huan used his own actions to tell everyone: as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something.

At least the employees who work in Qiao Huan's company admire Qiao Huan very much.

Just as Qiao was fantasizing about what to eat for lunch, Chen Yuan came in.

"Huh, didn't you eat while working today?" Chen Yuan deliberately looked out the window, "The sun hasn't risen from the north!"

Qiao Huan stretched his waist, "What do you want for lunch, please."

Chen Yuan smiled maliciously, "That's what you said!"

Qiao Huan put the computer into sleep mode, and was about to get up when there was a knock on the office door.

"Mr. Qiao, the new clothes that will be put on this Friday are all gone."

Qiao Huan paused and asked, "Which clothes are missing?"

Seeing that Qiao Huan had something to deal with, Chen Yuan simply sat down on the sofa next to her.

The assistant's face was not very good-looking, "All the new products for the new season are gone."

Qiao Huan frowned, "Aren't all the new products already finished products? Why are they all gone now?"

The assistant said: "The factory conducted a fire drill. As a result, the wind was too strong, and the factory warehouse was burned down. All the new seasonal clothes were completely burned."


The sudden laughter made both the assistant and Qiao Huan look over.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "I'm sorry, you guys are too miserable."

Qiao Huan asked: "When did the fire drill take place? Did the warehouse burn down? Are there any casualties?"

"This morning, the fire was just put out." The assistant said distressedly: "People are fine, but all the clothes are gone. For this new product launch, the event has also been announced."

Qiao Huan leaned against the seat, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Such a coincidence?That's when the warehouse burned down?

"What remedial measures have you taken now?" Qiao Huan asked indifferently, but N shopping mall spy battles had already flashed through his mind.

"A new manufacturer has been found to make up this batch of new products, but the quantity we require is too large, and the manufacturer will not ship the finished product in two weeks." The assistant said: "Now the company is trying its best to urge this part. But even so, The new time will definitely be delayed by two weeks.”

Chen Yuan couldn't help but said: "It's two weeks late, now is the best time for new products to go into season."

What even Chen Yuan knew, Qiao Huan and his assistant knew better.

Qiao Huan said: "Add money to make the new factory work in two shifts, produce some new products on the shelves within a week, and give customers corresponding discounts. Continue to coordinate this part, I will have a meal first."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Huan got up with his bag in his hand, and said to Chen Yuan, "Let's go."

Surprised in Chen Yuan's eyes, she said as she walked, "You just left?"

"I don't worry about their work." Qiao Huan walked a few steps and sent another WeChat message to his assistant.

"The burned part should be settled with the insurance company, and the specific cause of the fire should be found out at the same time."

I always feel that this fire is not that simple.

Chen Yuan took Qiao Huan to the newly opened Japanese grocery store.

Qiao Huan: "...Don't you not like Japanese food?"

Chen Yuan whispered: "There is a waiter here who looks really good-looking! That's the one!"

Qiao Huan followed Chen Yuan's gaze.

The appearance is indeed very good-looking, even more beautiful than some girls, and he is a little shy when he smiles.

Qiao Huan's eyes were complicated, "Do you like this?"

"Cute and cute, so cute." Chen Yuan explained: "This kind of little milk dog is popular in the market now."

Qiao Huan lost interest, and ordered something casually, "Do you want to sign him into your company?"

"No, I'll just appreciate it." Chen Yuan cupped her face and said, "I still like Shaoyou's kind. The sun is handsome and makes people feel good when they see it."

Qiao Huan knew that Chen Yuan was Yan Shaoyou's wife fan, so he said, "Then go and sneak him, with your status in the entertainment industry, can't you sneak him?"

"I've tried, but he keeps himself clean." Chen Yuan was half happy, half melancholy, "I just like his character of not giving up."

Qiao Huan suddenly thought of Chu Qichen who refused to be unspoken in front of the box.

However, he still accepted her upbringing.

"Tomorrow night there will be a big occasion, and many celebrities will be there." Chen Yuan said with a strange light in her eyes, "You come with me."

"I'm going to deal with this batch of new products." Qiao Huan glanced at Chen Yuan and said, "If I can't solve it, I'm going to be cold this season."

"It's at seven o'clock tomorrow night, so I won't delay your work." Chen Yuan blinked and acted cutely, "How about it?"

Qiao Huan: "...All right, come pick me up early tomorrow."

Chen Yuan: "OK!"

After the meal, Qiao Huan returned to the company to deal with the issue of this batch of new products together.

"After other clothing companies know about this incident, they are already preparing to launch new products in advance."

"The new factory is asking for a 20% price increase."

"The insurance company will only pay out after finding out the cause of the arson."

"Overseas customers are chasing our delivery date now, do you want to tell the other party the truth?"

Questions came one after another, and Qiao Huan continued to devote himself to his work.

After listing out the solutions to all the problems, Qiao Huan looked at the time, and it was already 01:30 in the middle of the night.

"Let's go back and rest first, and follow up tomorrow." Qiao Huan was also very sleepy, and felt that he could fall asleep just lying on the table.

Everyone also felt that if they continued to work overtime, they would die suddenly sooner or later, so they left one after another.

Qiao Huan locked the door of the office and fell asleep on the sofa.

Just sleep like this, there will be a conference call tomorrow morning.

Although the enterprise already has a scale, she is young after all, and other garment factories are staring at her.

As long as there is a little mistake, it is likely to be beyond redemption.

Or go back and ask Father Qiao for help?

Joe thought about it in a mess, and fell asleep.

Outside the company, a black Phantom was parked by the side of the road, waiting for Qiao Huan to come out.

Why are you still off work?What happened?

The man looked up at the office where Qiao Huan was, and found that the lights were off, but no one came out.

(End of this chapter)

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