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Chapter 137 Is Cowardly and Shackles 16

Chapter 137 Is Cowardly and Shackles 16
Qiao Huan did housework for a day. Although most of them were done by housekeeping robots, she was only responsible for simple things, but it was a day of work after all.

After taking a bath, Qiao Huan went to bed.

Seeing Gu Ni sitting on the bed in pajamas and reading a book, she asked casually, "Are you still asleep?"

Gu Ni automatically converted this sentence into "Don't you miss me?"

Qiao Huanhuan can be coquettish and virtuous.

It's so cute.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Gu Ni didn't show it at all, he was still doing his work indifferently.

"I still have things to deal with, you go to bed first."

Little girls are really difficult.

Forget it, just satisfy her once.


After Qiao Huan woke up, the feeling of exhaustion made it difficult for her to even get out of bed.

This money is really hard to earn.

Gu Ni should have already gone to work by this time, since she finished her college entrance examination, she didn't need to go anywhere.

After simply tidying up the room, Qiao Huan sat on the sofa and watched the news, and saw the police report that another incompetent man was brutally dismembered, so everyone should be careful.

The incompetent dismemberment case has become a serial murder case, but the police have never tried their best to investigate.

Qiao imagined that the original owner was one of the people who were killed.

Now that the murderer is still at large, it is a bit puzzling.

Obviously, the technology in this world is advanced enough to fail to catch a murder suspect.

The most speculation on the Internet is that because he is an incompetent person with no background or background, the attention of this case has not been high.

The comments on Starnet are also very interesting:
"Anyway, he is an incompetent person, and it is useless to live."

"The one who died was an incompetent person? The murderer is awesome, saving food for the empire."

"Incompetent people may also be in pain. The murderer is helping them out."

"How funny? Are incompetent people not human? If your children are incompetent, would you want your children to be killed for no reason?"

"That's right, I'm an incompetent person, and now I'm scared whenever I go out, I hope to catch the murderer soon!"

"It's useless for incompetent people to live, it's better to die."

"Incompetent people die when they die, what is there to investigate? Is it useful for them to live?"

"Can't you just stay at home? If you have to come out, die?"

"Why are incompetent people wandering on the street? It's a waste of energy when you die."


Qiao Huan drank the yogurt, turning over the strips with a blank expression.

This era is very unkind to incompetent people.

When she was in school, she heard similar words.

In the previous school, the people headed by Wei Silan took pleasure in bullying the incompetent.

In addition to verbal and physical bullying, the original owner was once jointly signed by the parents, requesting the school to expel the original owner.

The reason is that incompetent people have low IQ and are prone to illness, which will affect other people.

That time, the original principal passed the tenth grade and was arranged to sit in the last row. Grandpa Sun begged for a long time before the group of parents reluctantly agreed to let her go to school.

They just warned their children not to be friends with the original owner.

However, most of the people in the Imperial Capital Affiliated School are indifferent and disdain to bully others, and her grades have always been excellent, so she escaped unharmed.

But other incompetents are not so lucky.

After all, in the student days, being different means being different.

Aliens will be bullied.

In particular, incompetent people are more likely to be bullied, have low self-esteem and fragility, have low physical fitness, and low IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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