Xixia dead book

Chapter 253 The Finale of Death

Chapter 253 The Finale of Death (43)
Misha told Burdenko in detail about the history of Xixia and the legend of Mi City, and told Burtenko almost everything he knew, until the scientific expedition team encountered a black dust storm in the Populus euphratica forest, "Black After the dust storm, we were all separated, and I was alone in the desert aimlessly. Just when I thought I was going to die in the desert, I met your mother, Na Sijia, who was with the horse. Chang Guo together."

"She was with the bandits?"

"Ms. Na Sijia seems to have been coerced by Ma Changguo. She told me that the members of the scientific expedition team were either poisoned to death by Ma Changguo, or died of thirst. Ma Changguo wanted her to help find Hanhai Micheng, so Na Sijia was given water and food, and your mother also agreed to cooperate with Ma Changguo."

"Will my mother agree to cooperate with the bandits?" Burdenko was a little surprised.

"Yuri, don't be surprised. You haven't experienced the test of life and death, so you won't understand your mother's choice. Ma Changguo caught me. He knew me and knew that I was a scholar of history. Before he He secretly came to the camp to look for me, hoping that I could cooperate with him. I rejected him at that time, but this time he came to lure me again. I still don’t want to cooperate with him. I have already prepared for the worst..."

When Misha said this, he suddenly grabbed his hair in extreme pain, rolled his eyes, and made a strange noise in his throat, and then fell unconscious on Brdenko's bed!Buldenko was terrified by this sudden scene. He hurriedly used the little medical knowledge he had learned in the KGB to rescue Misha. After a quarter of an hour, Misha finally opened his eyes again, "You are..." Burtenko looked at Misha in amazement. Misha rubbed his temples, sat up from the bed, and murmured: "This is the sequelae of that incident. Now I not only often suffer from illness, but also often lose my memory. , Forget about some things in the past, especially the things in the scientific expedition team.”


"I wanted to just forget about those terrible things in the past, but fate made me meet you, and I couldn't bear to let you never know the whereabouts of my mother, so I changed my mind later, and wanted to get rid of it before I completely lost my memory. , tell you everything, what I’m going to say next is something that even the KGB doesn’t know, I’m afraid I’m the only one in this world who knows.”

"Then what happened later? Did you agree to cooperate with Ma Changguo?"

"Just when Ma Changguo put a gun to my temple and was about to end my life, your mother begged him hard and persuaded me, so I finally agreed to cooperate with Ma Changguo."

"Oh! That's right. It seems that mother still wants to get out of the desert alive!"

"Yes, I can feel that her desire to survive was particularly strong at that time. It may be all because of you. Not only that, she seems...seems to be more eager to find the lost ancient city than Ma Changguo."

"Why? My mother is not a greedy person?"

"I couldn't understand it at first, and I couldn't understand her paranoia, which was even somewhat pathological. She was completely different from the teacher I knew before. Your mother seemed to regard finding that ancient city as the most important thing in her life. She seems to have a strong sense of mission, as if the ancient city that disappeared in the desert should be discovered by her!"

"Why is that? It's also very different from the mother I remember."

"Later, your mother told me about her past, and I understood everything she did!"

"Mother's past?" Burtenko was very curious.

"Yes, didn't your mother mention it to you in the past?"

Burtenko tried to remember, and finally shook his head helplessly, "Mother seems very reluctant to recall her past."

"Didn't she tell you about your grandfather?"

"Grandpa?" Burtenko shook his head again. "I asked my mother, and she said my grandfather is a good man, a man of great knowledge, a man of noble status and worthy of respect."

Misha had a complicated expression on his face, and he nodded, "Yes, your grandfather was once a good man, a man with profound knowledge, a man of noble status and worthy of respect. But all this happened in 1909 when Curz Nove changed after he discovered Blackwater City."

"What is the relationship between my... my grandfather and Koznov discovering the ancient city of Blackwater?" Burtenko was at a loss.

"Let me tell you slowly that when we and Ma Changguo continued to march towards Micheng, Ma Changguo's men died one by one because of terrible encounters. God bless, Naska and I have been very lucky. When we arrived at the oasis of death, there were only seven people left, me, Na Sijia, Ma Changguo, and four of his subordinates. What surprised me was that Ma Changguo seemed to know your mother."

"Ah—he met his mother?" Burdenko was shocked.

Misha shook his head and continued: "No, they had never met before, and I was also very surprised at the time, but that night, when we were resting in the scary jungle, Ma Changguo told Nasjati It's your grandfather."

"So, Ma Changguo knows my grandfather?"

"Yes, at that time I asked your mother curiously, so Nastya told me about the history of your family, which is really a legendary history. Your grandfather, the old Baron Simonov, was originally a nobleman in Tsarist Russia. When he was young, he received a good education in Petersburg. He was smart, studious, and well-read. He was once a promising scholar. But later, the Simonov family’s family fortune declined, and your grandfather, although knowledgeable, was not good at management. , He also wanted to reorganize the family business, but it got worse and worse, and he owed a lot of debts. Later, he was sued by the creditors, and the court ordered your father to pay off the debts within three months, otherwise he would be exiled. Siberia."

"My grandfather obviously didn't repay the debt, otherwise I wouldn't have grown up in the cold Siberia." There was a trace of resentment in Burdenko's words.

"Baron Simonov was then exiled to remote Siberia, where he met a kind girl, your grandmother, and later your mother, Nastya, and the family of three lived a hard life. But your Grandpa was unwilling to spend his whole life in Siberia like this. His noble blood made him unable to bear the life of an exile. He hated money because it made him live here. But he started chasing wealth crazily because he knew that only Money can change the fate of the Simonov family! At that time, he heard that gold was produced in the Altai Mountains in Northwest China, so your grandfather went to China alone to pan for gold not long after your mother was born."

"Picking for gold? How did you get in touch with that ancient city?"

"Fishing for gold is not an easy task. Later, Baron Simonov failed to find gold, but wandered to the area of ​​Dunhuang, where he got a jade screen by accident. The learned Baron Simonov was self-taught Knowing the existence of the treasure on the interstitial screen, he began to dream of getting all the treasures in Micheng, but he was alone and unable to realize such a dream. At this moment, Koznov's scientific expedition team came. "

"Grandpa went to see Koznov?"

Misha nodded, "Koznov had already headed to the Sichuan region of China after digging Blackwater City for the first time. Baron Simonov blocked Koznov in Qinghai and persuaded Koznov to return. Heishui City, they found another jade screen in Heishui City. At this point, Baron Simonov could follow Koznov back to his hometown, but who would have thought that Koznov would bring the jade screen back to Peter Fortress, and claimed that he discovered Blackwater City, without mentioning your grandfather's credit, so that your grandfather will not be pardoned, let alone return to his hometown! Baron Simonov hates Koznov to death , but there was no other way, he had to continue wandering in China, and lost a piece of jade screen, but he still had one in his hand. During his wandering, the revolution broke out, and Baron Simonov also had the opportunity to return to China at this time. Petersburg, but he was not willing to go back like this, not to mention that he was born as a nobleman and was full of doubts and fears about the new regime, so he was determined to stay in China and find the lost ancient city.

Not long after, a revolution broke out in Mongolia. The black lama led a group of desperadoes and fled to China, joined forces with the bandits in China, and established a well-organized team. Baron Simonov was discovered by the black lama while he was wandering. And took him away, the black lama snatched the jade screen from your grandfather, but he didn't know the value of the jade screen, just when the black lama was about to kill Baron Simonov, one of the black lama's men rescued him. For your grandfather, this man is Ma Yuan, the father of Ma Changguo! "

"Ma Changguo's father?" Burtenko was shocked.

"So you should understand why Ma Changguo knew your mother even though he had never met him, and chose your mother to cooperate with him, because he knew that Naska was the daughter of Baron Simonov."

"Later, after the Mongolian agents raided Mazong Mountain and copied the lair of the black lama, the black lama, Ma Yuan, and Baron Simonov rushed into Helan Mountain together. There, your grandfather told the secret of Yuchaping Therefore, Ma Yuan united with those who were dissatisfied with the black lama, including your grandfather, and killed the black lama together, and took control of this team, but this team is not what it used to be, and there are not many people. Afterwards, Ma Yuan, your grandfather, and the other two vowed to find the lost Xixia ancient city."

"Another family has been involved, a terrible fate!" Hearing this, Burtenko couldn't help but sighed.

Misha sighed heavily, and continued: "Yes, a terrible fate. Ma Yuan later died in an operation to find Yuchaping, but Ma Changguo was lucky to escape. He inherited his father's ambition, He vowed to find Hanhai Micheng, which is why he poisoned the scientific expedition team. As time goes by, your grandfather misses your grandmother and your mother more and more. They are his only relatives in this world. So, Baron Simonov kept writing letters to your grandmother and your mother. At that time, your grandmother died long ago because of poverty and missing her husband. After receiving the letter from Baron Simonov, he realized that his father was still alive, and the two kept exchanging letters. It was in these letters that Baron Simonov told Nastya intermittently about his experience, and told that shocking secret, it was the longing for his father and the longing for the lost ancient city that prompted Naska to apply for the Department of Oriental Studies of Leningrad University."

Buldenko nodded when he heard this, "So that's the case. So, what happened to my grandfather then?"

"Later... Later, I don't know if something went wrong with your mother, or because of something wrong with your grandfather, the communication between the two of them was cut off. The reason why Na Sijia had a strong desire to go to China and find the lost ancient city was also It is precisely because he hopes to find out the whereabouts of his father, because he believes that Baron Simonov will not let it go." Bourdenko opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Misha waved him, "As for your mother's side? What went wrong, that's what you were going to ask me that day."

"Great purge? Was she implicated by teacher Yi Fengge?"

Misha nodded, "At that time, in addition to a group of people in China who were looking for the lost Xixia ancient city, there were also some people here who became interested in the Xixia ancient city. This person is Yi Feng, a famous orientalist in our country. Pavilion, he found the clues of the ancient city in the vast amount of Western Xia documents brought back by Koznov, and saw the jade screen that Koznov brought back. When Yifeng Pavilion knew the secret, He was extremely shocked; what shocked him even more was that he discovered a record of a monster called 'Kui' in a neglected Xixia document, and he believed in it."

"Crow? A monster!" Buldenko was shocked.

"Nasijia also confirmed the existence of this monster in his father's letter, so he firmly believed in Yifengge's theory, but Yifengge's discovery was opposed by many scholars, and his discovery was still Offended Lysenko, who dominated the biology world at the time. You must have heard of Lysenko, right?"

Buldenko thought for a while, "I seem to have heard of this person. He seems to be a biologist. He was once trusted by Stalin, but he seemed to be unlucky."

"Yes! It was him. It was because of Lysenko's persecution that Yifengge died in the great purge, and your mother was sent back to Siberia. You should know the rest of it."

"My mother has been unknown in my hometown, and I depended on each other until the scientific expedition team appeared."

"Well, when Menglev, I, and academician Arik proposed to set up a joint scientific expedition team to visit China, academician Arik thought of your mother, so he recommended your mother to KGB Chairman Shelepin."

"A transfer order from Moscow rekindled my mother's dream. In order to find my grandfather and the lost ancient city, my mother joined the scientific expedition team without hesitation."

"Yes, your mother has always regarded this as her lifelong dream, so when I heard this, I really understood the sense of mission in your mother, not only for herself, but also for her father and family."

When Misha said this, Bultenko suddenly had a strange idea, which quickly occupied his brain. It was a strong sense of mission that he had never had before, but which once burned in her mother.

Just when Burtenko was thinking wildly, Misha said again: "Yuri, you missed one point just now. The scientific research is not only to find the lost ancient city, but also to prove whether the discovery of Yifengge is correct? Is there any? The existence of that kind of monster? Even if only some bones can be found, it would be good."

"Do you really believe that such monsters exist?"

"This..." Misha hesitated for a while before saying, "To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, but Academician Arik told us that otherwise, the KGB would not fully support this plan."

"So you used that to impress the KGB."

"Well, the KGB has always been interested in these strange things, but we, as scholars, are more concerned about the historical and academic value of the ancient city."

"I see, you just told a story to Xie Lepin, which moved Xie Lepin!"

"That's how it turned out! We didn't find any traces of monsters during our scientific research, but..." Misha seemed hesitant to speak.

Burtenko stared at Misha, Misha seemed to be recalling a terrible event, "But we and Ma Changguo found a terrible skeleton by a strange lake, and that skeleton couldn't be compared with what we knew. If any creature is connected, Naska and I both think of that legendary monster!"

"Do monsters really exist? Then, what happened afterwards? Have you found Mi City?" Burtenko asked with concern.

"Your mother and I found Micheng, but Ma Changguo didn't."

"Oh! You got rid of Ma Changguo?"

"Yes, there was a stone monument next to our camp that night. In the early hours of the morning, Na Sijia woke me up and untied the rope on my body. This was probably Ma Changguo's biggest mistake. He believed it. Your mother didn't tie her up with a rope. In addition, everyone was startled and scared, sleepy and tired that day, and the guy on duty fell asleep. So, your mother and I overturned the stone tablet and crushed Ma Changguo to death. The four subordinates, your mother and I ran away and got rid of Ma Changguo."

"You found Mi City?"

"Yes..." Misha suddenly became dizzy again, gagging again and again, Bultenko handed him a glass of water, and Misha took two sips before recovering, "Micheng, I have never seen such a magnificent ancient city, Did you know that the gates there are actually made of gold..."

"Then what did you find in Mi City?" Burdenko became more and more interested in this lost ancient city.

(End of this chapter)

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