Xixia dead book

Chapter 103 The Lost 1964

Chapter 103 The Lost 1964 (40)
"Well, seriously, why did you ask us to come to the station?"

"Because Ilyukin is taking people to the airport!"

"Oh! It seems that we won't be able to leave easily."

"Here are four tickets back to Beijing. Don't worry, as long as you leave Petersburg, Ilyukin will have nothing to do with you. He dare not report to the headquarters and asks to check you halfway." Yelena handed over the four tickets to Han Jiang.

"That's good! Let's keep in touch at any time, and I will reimburse you for the bus and air tickets, ha ha." Han Jiang laughed.

"Who wants you to reimburse me? Don't be so cheeky, you have to understand that I blocked Ilyukin for you, and then, it's all up to you."

"Are you worried about Stephen's group?"

"Yes, we have searched all over the city for the past few days, but we haven't caught them. They didn't show up after showing up in the Winter Palace. It seems that they have disappeared from the world, but I don't think they will let it go."

"I see. Don't forget what I asked you to do."

"Of course I won't forget. If it's okay, I'm leaving. I can't stay here for long."

As Yelena said, she was about to leave, but when Yelena took a few steps, Han Jiang stopped her again. Yelena turned her head, looked at Han Jiang, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Han Jiang chased after a few steps, walked up to Yelena, put his arms around Yelena's waist, and said softly affectionately: "It's nothing, I just... just have something to tell you, the dinner you prepared on New Year's Eve , is my most memorable dinner in Petersburg. I hope to have the opportunity to taste your delicious food.”

"There must be a chance." Yelena looked at Han Jiang and said softly. After speaking, the two hugged tightly.

[No.17 Back to the East]

Han Jiang returned to Tang Feng and the others. Everyone saw the lipstick mark on Han Jiang's mouth and understood what had happened. Han Jiang quickly wiped off the lipstick mark on his mouth, and then handed the ticket to several people. Looking at the ticket, it was [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and it was still early, so the four of them had to sit on the bench and wait for the international train to enter the station.

Tang Feng felt that time was passing very slowly. He looked at his watch from time to time, and touched the backpack containing the jade screen and Misha's notebook.Where they were sitting, not many passengers passed by, only occasionally passengers in twos and threes exited from a side door of the station and passed by here.

Just when the four of them were bored, a round Russian man walked past the station. Both Tang Feng and Han Jiang noticed this man. He looked not much younger than Makarov, but he was well maintained. , rosy face, hale and hearty, and look at the clothes, you can know that you are a successful person.

Dragging a trolley bag, the Russian man walked slowly towards Tang Feng and the others. The man seemed to have noticed Tang Feng and the others. He glanced at the four people sitting on the bench one by one. When he saw Han Jiang's gaze, Han Jiang's heart skipped a beat, "This person's eyes are absolutely human!" Han Jiang thought to himself, and raised his vigilance. The man finally stopped his gaze on Makarov, and his footsteps Slower and slower, slower and slower, and finally stopped in front of Makarov. Makarov also stared at the old man in front of him. Suddenly, the old Russian man in front of him exclaimed: "Ivan, you are Ivan! Wan? Do you remember me?"

"you are……"

"I'm Pavel!"

"Oh! Pavel,...Mongolia."

"Yes! We worked together in Mongolia. We haven't seen each other for so many years. You haven't changed much. I recognized you the moment I saw you!"

"You have changed a lot, look at your outfit, where are you from?"

"Hehe," the man laughed loudly, "Yeah, we worked for the KGB all our lives, but ended up empty-handed. After the KGB disbanded, I did it myself. I first sold some business intelligence, and then opened a consulting company. , just returned from Moscow."

"It seems that you are still doing what you are doing!"

"You can't lose business! Where are you going? Who are those people?"

"Oh! I'm going to accompany those Chinese friends to visit Moscow." Makarov lied.

The man named "Pavel" stared at Tang Feng, Han Jiang, and Xu Renyu again, then suddenly changed his face, and said to Makarov seriously: "It seems that you still have many Chinese friends, do you remember Were those Chinese at the base back then?"

"Base?" When Makarov heard this word, his face suddenly changed drastically. The smile that was still on his face suddenly froze. Then he saw the man pulling Makarov to a secluded place in the station. Whispered with Makarov over there.

Han Jiang looked suspiciously at Makarov and the man, then turned around and asked Tang Feng and Xu Renyu, "What were they talking about just now? Who is that man?"

"It seems that he was also from the KGB before. I don't understand it very well. Let's talk about it with a doctor." Tang Feng said.

Xu Renyu glanced at the man and Makarov not far away, and said, "If I heard correctly, the man just now was Makarov's former colleague, and he hasn't seen Makarov for many years. They greeted each other a few times, but then the man said to Makarov, "Do you remember those Chinese in the base?" Then Makarov's expression changed, and I don't know what they were referring to What?"

After hearing Xu Renyu's words, Tang Feng and Han Jiang turned their heads and looked at Makarov and the man. Before they finished speaking, they saw that the more vigorously the man spoke, the uglier Makarov's expression became. It wasn't until the end that the man left that Makarov returned to Tang Feng with a gloomy face. Tang Feng saw Makarov frowning tightly and his face was extremely ugly, so he hurriedly asked Makarov with concern: "Old horse, What's wrong with you, what's your face..."

Makarov waved at Tang Feng, sat down, stared blankly at the railroad tracks not far away, and after a long time, he said slowly: "The man was my former colleague in the KGB, he mentioned to me A past, a terrible past! How I met him here is fate!"

"The terrible past? What is it?"

Makarov looked at Tang Feng, as if he was considering whether to tell the story of the past. Finally, Makarov sighed and said: "Then I came to No. 11 Lubyanka Square again. Let's talk about it."

"11 Lubyanka Square, KGB headquarters!" Tang Feng immediately became interested.

"Yes!..." Makarov leaned heavily on the back of his chair, and he recalled those years in the KGB decades ago.


Shelepin’s loss of political power made Makarov anxious all day long, but he never expected that when he was at a loss what to do, an order from Moscow brought him into Lubyanka Square again. Number.

Just like the first time he came to No. 11 Lubyanka Square, this time, Makarov felt unprecedented fear, anxiety and depression. He was brought into the new KGB chairman Yuri Vladimirovich. · Andropov's office, this is a large and luxurious office, located on the third floor of the KGB headquarters building, overlooking the entire Dzerzhinsky Square, a row of telephones are placed on the large desk, there is a direct political There are special lines directly to the Ministry of Defense, and there are direct lines to various departments under the KGB. Of course, the most important thing is the special line directly to the Kremlin.

When Makarov saw Andropov for the first time, he couldn't see through Andropov's wide glasses that the new KGB chairman would rise to the pinnacle of power in the future.At this time, in Makarov's eyes, Andropov, who was wearing a black suit and wide-rimmed glasses, was more like a university professor or an engineer from a factory.

Andropov was reviewing the documents sent by his secretary. He stroked his glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Makarov in front of him, and said calmly: "Comrade Makarov, please sit down!" Andropov Bov didn't have the sharp eyes of Shelepin, at least not in front of Makarov!His words are kind and his eyes are fatherly. This may be the different impressions left by the two influential figures in the political arena on Makarov.

Makarov was still anxious, a trace of sweat dripped from his forehead, he didn't understand what important matter would make the chairman of the KGB summon him in person in spite of his busy schedule!Andropov finished reviewing the last document, looked up at Makarov, looked at him carefully, and then directly said Makarov's name and father's name: "Comrade Ivan Petrovich, you know Why have you been invited here?"

Makarov was taken aback. It seemed that the big man across from him knew him well. He collected himself and replied in a soldier's tone, "I don't know."

Andropov saw the tension in Makarov's heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Ivan Petrovich, don't be nervous, relax, I have read all your files before you came, your files Among them, there are two points that attracted my attention. First, you are indeed very good, with outstanding abilities in all aspects, which is very good; second, before you joined us, you served in the 39th Army of the Baikal Military District, and also I have been to Outer Mongolia and China, which attracted me even more; I think it is these two points that attracted my predecessor, Comrade Shelepin.”

When Andropov mentioned the name of Sherepin, Makarov couldn't help trembling. His brain, which was still trying to figure out Andropov's intention to call him here, was completely blank at the moment. , Makarov's subtle changes did not escape Andropov's eyes, and Andropov put away his smile, and said expressionlessly: "With all due respect, Ivan Petrovich, Recently, I have received a lot of comments and reports that are not good for you..." Hearing this, Makarov's whole body began to stiffen, and he couldn't hear Andropov's words at all, because at this moment, he remembered The ghosts who died in Lubyanka during the "Great Cleansing" in the 30s.

Just when Makarov thought that his fate was approaching, Andropov suddenly stood up from the chair behind the desk. Makarov was startled and stood up too. Andropov went on to say: : "Although these accusations and unfavorable remarks are very detrimental to you, I have never easily believed them. You can rest assured that all the accusations and unfavorable remarks against you will come to an end with me." Andropo Andropov paused for a moment, then walked to the huge map hanging on the wall. Andropov stared at the huge map for a long time, then suddenly turned and asked Makarov: "Do you want to go to the East again?" ?"

"East?" Makarov was confused.

"Yes! The East, Baikal, Tuva, Mongolia, and China!"

"China? Isn't our relationship with China very tense now? Do you want me to sneak into China?" Makarov became more and more nervous.

"No! I don't have this plan yet, what I mean is, it's just possible! You probably know something about China's domestic situation. China is going through a... In Chinese's own words, it's called the 'Unprecedented Cultural Revolution', They are so heavily guarded that you have no chance of sneaking into China."

Makarov calmed down a little, and saw Andropov pointing to the Sino-Mongolian border on the map, and said to Makarov: "The thing is like this. In the past few months, the Mongolian border guards have frequently Our intelligence personnel there reported that there have been illegal border crossers from China in recent months."

"Illegal border crossers? Border herders?"

"No! Not only herdsmen, but also many so-called 'educated youths'."

"Educated youth? I have heard that they are all young students from the city!"

"Yeah, they're not local, so...so suspicious."

"You are worried that these people may be mixed with Chinese intelligence personnel."

"Hmm! It's entirely possible, but my intuition tells me that it's not that simple."

"Then my mission is..."

"Your task is to go to Outer Mongolia to investigate the details of these people. If there are indeed Chinese intelligence personnel among these people, you must understand their intentions and report to me at any time; Those who develop us among these people, and then send back to China, dear Ivan Petrovich, you should also know that since our relationship with China broke down, our intelligence personnel have been very difficult to penetrate into China, so, you We must remember that after knowing the details of these people, it is very important to develop our people among these people!"

Makarov roughly understood his mission, and his heart that had just calmed down became tangled again. He sent himself to distant Mongolia, from Leningrad to Mongolia, thousands of miles away. What important task?It was just his exile in disguise. He understood that he had completely fallen out of favor in the KGB. If the leader could not be satisfied with this mission, then more serious consequences awaited him!

After thinking about all this, Makarov stood at attention with a heavy heart, saluted Andropov, and said, "Please rest assured, chief, I promise to complete the task."

Andropov nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the phone and told the secretary on the other end: "Call Burdenko in." Burtenko?Makarov wondered, what kind of person is this Buldenko?Not long after, the door of the KGB chairman's office opened, and a tall, thin man in a colonel's uniform appeared at the door.

Andropov pointed to the colonel who came in, and introduced to Makarov: "This is Comrade Buldenko. He will be your deputy and cooperate with your actions."

"What? I'm sorry, Comrade Chairman, did I hear correctly? My military rank is only a major." Makarov was puzzled by the arrangement of letting a colonel act as the major's deputy.

"No! That's right. Although Comrade Bultenko's military rank is higher than yours, but this time he committed crimes and meritorious deeds. Therefore, you are in charge of this mission. Comrade Bultenko will fully support your work."

"Did crime and meritorious deeds?" Makarov was surprised again.

"Yes, this time I am guilty and meritorious, Comrade Makarov, I am happy to carry out this mission with you." As he spoke, Buldenko extended his hand to Makarov in a friendly manner, and introduced himself: "Yuri Pavlovich Burdenko."

"Ivan Petrovich Makarov." Makarov also stretched out his hand. Although Buldenko's words were very polite, Makarov felt a chill from his cold hand.

Not allowing Makarov to think too much, Andropov said again: "Comrade Bultenko will explain some specific matters to you. I hope your operation will be successful!"

Makarov and Buldenko stood at attention and saluted. Afterwards, the two exited Andropov's office and walked through the complicated corridors of the KGB headquarters building. , Neither of them spoke, Makarov was still thinking wildly, what kind of person is this Colonel Brdenko?What did he do wrong for committing a crime?
The two came to a white Volga car downstairs in silence, and then Bourtenko said first: "How is it? Is there something wrong? If nothing, accompany me to a place."

"Where?" Makarov asked back.

"Mount Lenin!"

"Mount Lenin?" Makarov hesitated for a moment, and Buldenko explained, "It's Moscow University."

"Why go to Moscow University?" Makarov was at a loss.

"Isn't this going to Mongolia? I want to borrow some books and materials in this area. In addition, I have some questions to ask the professors of Moscow University." Buldenko's explanation made Makarov feel that this person has a lot of work. Rigorous, by no means comparable to ordinary agents.

The two got into the car. While driving, Buldenko stared at Makarov, who was depressed in the rearview mirror, and asked, "You seem a little unhappy?"

"It's a little bit. Thinking of going to such a far place..." Makarov hesitated to speak.

"Hehe, it looks like you just sit in an office in an agency all day long, traveling far away...why, you can't bear to part with your wife and children?

"I don't have kids yet."

(End of this chapter)

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