The reborn prostitute will turn the sky

Chapter 718 The Grace of Not Killing

Chapter 718 The Grace of Not Killing
After Zhenren Zhang left, Wang Chenyang sat down and Diecui stood aside blankly. When she noticed that Wang Chenyang's eyes swept over her, she was stunned for a moment, then covered her ears, and shouted: "I Didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, really, really."

Seeing Diecui's nervous look, Wang Chenyang immediately smiled, she looked at Diecui, pretending to be surprised and asked: "What are you doing, I haven't done anything to you yet?"

Diecui looked at Wang Chenyang, pouted and said: "I, I am a slave, now I hear something that I shouldn't hear, see something I shouldn't see, princess, you won't kill me to silence me Bar?"

Wang Chenyang curled his lips slightly, and said with a smile: "If I really don't want you to hear things you shouldn't hear and see things you don't want to see, do you think you'll still be alive?"

Diecui snorted, looked up at Wang Chenyang, was startled at first, then said with a smile: "Prince Concubine, what do you mean, you won't kill me?"

Wang Chenyang raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't think of a reason to kill you."

After hearing this, Diecui quickly patted her chest, and said: "Prince Concubine, trust me, I will never leak out what happened today, if I leak out, I will be struck by lightning, and I will die."

Wang Chenyang gave a grin, and said with a smile: "I see."

Looking at Wang Chenyang, she still had a smile on her face. It seemed that she had never doubted herself at all, she trusted herself very much. Diecui's heart moved, and she said with a smile again: "Prince Concubine, you are so kind to me."

Wang Chenyang looked at Diecui, the other party had a grateful smile on her face, and Wang Chenyang's smile became deeper and deeper. She held the handle, as if she was about to lift something, Diecui quickly reached out her hand, supported Wang Chenyang, and said : "Princess, where are you going?"

Seeing her confused look, Wang Chenyang laughed again, and said: "It's almost dawn, if you don't go to rest, if you let Aze know, you will definitely die of anger."

After being mentioned by Wang Chenyang, Diecui finally realized that she nodded quickly and said, "Prince and Concubine, I will help you to rest."

Duanmuze, who was far away in the southwest, sneezed at this time. He looked up at the sky. The moonlight was thick and full at this time, but it was a pity that he was in two places, and he might have a lovesickness.

"Prince, we will be in the southwest in two days. Do you think we should say hello to Shu Ying?" So Liang asked standing behind Duan Mu Ze.

Comb Ying has already arrived in the southwest, so it must have been settled.

Duan Muze thought for a while, then shook his head, and said, "Forget it, he had a peaceful life so hard, so don't bother him."

So Liang let out a cry, looked at Duanmu Ze's frowning, and asked, "Is the prince worried about the master?"

Duan Muze did not deny it, nodded, and said: "She is so disobedient, without me by my side, I don't know what she would do."

Hearing the pampering in his tone, Shu Liang smiled and said: "Prince, don't worry, although the master is sometimes disobedient, but he will take care of you and the child in his stomach, and he will definitely restrain himself."

Hearing this, Duan Muze just shook his head and said: "I understand her, she is a stubborn person, there are some things, even if you know you can't do it, you will still do it."

So Liang made a sound, looked at Duanmuze, wanted to say something, but held back, he looked at Duanmuze and said: "Prince, don't worry too much, auspicious people have their own appearance, I believe the master does too."

Duan Muze nodded slightly, but said nothing.

He said he wasn't worried, but he couldn't help worrying in his heart, Ah Chen, you must wait for me to go back.

In the early court, the emperor didn't see Ling Su, he was very curious, so he asked people to ask, people came back and forth, saying that Ling Su was sick, that's why he didn't go to the morning court.

The emperor frowned when he heard this, and said: "Since you are sick, don't stay outside the palace, let him come to the palace, and I will let the imperial doctor show him."

Therefore, Ling Su still entered the palace and went to the imperial study to face the saint.

The emperor looked at him, he was pale and looked very weak, the emperor smiled and asked calmly, "What disease is this?"

Ling Su squeezed out a pale smile and said, "It's nothing, it's just a bit of cold."

The emperor nodded and said: "The wind and cold can be big or small, don't stand still, sit down first, I have someone call the imperial doctor, let the imperial doctor show you."

Ling Su let out a cry, didn't say anything, and sat down directly.

The imperial doctor came, waiting for the emperor's order, he naturally did not dare to neglect, he checked Ling Su's pulse, and said: "Lord Ling is fine, just need to rest more."

The emperor nodded, looked at Ling Su and said, "Then rest more, don't worry about things these days."

Ling Su had no objection, but still nodded and said, "Thank you, Lord Long En."

The emperor waved his hand and said, "You go back first, I'll have someone deliver the medicine you caught to your house later."

Ling Su didn't stay too long, he stood up, kowtowed, got up and walked out of the imperial study.

After Ling Su went out, the emperor looked at the imperial physician and asked, "How is he?"

The imperial doctor stood up, knelt down in front of the emperor, and said, "Return to the emperor, the poison in his body has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and in a year or two, he will die of blood exhaustion all over his body."

The emperor smiled, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "That's good, you go back first, don't let anyone find out about this matter."

The imperial physician let out a cry, got up and left the imperial study.

When he stepped over the threshold, the old eunuch stood there. He glanced at the imperial physician, raised his eyebrows, and said to the emperor, "Your majesty, why do you want to poison Ling Su now? Why don't you just poison Ling Su in two years' time?" Wouldn't it be better for him to die suddenly?"

The emperor shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't understand this. If he dies suddenly, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion from others. What I want is for him to die a little bit, do you understand?"

The old eunuch has been with the emperor for many years, how could he not have eyesight?After rolling his eyes, he said with a smile: "The old servant understands."

The emperor sat there with a smile, pointed at the table, and said, "I'm afraid I don't have much time, so I have to make arrangements quickly, otherwise my country will fall into the hands of others, and I won't be reconciled even if I die."

The old eunuch nodded, bowed his head to the emperor, and said, "The emperor is wise."

The emperor smiled and remained silent for a while, and then said again: "How about the Queen Mother?"

The old eunuch cupped his hands and replied, "Everything is as usual."

The emperor snorted, and said angrily: "The queen mother is not my biological mother, I'm afraid she will do something that is not good for me, but it is really difficult for me to deal with her."

(End of this chapter)

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