Rebirth of the Immortal Emperor Xiaoyao

Chapter 361 The Curtain Ends

Chapter 361 The Curtain Ends (Second Update)

Just when the man was about to smash the soul of the Red Emperor into ashes, a loud shout came from below.

"Wait a minute." Ye Fan pushed through the crowd and walked to the front with a smile on his face.

The man looked at Ye Fan, a smile flickered inexplicably in his sinister eyes.

Ye Fan felt a huge coercion pressing on him at first, but that coercion disappeared immediately.What this means, he has no idea.

"My little brother, I wonder if you can give me the soul of the Immortal Emperor. I happen to have a five-spirit chariot, and I need such a soul." Ye Fan said with a smile.

Ever since he saw this man, Ye Fan couldn't help but compare the man in front of him with himself in the previous life. After all, both of them are masters at the level of immortal emperors.

Ye Fan was known as the number one master in the fairy world in his previous life, and he was the most hopeful to succeed in the tribulation.Unfortunately, it failed in the end.

Carefully making a simple comparison with the person in front of him, Ye Fan was shocked to find that even in his previous life, he did not have the confidence to completely defeat the person in front of him.After all, it seems that the self in the previous life couldn't kill an immortal emperor so lightly.

There is still such a powerful person hidden here, Ye Fan must come out to make friends.

"You want it? Do you know that the soul of the Red Emperor is very important. I don't need to tell you about its preciousness, you should be able to guess it. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage for me to just give it to you for no reason?" Then The man said calmly.

I don't know if his eyes are dazzled, but Ye Fan always feels that although this person looks very vicious, he doesn't have the slightest malice towards him.

"Then how can you give me the soul of the Red Emperor." Ye Fan asked a little puzzled.

The man pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "Well, if you agree to my request in the future, I will give you this soul."

"Could you tell me to commit suicide?" Ye Fan said with a strange face.

The man smiled, and then said: "Don't worry, I will never let you do anything that hurts nature and reason."

Ye Fan nodded, he didn't even say his name anyway.If what he asked to do was very embarrassing, it would be a big deal for him to go to the fairyland.Ye Fan didn't believe it, he dared to chase him to the fairy world.

Seeing that Ye Fan agreed, the soul of the Red Emperor in the man's hand flew directly in front of Ye Fan and was collected by Ye Fan.

Seeing that the Red Emperor was dead, Zhuyin couldn't stop feeling rejoicing.

"Zhu Yin has met the Emperor of Heaven. May the world live forever and live as long as the sky." Zhu Yin said flatteringly.

The man snorted coldly, he was quite disdainful of what happened to Zhuyin just now, if he hadn't saved himself from doing it just now, this Zhuyin would have been killed by himself long ago.

"It's good to know how to return from the lost way." The man said coldly, and then looked up at the sky.

The huge beam of light in the sky slowly disappeared, and a majestic voice came from above.

"Dihao, next time we meet, I will kill you."

This is the voice of today's emperor, the voice of the Jade Emperor.

There was a trace of sarcasm on the corner of Dihao's mouth, and then he entered the coffin and disappeared on the spot.

And Zhuyin was also directly taken away by Di Hao, after all he still didn't believe in Zhuyin.

The men in black in the martial arts arena disappeared one by one after Di Hao disappeared.

This time, the Heavenly Court not only instigated Ao Kun, but also brought down three immortal emperors. Although we know that two immortal emperors were killed and one rebelled, most of the heavenly soldiers and generals who descended will stay here forever. This is really a great irony.

It's just that Ye Fan's heart is full of doubts at this time, who is that Di Hao?How could there be such a powerful person in this world? This is really a bit weird.

"Everyone." Suddenly, Ao Guang's voice echoed in the martial arts arena.

Ao Guang's face did not have the slightest joy of victory, but a touch of sadness.After all, being betrayed by one's own son, I am afraid most people would not turn a blind eye to such a thing.

"Thank you for your great help. It's just that this time, due to the sudden change, the Treasure Fair can't continue. I'm sorry everyone. In order to thank you for your help, a large number of rare treasures will definitely appear at the next Treasure Fair. I hope that everyone can return with satisfaction. In addition, in order to thank you for your help this time, Dragon Palace will give a satisfactory answer to the families of all the fellow Taoists who have fallen here. As for everyone, we will auction it at the next treasure meeting All items are [-]% off. I am waiting for you here, and I hope you will come." Ao Guang said, holding back his grief.

I didn't feel it when I was fighting, but now I saw that my good friend who was talking and laughing just now turned into a cold corpse in such a short time, and everyone's heart was filled with sadness a feeling of.

Someone slowly walked up to his friend, squatted down slowly, and a suppressed cry suddenly came.

Ye Fan sighed, although Ye Fan was used to this kind of parting and parting scenes, he still couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Walking out of the Dragon Palace and watching the flow of people walking up and down the street, Ye Fan suddenly realized that it is good to be alive.

As soon as Ye Fan walked out of the Dragon Palace, Xiaoqing's figure appeared beside Ye Fan.

And the fighting holy ape disappeared by Ye Fan's side at some point, presumably he went back to the map of Kaitian Myriad Things.

"Let's leave quickly, this is a place of right and wrong. If we stay here for a long time, I'm afraid something will happen." Xiaoqing said solemnly.

Ye Fan had never seen Xiaoqing so dignified.

"Wait a minute. I want to visit a master appraiser. Do you know where his home lives?" Ye Fan said.

"What master?" Xiaoqing said a little depressed.

"Sun Siyu, that master's name is Sun Siyu." Ye Fan said word by word.

A strange look flashed in Xiaoqing's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"I really don't know where Sun Siyu lives, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Xiaoqing said calmly.

Ye Fan nodded, still feeling a little depressed.There are not many people who are capable and arrogant like Sun Siyu.

In the Dragon Palace, Ye Fan and Xiaoqing prepared to leave after a brief discussion.

"Sanggong, Xianggong, where are you going? Take me with you." A coquettish voice sounded, and a woman dressed up in a showy manner shouted while running.

Ye Fan didn't need to turn his head to hear that it was Xiaoqing's cheap wife.

Hearing his wife's voice, Xiaoqing's face darkened immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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