Chapter 347 Teacher? (Second more)
If this old dragon is not in the Dragon Palace, it is in the Immortal Realm. According to his way of speaking, he might have been killed long ago.

"I wonder if the Dragon King can tell me whether there is a passage leading to the fairyland here. I'm not talking about heaven, but the fairyland." Ye Fan asked directly as if he didn't hear what the Dragon King said.

"Yes. And there are more than one. I can tell you that there are countless worlds in this universe, and our world is just one of them, and it is also a bit special. Our world is like a transit station, you can quickly lead to other big worlds. That’s why you can see so many strange animals in this water city. In fact, in their eyes, humans are also a kind of strange animal. It’s like We look at them." The Dragon King didn't wait for Ye Fan to ask other questions, and said a lot in one breath.

Although there were some guesses in his mind, Ye Fan never thought that things would turn out like this in the end.When he was in the Immortal World before, Ye Fan also knew that there were other small worlds.It's just that I didn't expect that this dharma-ending world would have such a high status.

"Then our world is a very important strategic place. But why no one occupies it. Even if the aura is very thin, I believe there will be many people interested in us." Ye Fan said solemnly .

Because, once someone is interested in this world, it must be a bloody fight.The most important thing is that Ye Fan is not optimistic about which masters and those so-called high-tech can win this war.

The Dragon King smiled slightly and said: "Whoever said that no one is interested, it's just that you didn't win the battle. As for your other questions, you should put them in your stomach first, and someone will come to you soon. You will understand everything. You still don’t know the status of the holy sword you own, it is definitely very high, the status of one person below tens of thousands.”

Ye Fan curled his lips, so he can't be the boss anymore, at most he can be the second child.

"I don't know if the Dragon King has anything to discuss with me. I'm still waiting to attend your treasure meeting here, but don't be late." Ye Fan said with a smile.As he spoke, he took a sip of the wine in the glass on the table.

With a bang, a huge aura rose directly from Ye Fan's abdomen, and quickly traveled to the limbs, bones, and even every cell.

Maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a long time, Ye Fan groaned comfortably, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good wine. I didn't expect such good wine to exist in the Dragon Palace. It's really beyond my expectation." Ye Fan said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that there was still half a jug of wine left in the jug, Ye Fan quickly turned his mind.It would be a sin if he didn't take some of such a good wine with him.

"If you like it, I still have a lot here. When you leave, I'll give you some to show my heart." The Dragon King said with a smile.

Ye Fan laughed, his face was almost full of smiles.

"That's so embarrassing. You don't get paid for nothing. I'm afraid there aren't many such good wines in the Dragon Palace." Ye Fan said without humility.

"I still have a lot here, you don't have to be so polite." Dragon King said.

"By the way, since you gave me all the wine, you definitely don't mind giving me a few sets of these drinking utensils. You know, look for such a good wine glass from the outside world. If such a good wine is not good It's a waste of money." Ye Fan said shamelessly.

The Dragon King waved his hand, and said boldly: "Aren't they just a few sets of tea sets? Just take them."

Ye Fan didn't expect that the Dragon King would be so forthright.But then all kinds of doubts arose in his heart, as if something was wrong.

"I don't know what the dragon king wanted to discuss with me just now, what is it? You know that my strength is low, and if it is too difficult, I can't do it." Ye Fan asked a little puzzled.

The Dragon King didn't care about Ye Fan's obviously perfunctory statement.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter. If you agree, I can let you take one thing from my treasure as your reward." The Dragon King said casually.

Ye Fan looked at the Dragon King warily, and asked himself to take one thing from his collection. Could it be an easier thing?
"Please let me know if you have anything to say." Ye Fan said in a deep voice.

The Dragon King nodded secretly, the young man in front of him was really determined to be able to keep a clear head at this time.

"It's nothing, it's just that my youngest son has been clamoring and wants to go to the world to see. According to your strength, it is enough to protect him. I don't know." The Dragon King said with a smile.

Ye Fan blinked, and said a little uncertainly, "Then that kid I saw just now?"

The Dragon King nodded and said: "That is my youngest son. His name is Ao Feiyu, he is still a child, and he is only 530 years old. He has never been to other places, and he is completely ignorant of the world. Please discipline me a lot, please."

Ye Fan looked at this posture, and it was obvious that the old dragon was relying on him.Even if I didn't agree on this side, the other side has already said to death.

"Yes, yes, but, he..." Ye Fan pointed to his head with a wry smile, the meaning was obvious.

The Dragon King pointed at the door and said with a smile, "Didn't they just come?"

Ye Fan turned his head and saw a well-dressed lady walking towards this side holding a pink and jade-carved child.

The child was about five or six years old, wearing a pair of jeans on the lower body, a white shirt on the upper body, and a pair of brand-name sneakers on his feet.

The appearance of this outfit here really gave Ye Fan a very unreal feeling, as if everything was illusory.

"Your Majesty." The lady said with a smile on her face.

"Father." The little boy bowed his head slightly and said respectfully.

But Ye Fan clearly saw that child looking at him fiercely with those eyes when he lowered his head, as if he was about to eat himself.

"My concubine, this is the gentleman I chose for our son, do you think it's okay?" Dragon King pointed at Ye Fan and said with a smile.

The lady looked Ye Fan up and down, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty said yes, it must be excellent."

The little boy looked at Ye Fan with disdain, and said arrogantly: "Father, what is this guy capable of, he dares to be my teacher. I can beat him to the ground with one hand."

(End of this chapter)

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