Chapter 473

After Jing Chen took her back to the tea mountain valley, Jing Chen directly carried her upstairs and left Ning Que in the hall.

Tong Zhuo was surprised, "Brother Chen, what are you going to do?"

Jing Chen said it as a matter of course, "Go to my room and give you a full body checkup?"

The bottle of medicine with MJ's internal logo made him very uneasy.

Tong Zhuo stuttered a bit: " to check?"

Jing Chen lowered his eyes, his eyes were deep, "What do you think?"

Tong Zhuo: "..."

Shouldn't it be what she thought?

"I wasn't pricked by the needle, I was pricked all over Bo Ran!"

Jing Chen: "I still have to check carefully before I can rest assured."

Tong Zhuo struggled to jump down, his face was slightly red, "Sex devil!"

Jing Chen: "???"

He was stunned for a moment, then looked at her complicatedly, "What's going on in your head?"

Tong Zhuo blushed and stared at him, "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted and hungry... I don't have any wounds on my body, so you don't need to check."

Jing Chen rubbed the center of his eyebrows, angrily and amusedly watching the stinky girl run downstairs in a hurry.

The inspection he said was not the kind of inspection she thought...

Tong Zhuo went downstairs, and immediately saw Ning Que's fake beard with one corner turned up.

He hurried over to help him stick it up. Standing on the stairs, Jing Chen happened to see this scene and felt sore again.

After talking to Ning Que for a few words, Tong Zhuo ran into the kitchen to look for food.

Jing Chen didn't go downstairs, but went into the study, turned on the computer, entered MJ's intranet, and logged in to his account through multiple passwords.

He has the highest authority in MJ and can browse the personal data of all members in the organization.

He clicked the mouse with his finger, and quickly flipped through the confidential information one by one.

Finally stuck on a profile.

The name of the person on the information is Ning Que.

In the photo, Ning Que was sunny and handsome, with two small dimples when he smiled, which was six to seven points similar to that of Ning Jiang downstairs.

Jing Chen narrowed his Danfeng eyes. If Ning Jiang downstairs had taken off his beard, he would be [-]-[-]% like the one in the photo.

Therefore, his name is not Ning Jiang, but Ning Que.

As a member of MJ, it is not surprising to be able to get MJ's internal medicine.

Jing Chen carefully recalled the bottle of medicine he saw not long ago. The white bottle had no other information except a small MJ logo on it.

He didn't know what that bottle of medicine was, and why there was such a bottle of medicine in the stinky girl's pocket.

Jing Chen leaned back on the back of the swivel chair, rubbed the space between his brows with his fingertips, closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

He thought of the unexpected encounter with Ning Que and the stinky girl at Yeshan Hospital.

That time, he set up a net at Yeshan Hospital in order to find out MJ's insider.

However, in that operation, the person who should appear did not appear, and the operation ended in failure.

In retrospect, he had always overlooked one point.

Maybe the leaker who leaked his whereabouts is...
He opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the computer screen.

If his guess is correct, then who is the hacker 8 who helped the leaker clear the traces and intercept the trace?

Could it be the one he thought of?

Jing Chen stood up, turned off the computer casually, paused with his fingertips, then let go of the mouse, and just left the study.

Downstairs, Tong Zhuo, who was extremely hungry, was eating the dishes just cooked by the servants, with puffy cheeks on both sides. Ning Que sat and watched her eat, passing water and tissues from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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