The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 653 Is there a demon in the city?

Chapter 653 Is there a demon in the city?

"Come on, Xiaoxuan, I can tell that Shanwa is not only out to repay your kindness, but he also really likes you..."

Seeing Xiaoxuan's expression still a little hesitant, Lin Yurou couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort her.


Xiaoxuan said with tears in her eyes: "I feel that I am not worthy of him."

"Okay, don't say whether you deserve it or not, I'll just ask you, do you like him?"


Xiao Xuan bit her lip and nodded shyly.

"Isn't this the end? We like each other, and the villagers have no objections. Isn't this the end?"

Not long after, the village head woke up.

Under the general trend, he voluntarily resigned from the positions of village head and patriarch, and let the old man who was called the third master succeed him.

As for Chen Tian, ​​the people were so outraged that he was taken outside the ancestral hall by a group of people and executed.

That night, the villagers spontaneously set up a few tables with wine and vegetables, and held a simple wedding ceremony for Shanwa and Xiaoxuan.

"You two fairies, Xiaoxuan and I will never forget your great kindness and virtue!"

Shanwa and Xiaoxuan knelt on the ground holding wine glasses, expressing their gratitude sincerely.

"Okay, you can live a good life in the future..."

During the dinner, Lin Yurou and the two began to ask about the situation here.

The result was somewhat disappointing.

Because these villagers have traveled hundreds of miles away at the farthest, and this place is full of mountains and fields, so there is no news.Therefore, they only know some nearby place names, and more information is unclear.

In modern times, this is simply incomprehensible.

But it's not surprising. In ancient times, this was the case in many mountains in various parts of China.Many villagers have never been out of the mountains in their entire lives.

Some even thought that the area where they lived was the whole world.

The most well-known is the idiom: "Yelang is arrogant".

According to legend, the origin of this idiom is from a small country in the hinterland of mountains, called Yelang Country.

It is said that it is a country, but in fact there are not many people, there may be a dozen villages or the like, but everyone thinks that they may be the most awesome country, and there is no bigger and stronger country than them.

After all, they have stayed in the mountains for many years and have never seen the outside world.

Until later, when a Han envoy brought people to come, the king of Yelang Kingdom actually asked, "Did your Han Dynasty have our Yelang Kingdom University?"

The messenger smiled and said nothing.

Not long after, the king and several of his subordinates followed the messenger out of the mountain for the first time, and only after seeing the outside world did they know what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky.

Let's not gossip, let's say that Lin Yurou and others asked about it, but they didn't find out why.

In desperation, the two left overnight and followed the villagers' directions to the small market town.

The small market town is not far from the village. It is about a dozen miles along the mountain road.

However, it was already dark, and there were hardly any people in the market town.Finally, I found a few people and asked them. In the end, an old man hesitated and said, "I heard a story from a foreigner in a tavern before, saying that there seems to be a city to the west. But it is very far away. It is said that it will take a few months to walk... ... After all, no one in our market town has ever traveled far."


Lin Yurou and Alice couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled wryly.

From the looks of it, it needs to be in a place with a lot of people. This place is too remote.

According to the old man, it will take a few months to walk... This is just the footsteps of ordinary people, and it should be several thousand miles.

With the speed of Lin Yurou and Alice, it is estimated that they will arrive in two or three days, which is not too far away.

Walking all the way to the west, wading through mountains and rivers, it took only two days for the two girls to see the outline of a city.

After all, they are immortal cultivators, so how can ordinary people compare their speed?
After entering the city, the two women felt that something was wrong. The atmosphere of the whole city seemed to be a little depressing. People on the road were in a hurry and the clouds were clouded.

Many shops are closed during the day...

What's the point of this?
After walking for a while, Lin Yurou couldn't help but ask a passerby: "Eldest sister, may I ask..."

As a result, before the question was finished, the woman waved her hand: "Are you from other places? Come on, it's not peaceful here."

Even after asking a few people, they all had similar tones, which made Lin Yurou and Alice even more puzzled.

Finally, the two of them found a stall owner who set up a street stall.

The second daughter pretended to pick out a few things, and then began to ask: "Old man, what's going on in this city? Why does it look so weird?"


The old man sighed for a long time: "Don't you know about it? There are monsters in this city..."



The old man looked around subconsciously, and whispered: "This city used to be peaceful, but more than a month ago, people disappeared or were killed for no reason every day.

Most of the victims were young people, both men and women, and there were no injuries on their bodies, but they were all fucked... It is said that they were sucked out of their blood by the demon.

Therefore, during this period of time, the people in the city, especially some young people, have taken refuge in various places, and the city... has become deserted. "

It turned out to be the case.

Hearing the old man's introduction, Lin Yurou couldn't help but frowned, and asked again: "Old man, do you know what this place is? I said it's not the city, but is there... such as a country?"

In the end, the old man shook his head: "I don't know about this..."

"What a strange place."

After leaving the stall, Alice couldn't help grunting.

"It's okay. If it's really like what the old man said, there are probably weird things in this city. If it's really a monster, we'll catch it and interrogate it. If we think about it, we'll get some useful information."

"Okay, let's wait and see tonight."

So, the two girls wandered around the city for a long time, and finally found an inn to stay.

The inn is also very deserted, there is not even a clerk, only the shopkeeper and his wife are there.

"Treasurer, where's your buddy?"

The shopkeeper sighed: "They're all gone. Now that people are panicking, how can these young people have the heart to make money? Life is the most important thing."

"Shopkeeper, is this really a demon?"

"Probably..." The shopkeeper nodded, "I heard that not only in our city, but also in nearby villages and towns."

At this time, the proprietress couldn't help but persuade: "You two should be more careful, and leave here as soon as you have nothing to do..."

"Oh, okay, we know."

At night, the two girls quietly left the inn and searched the city separately.

However, after midnight, nothing unusual was found.

"Yurou, why don't we go take a look around?"


So, the two girls left the city, chose a random direction and rushed away.

Soon after, the two of them came to a small town about tens of miles away from the city.


As soon as he entered the town, he faintly heard a scream.

There is a situation!
The two girls regained their spirits and hurried away following the sound.

When the two of them ran there, they found a middle-aged man lying on the ground, his body was withered, like dead wood...

(End of this chapter)

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