The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 539 Beat it like a pig's head!

Chapter 539 Beat it like a pig's head!

After cleaning up the village chief, Hua Xiaolou went to find another culprit.

Zhu Hui has a property in Jiangdu near the outskirts of the city. It used to be an auto repair factory, but it failed to manage and closed down. Zhu Hui bought it and used it as his so-called company headquarters.

After all, he opened a construction company in name, so at least he should have an office, right?
"Who are you looking for?"

As soon as Hua Xiaolou walked into the gate, there were three people sitting around fighting the landlord together. Seeing someone coming in, the man directly opposite couldn't help but raised his head and asked.

"Oh, let me find Boss Zhu and talk about some business."

"He's in the last office on the left."


Hua Xiaolou nodded and walked over.

Before entering the office, he heard a commotion and laughter coming from inside.

As soon as the door was opened, the strong smell of smoke and alcohol mixed together, making Hua Xiaolou frown.

There were five men sitting in the room, puffing and puffing.

Seeing Hua Xiaolou pushing the door and entering, I couldn't help but glance over one by one...

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

One of them glanced at Hua Xiaolou suspiciously, and then asked.

"I'm looking for Boss Zhu."

"I am, what's the matter?"

Zhu Hui sat on the swivel chair, glanced at Hua Xiaolou, and asked casually.

"That's right, I'll collect the bill!"


Upon hearing this, the people in the room looked at each other in surprise.

Speaking of which, there are indeed some people who come here to collect bills.After all, Zhu Hui was a contractor in name, and some workers would come here to demand bills if they didn't get paid.

However, this situation is relatively rare.

"A bill? What debt do you want? I owe you money?"

Zhu Hui clapped his hands on the table and said fiercely.

Hua Xiaolou said slowly: "You don't owe money, but you owe a beating!"

"Depend on!"

"Are you here to seek death?"

As soon as they heard Hua Xiaolou's words, the five people in the room suddenly showed murderous looks and cursed angrily.

The one with the closest mustache didn't say anything, jumped up and kicked Hua Xiaolou...


Needless to say, as soon as Mustache kicked over, Hua Xiaolou kicked him back and sent him flying backwards.

"Mad, give it to me!"

Seeing this, Zhu Hui knew that he had encountered a tough guy, so he started yelling and cursing.

The other three men immediately surrounded him...

At the same time, people outside also heard the movement, and more than a dozen people rushed to the office.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The office is comparable to the scene of a blockbuster movie, with various chairs, water glasses, and sticks flying around.

The coffee table and the office in the room were also torn apart in the fierce fighting...

How could these bastards be Hua Xiaolou's opponents? They were worse than children, as vulnerable as mosquitoes.

Not long after, a piece of it lay on the ground.

Some fainted, some had broken bones and tendons and couldn't get up, and some were too scared to get up...

The only one who haunted and shot was Zhu Hui.

But this guy was so frightened that he hid in the corner, sweating coldly, his face ashen.

Speaking of which, he has been on the road for more than ten years, and he has fought a lot.However, someone who can fight like Hua Xiaolou...has never seen it before.

"Well, this big brother... Grandpa, I don't know if there is anything wrong with it? Yes, can you make it clear?"

"Minnima's size!"

Hua Xiaolou cursed, walked forward slowly, grabbed Zhu Hui in his hands like a chicken, and said coldly, "You are so fucking blind that you dare to think of my friend?"

"You, your friend, who is it?"

Zhu Hui naturally offended many people, so he didn't know who Hua Xiaolou was talking about.

"you guess!"

After finishing speaking, Hua Xiaolou dropped Zhu Hui, and then slapped him...

At the moment, a few teeth splashed with the blood foam,
"I, I really don't know..."


It was another slap, and a few teeth were knocked out again.

In this way, Zhu Hui would not be able to cramp in pain, and it would be difficult for him to speak.

"Yes, is it Boss Liu..."


Still a slap in the face.

This time, it directly broke Zhu Hui's left teeth.

After several consecutive slaps, Zhu Hui couldn't hold on any longer, passed out, and almost all the teeth in his mouth collapsed...

Seeing Zhu Hui's swollen pig's head, and the blood splattered all around, the gang almost lost their bowels and bladders in fright.

On weekdays, they show off their power in front of ordinary people and are invincible.

If they really meet tough opponents, they will all become cowards...

"Tell this pig, if he dares to use illegal means to take over any projects in the future, I will break his limbs!"

Before leaving, Hua Xiaolou said a harsh word.

Don't say it, this harsh word really works.

After going through this incident, Zhu Hui was so frightened that he didn't even dare to stay in Rong Rong's place, so he went directly to other provinces to avoid the limelight... because he really didn't know who he had offended.

If this happens again one day, he probably won't even die.

On the other hand, Zhu Hui's uncle Zhu Yi also suffered a tragic end.

After Tang Xiaowan and Shen Bingbing's hard work, a lot of crimes against this guy were quickly found out.

This old guy took advantage of his power to embezzle a lot of money.

Moreover, she is rather flirtatious, not only has an ambiguous relationship with several female subordinates, but also spends time and wine outside, keeping lovers...

These incidents were quickly brought up to the upper echelons, which aroused great attention from the upper echelons, and immediately put Zhu Yi under control and launched an investigation...

This investigation revealed many problems.

As a result, it goes without saying that everyone is eligible to be shot...

However, Ding Qi didn't start construction after solving these messes. She was waiting for news from Hua Xiaolou.

As for Nalan Qianxue and Su Yanran, things went smoothly.

After all, how powerful is the influence of the Nalan family and the Su family?The important thing is to have money!

When they heard that they were going to jointly develop the industrial zone, the leaders were naturally pleasantly surprised.Hearing their plan again, they said that they want to build an international industrial zone and bring in many well-known foreign brands to invest, and they are even more excited...

After friendly preliminary negotiations between the two parties, the final result can be described as satisfactory to all.

The relevant departments not only agreed to transfer all the large land for the plan proposed by Nalan Qianxue, but also gave them the greatest support in terms of land price and various policies.

However, a condition was also put forward at the same time, they must see the specific planning plan, and some business representatives who are attracting investment, hold multi-party talks, and let everyone work together to become bigger and stronger.

Speaking of which, although there are many industrial zones in Rongdu, they are not well-known.

At present, many places in China have taken the lead and created industrial concentration areas or high-tech parks that are famous all over the country and even around the world.

If this plan is successful, it will be enough to make this industrial area a shining new star.

To this end, the relevant departments also said that if possible, they will also expand the scope of planning...

After learning the news, Hua Xiaolou was quite relieved, so she went to Alice and reported the results of the negotiation in detail.

Alice was also very satisfied with this, and immediately stated that she would definitely find a few big brands from country Y to visit and negotiate...

(End of this chapter)

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