The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 492 Forming the Outer Gate

Chapter 492 Forming the Outer Gate
After refining the elixir, Hua Xiaolou held another initiation ceremony.

This time there was only one person, Alice.At the same time, he contacted George again, told about the situation, and invited him to visit Rongdu.

George didn't refuse, and he said he would come in a few days, because Karen couldn't leave for the time being, and wanted to teach the Queen some basics of magic.

Having nothing to do, Hua Xiaolou went to find Sister Tao and Yu Xin.

At present, the two of them have joined forces to work together, and they can be regarded as Hua Xiaolou's external contacts.For example, helping to purchase some medicinal materials, or selling some medicines, elixir and so on.

I haven't seen you for so long, it's time to visit.

Seeing the appearance of Hua Xiaolou, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Sister Tao was a little surprised, and hurried forward to meet her and asked, "You've been away for almost a year now, what have you been doing?"

"Of course it's going out to practice..."

Hua Xiaolou smiled cheerfully, and asked casually, "Where's Yu Xin?"

"Oh, she went to Liaodong to buy a batch of medicinal materials..."

"Well, you two may be busier in the future."

"What? What do you think?" Sister Tao asked doubtfully.

"Because I created a sect, the sect is temporarily rooted in the city, and the cost of all aspects of development is naturally not small. Moreover, it also requires a lot of resources.

So my plan is to support you and Yu Xin to set up a hall similar to the outside of the sect party, which is equivalent to the outer gate.Responsible for some external affairs of the door, including collecting information, resources, etc. "

Hua Xiaolou didn't say this on a whim, he had considered it before.It's just that the timing was not ripe at that time, and there were too many things to do at that time.

Now it has basically stabilized. Although I don't plan to start a sect with great fanfare, I still have to start making some preparations.

Taohuamen is a great sect in ancient times, it is very strict to accept disciples, not just a random person.

Therefore, Hua Xiaolou didn't intend to break this rule. Lin Yurou and others who are currently joining the sect are all outstanding talents. The important thing is that they are candidates for the head wife...

If the sect wants to develop, naturally it cannot rely on these few people alone, it must continue to recruit disciples.

But it is not easy to find suitable candidates, so after discussing with several women, Hua Xiaolou decided to adopt a compromise method, which is to recruit some outer disciples.

Outer disciples are not considered formal entry, but they can properly teach some cultivation methods and provide some resources.

Although Yu Xin and Sister Tao have a good relationship with Hua Xiaolou, they both have limited cultivation talents and cannot achieve too high a level.

Therefore, Hua Xiaolou decided to let the two of them manage the outer hall, and be responsible for inspecting and recruiting some outer disciples.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to setting up a group company.

Cultivation requires resources and a lot of money.Although Hua Xiaolou now has a lot of money and some resources, but cultivation is a long-term thing, you can't just sit and eat, right?

Moreover, the establishment of the outer hall can also observe some outstanding disciples, and if it is suitable, they can also make an exception and formally join the Taohuamen.


Hearing what Hua Xiaolou said, Sister Tao looked a little unbelievable, and said in a trembling voice: "You, what do you say is true?"

"Of course it's true, how can I lie to you?"

"Then, does that mean that Yu Xin and I will be yours from now on?"

"Hey, you two have always been my people... haven't you?" Hua Xiaolou smiled meaningfully.

Sister Tao couldn't help but blushed a little.

In fact, what she meant was that from now on, she would truly become Hua Xiaolou's subordinate.

But listening to Hua Xiaolou's tone, it seems that there is another layer of meaning... However, it doesn't matter. Speaking of it, the two of them have already had a lot of interaction.

And Sister Tao knew very well that Yu Xin had such a relationship with Hua Xiaolou.

"Xiaolou, don't worry, the two of us will take care of it for you."


Hua Xiaolou nodded: "I believe that you two have this ability and this loyalty. Of course, I will not treat you badly, and I will teach you a set of cultivation methods later, including the resources you cultivate. "


This sentence made Sister Tao's eyes shine with excitement.

Speaking of it, she is actually a cultivator, but what she cultivates is only ancient martial arts, and her cultivation level is not high.As for Hua Xiaolou, she knows exactly what she is practicing.

It is the legendary cultivator.

It is undoubtedly exciting to be recognized by Hua Xiaolou and teach her the method of cultivating immortals.

At the same time, she is also very glad that her painstaking efforts over the past few years have not been in vain.

She has been working hard and doing her best for Hua Xiaolou.It is precisely because of this loyalty that it has finally paid off.

Considering her current age, it's not too late to cultivate immortality.Once you get started, at least you can retain a little youthful brilliance.

There was one more thing she could feel.

In the past, every time Hua Xiaolou came, he would intentionally or unintentionally take advantage of her.But now, although he still likes to take advantage of it verbally, he hasn't done anything like before.

This made her somewhat disappointed.

But the conversation just now made her realize that Hua Xiaolou was not tired of her, but that she had matured and knew how to control the relationship between the two parties, and she was no longer as unscrupulous as before.

Just now thinking of this, Hua Xiaolou raised his hand and patted her plump buttocks, and said with a smile, "Sister Tao, don't be so moved that you can agree with me..."


This action, this sentence, made Sister Tao couldn't help laughing out loud.

Her heart suddenly became brighter. In fact, this kid's essence has not changed, but he has become more sophisticated and tactful in his handling of things.

"Okay, let's talk about the business again. The significance of establishing this hall is firstly to facilitate our purchase of various materials, secondly to make money, and thirdly, to inquire more about various aspects of information."


Sister Tao nodded: "I will do my best to handle this. However, in terms of accounts, I think you should find someone to manage them alone. After all, the amount of accounts will be huge after all this development."

"It's okay, I trust you and Yu Xin."

Hua Xiaolou waved his hands carelessly.

As the saying goes, there is no doubt about employing people, but there is no need for doubting people.He believed that Yu Xin and Sister Tao would not mess around. Besides, he was not a businessman, so he would not pay too much attention to any accounts.

How can a person who cares about everything become a powerful person?
"No, I have to tell Yu Xin about this and make her happy too!"

Excited, Sister Tao was eager to find someone to share with, and immediately took out her phone to call Yu Xinba.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

As a result, I unplugged it three times in a row, but the other party didn't pick it up.

"What is this damn girl doing? She doesn't answer the phone in broad daylight?"

Sister Tao grunted a little dissatisfied.

"Maybe it was muted or something, I didn't hear it!" Hua Xiaolou said with a smile.

"Drip ring..."

As soon as the voice fell, Sister Tao's phone rang. It turned out that it was Yu Xin who took the initiative to call...

(End of this chapter)

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