Chapter 419
In the evening, Hua Xiaolou enjoyed a royal family banquet.

There were only three people dining, besides him, Princess Alice, and her mother, Her Majesty the Queen.

Being able to let the mother and daughter of the queen and the princess eat alone, there is probably no other man in this world who can enjoy such unique treatment.

Including Alice's father... because her father died ten years ago...

Although he died of a sudden illness, this incident aroused suspicion at the time.

After all, the queen's status is special, noble and beautiful, so it will naturally attract some topics.

Later, the Queen remained single and managed the royal affairs wholeheartedly. There was never any gossip, which slowly subsided some rumors and suspicions.

In fact, the queen originally wanted to entertain Hua Xiaolou in the big restaurant of the palace, and she planned to invite some princes and ministers to accompany her.

But because of Alice's insistence, he changed his mind, and the mother and daughter accompanied him to eat in the small restaurant alone.

Of course, there were a few maids in the small restaurant, but they all consciously stood far away, so as not to interfere with the queen and princess chatting with the guests.

For Hua Xiaolou, it would be a lie to say that such treatment has no sense of vanity.

Even though he is an immortal cultivator now, he still lives in the city after all, and came here as an ordinary person after all.

Two beauties, one is a graceful and elegant queen, and the other is a passionate and generous princess. If this scene is spread to the outside world, I don't know how many people will be envious...

Of course, a little vanity doesn't mean that Hua Xiaolou will be cramped, and the chatter and laughter during the dinner made the queen sometimes couldn't help laughing out loud.

While chatting, the princess inadvertently brought the topic to the coffin of souls that Hua Xiaolou mentioned.

"What? You, you're going to sea to find the coffin of dead souls?"

Upon hearing this, the queen was extremely surprised.

As a queen, her level of knowledge and thinking is naturally far higher than that of ordinary people, and it's not that she thinks that Hua Xiaolou has something wrong with her mind.She has a little understanding of the legend of the coffin of souls.

In short, she believes that some legendary treasures are not all in vain.

But even if it existed, she would of course be surprised to hear someone suddenly say to look for it.

"That's right, for my father, even if there is only one ten thousandth hope, I will not give up. Even if I don't find it in the end, at least, I have worked hard..."

"well said!"

The queen nodded sincerely, raised her wine glass and smiled, "Then, I wish you success!"

For a person in a high position, the thinking is naturally different from that of ordinary people.Many things are simply impossible for ordinary people, but as a queen, I know that some things are very difficult and may even be impossible.

But since taking the throne, she has accomplished many seemingly impossible things.

Therefore, her blessing is from the heart, or it is an affirmation of Hua Xiaolou's perseverance.

"Thank you Your Majesty the Queen..."

Hua Xiaolou raised his wine glass, touched the Queen, and drank the wine in the glass.

At this moment, Alice suddenly said: "Mother, I want to go with Xiaolou to find the coffin of souls..."



The two soft beeps are so tacit.

The queen clinked glasses with Hua Xiaolou and took a sip.In the end, because of his daughter's words, he and Hua Xiaolou spit out the wine they just drank at the same time.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Master Hua quickly wiped his mouth, feeling a little embarrassed.

He actually sprayed out the wine in front of the Queen, it's just... Fortunately, he wasn't the only one, even the Queen also sprayed the wine...

To blame can only be blamed for what Alice said was too shocking.

How majestic is the Queen on weekdays?How dignified.I dare not say that Mount Tai collapses in front of my eyes without changing its color, but my bearing is far beyond comparison.

When few people could see her lose her composure, today she lost her composure because of her daughter's words.

In fact, even Hua Xiaolou didn't guess that Alice had this idea, it was too sudden, this girl didn't reveal it beforehand, could it be a temporary idea?
It doesn't look like it!
Or he deliberately said it in front of his mother, so that he would be caught off guard...

As for Alice, it seemed that Yu's mother and Hua Xiaolou's reaction had already been well-planned, and she was not surprised, but had a complacent look on the contrary.

"Alice, stop making trouble, you, you are a princess, how can you travel casually?"

After Hua Xiaolou came back to her senses, she quickly persuaded her.

The queen's face also seemed a little embarrassed and hot.

She is a majestic queen, she lost her composure in front of outsiders, she naturally felt a little embarrassed.

So, he glared at his daughter angrily and yelled: "Alice, you are not a child anymore, what are you doing?"

"No, no, mother, I know you must be worried about my safety. But, there is one thing you don't know, Xiaolou is not an ordinary person, he can definitely protect my safety, right?"

When she said this, Alice cast her earnest eyes on Hua Xiaolou, her watery eyes blinked...

In fact, it was really not a whim of hers. After Hua Xiaolou told her some secrets of cultivation, she decided to travel with Hua Xiaolou.

Firstly, it was pestering him to teach him how to practice, and secondly, it came from his own dream.

She yearns for some magical legends and stories about adventurers in the book.She once dreamed that one day she could travel around the world and explore some of the mysteries of nature.

Haven't many princesses in those fairy tales experienced many adventures?In the end, he found his Prince Charming and lived a happy life...

She is a princess, she is high in the eyes of others, and she is carefree.However, she knew better than others that although she lived a luxurious life, she was far less free than others.

The same goes for my mother.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is majestic and powerful in the world.But, who knows the loneliness in the Queen's heart?
When there was no one else around, Alice could see the loneliness in her mother's eyes, and her face began to age year by year.

Although it still looks beautiful and moving, Alice knows that all this will eventually come to an end.Last year, she had accidentally discovered that her mother had grown a gray hair.

Even my mother didn't know.

She quietly unplugged it for her mother.

Time is not forgiving, even if the mother is a queen, she still cannot resist the erosion of time.Mother's today is her future.

Will eventually look old.

When you are really old, what is the use of great power?Prosperity and wealth will eventually follow...

For a woman, especially a beautiful woman, aging is one of the hardest things to accept.So, Alice wanted a change.

It used to be just a dream.

But now, there is a glimmer of hope.

That is cultivation.Hua Xiaolou is a legendary cultivator, she naturally wants to seize the opportunity and embark on a magical path of cultivation.


(End of this chapter)

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