The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 385 The Strange Circle in the Entertainment World

Chapter 385 The Strange Circle in the Entertainment World
While crying, the man murmured: "Even you look down on me so much... I just said that I failed in life. How can I have any dignity? In the company, everyone can order me around. At home, my wife and children look down on me." I……"

Hua Xiaolou didn't speak, but after listening to this guy's rambling, he roughly guessed that this guy might really be a loser in life.

However, the specific reason has to be inquired in detail.

"Okay, don't cry here. Look, there are already people around. What does it sound like for a big man to cry?"

"Who are you? We don't know each other..."

Hua Xiaolou smiled faintly: "Just treat me as a kind person, that's all right, get up quickly, I'll treat you to a glass of wine, if there's anything you're unhappy about, you can tell me, maybe I'll can help you."


Hearing these words, the man looked at Hua Xiaolou suspiciously, hesitated for a while and finally stood up.

"Well, no matter who you are, I still want to say thank you, maybe I'm too impulsive."

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's go, find a place to talk..."

Anyway, Hua Xiaolou was fine if he was idle, but he wanted to hear what kind of thing made a big man choose to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

Soon after, the two came to a restaurant by the river.

For the convenience of talking, Hua Xiaolou asked for a private room, ordered a lot of dishes, and a bottle of good wine.

Regarding this, the man named Song Qing was a little surprised and couldn't help asking: "Why did you help me? I, I really don't know you..."

"I know you don't know me, but as a person, sometimes I like to help people realize some dreams on a whim. You can treat me as...a fairy, haha!"


Song Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head bitterly: "Don't play tricks on me, where are the gods in this world? If there are, how can there be so many unfair things in the world."

"you are wrong!"

Hua Xiaolou immediately said seriously: "Some things may seem unfair to you, but they may feel fair in the eyes of others. You have seen mythological films, but in fact, what is fair between gods and gods? The world is like this, there are Competition, good guys and bad guys, is a complete world..."

As soon as these words came out, Song Qing savored them carefully, showing a thoughtful look.

"Looking at your appearance, you must have studied some books, right?" Hua Xiaolou began to test.

"That's right... But, it's just a specialist."

"The junior college is a college student anyway, and logically speaking, you can still live a stable life. Why did you jump into the river?"

As a result, Song Qing just sighed and didn't say much.

Hua Xiaolou didn't bother to press the question, instead she changed the subject and started talking about some irrelevant things.

When the food and wine were on the table, Song Qing seemed to let go of his mood when he was almost drunk, and he couldn't help talking about some things about himself.

"I am a rural person, and my family is very poor. When I was in college, I applied for a bursary and my family borrowed a lot of money... I thought that after finishing college, I could realize my dream, but I didn't know..."

Having said that, he couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile, and started drinking again.

After he drank for a while, Hua Xiaolou asked, "What do you study?"

"Music, I like to compose my own lyrics and music, and I also like to play and sing by myself, but unfortunately no one appreciates it. Later, I had to go to work..."

Hua Xiaolou was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I can't tell it's still an art, why don't you sing a part of it now, your own music?"

Taking advantage of the wine, Song Qing stood up on the spot, cleared his throat, and began to drink: "The eagle flying up to the sky, looking down at the vast grassland. The wind passing through the clouds, the sun pressing down on the tip of the grass..."

It sounds like the style is somewhat similar to "Farewell My Concubine", majestic and powerful, with a thick voice, but it is somewhat professional.In short, it sounded much better in Huaxiaolou than many little fresh meats pretending to sing on stage now.

What's important is that this is Song Qing's own lyrics and music, and he is indeed talented.

Perhaps, it's just that his style tends to be a bit ethnic, and it doesn't match the trend. In addition, he has no background, so it is naturally difficult to get ahead.

Hua Xiaolou suddenly remembered a well-known combination: Phoenix Legend, a song "The Most Dazzling National Style", which was popular all over the country.

If they were separated, maybe no one would be popular, but such a combination has a unique flavor... The key point is that Song Qing's style is also somewhat similar to this, maybe we can learn from it.

Thinking of this, Hua Xiaolou changed his mind and decided to help Song Qing.Speaking of which, Hua Xiaolou's status in the entertainment industry is at its peak.

Although many directors and actors hate him, or are jealous of him... who made Hua Xiaolou popular so quickly?For an unknown newcomer to break countless records and set a mythical box office, he will naturally attract attention.

The important thing is that Hua Xiaolou also broke an unspoken rule of the film and television industry.Except for Liu Yiyi, he didn't use any well-known stars.

Nowadays, there is a strange circle in the market. It seems that every movie will have small flowers and small fresh meat. To put it bluntly, they are some so-called traffic stars.

No one knew when this strange phenomenon started, and no one stipulated that Xiao Xianrou must be found, but it seemed to have become a conventional phenomenon.

Even some veteran directors will more or less find one or two current supporting roles... At least, they have to get out of the way.

Perhaps, the current entertainment industry has a phenomenon of lack of acceptance.Most of those recognized strength rewards are more than 30, more than 40, more than 50...

Almost all the blockbusters are some old faces, the audience will inevitably have a kind of aesthetic fatigue.

Therefore, directors and producers naturally want to promote some newcomers.

In recent years, some blockbuster films have indeed been doing this, letting the younger generation play the leading role and the old school as the supporting role. They want to use flowers to line the green leaves, so that the younger generation can grow up quickly.

It's a pity that almost all of these newcomers are helpless, and few perform well.Everyone is keen on endorsement, running variety shows, hyping topics, speculating on film remuneration...

The remuneration was paid several times higher than that of the capable ones, and as a result, most of the films produced were labeled as bad films.

Perhaps, some people will say, for a newcomer, the acting skills will inevitably be jerky, just practice more.The problem is, that's not the point at all.The point is that the vast majority of the newly promoted rookies are not focused on making movies at all, but are busy earning fame and making money.

While making movies, you may also be shooting TV dramas, commercials, running variety shows, participating in various activities... multitasking, how can I improve my acting skills?

There are often people on the Internet who expose a certain studio, the lead actor XXX is absent again, find a substitute, and finally use the method of deduction to fool the audience.why is that?This is the lack of skills, one person running several sets at the same time, too busy...

(End of this chapter)

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