The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 304 Soul Gathering Coffin

Chapter 304 Soul Gathering Coffin

While chatting, Liu Yiyi curiously flipped through those weird things.

There was an old map that intrigued her.It seems that this map should be made of some kind of animal skin, and it is incomplete, and what is drawn on it does not look like an ordinary landform...

"This, this should be an ancient nautical chart..."


He is not interested in the nautical chart Hua Xiaolou, he just likes to watch Liu Yiyi's concentrated appearance, which makes her look more fresh and refined, like a fairy.

"Hey, there's text on it..."

Liu Yiyi held up the map, carefully identified it for a while, and said a few words that Hua Xiaolou couldn't understand.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Don't interrupt..."

Liu Yiyi responded and continued to watch.

After a while, his face suddenly became shocked and excited: "This, this is a treasure map, Xiaolou, this is really a treasure map."

"Treasure map?"

This time, Hua Xiaolou became excited.

The ancient treasure map has been widely circulated, which makes people talk about it with great interest.Unexpectedly, I really found one?
"What kind of treasure map is it?"

"This picture is not complete, and some are missing, but I can roughly tell that the text on it is an ancient pirate text."

Hua Xiaolou was stunned: "Pirate characters?"

"That's right, when I was in Wanhua Valley, I collected countless books, including many foreign myths, ancient books, etc. Pirates are scary in the eyes of many people. In fact, they are also very magical. They have been passed down for countless years and formed Many unique things.

For example, the text is quite complicated, after all, pirates come from all directions.Mixed with countless mainstream languages, local languages, and some symbols.

Over time, in order to facilitate communication between them, a pirate script was formed.It looks like English, it looks like Arabic, and there are many specific symbols.

I don't do much research on pirate characters, after all, no one communicates with me.However, there are not many words on it, I can see about one-third of it, so I speculated that this picture should be related to the Western legendary coffin of souls..."

"The Gathering Coffin?"

Hearing this word, Hua Xiaolou was a little shocked.

That's right, the coffin of souls is indeed very famous in the world. This is a very magical thing in western legends. It is said that even if a person is dead, as long as they lie in the coffin of souls and perform specific rituals, they can slowly gather their souls. until resurrection.

This ancient legend has been circulated in the Western world.However, someone made this legend into a movie later, and it became very popular, which made this legend spread all over the world.

Resurrection from death, in the eyes of ordinary people, is an incredible thing.However, Hua Xiaolou is not an ordinary person. He has personally been to the underworld, seen the Wangchuan River, and dealt with Po Meng.

And according to his experience, most of the long-lasting ancient legends are true... Therefore, Death's Coffin may really exist.

If he could find it, wouldn't he be a big deal?

"That's right, Gaulling's Coffin. If you can find it, your father will be saved. Because he is in a state of suspended animation, and what is missing is the soul..."


After Liu Yiyi's explanation, Hua Xiaolou became excited instantly.

The biggest function of the Gathering Souls Coffin is to gather souls, and his father is now a living dead without a soul. If the legend is true, it is really possible to awaken his father.

"That's great, Yiyi!"

Excited in his heart, he couldn't help but put his arms around Liu Yiyi again, and carried her around a few times.

"Hate it, put me down..."

Liu Yiyi blushed and thumped shyly.

"Don't let go, in order to thank you, I want to marry you as my daughter-in-law..."

After making a fuss for a while, the two of them head to head and studied the map together.

It's just that the map is not complete, and Liu Yiyi doesn't know much about pirate characters, so she is confused.But no matter what, the mention of Dead Soul's Coffin has aroused Hua Xiaolou's great interest.

"Well, I will go to country Y to find Alice again in a few days. I believe that there must be someone in the palace who knows about pirates. Moreover, they should know more about related legends."


Liu Yiyi nodded, then remembered something, and said solemnly: "Even if there is really news, you can't go to the Gathering Soul's Coffin."


Hua Xiaolou was surprised.

"Since this thing is so weird, maybe there are guardians, or the place is different. Your current strength is not enough to fight against those forces, understand?"


Hua Xiaolou pondered for a while, and finally nodded helplessly.

Since there are practitioners in the East, there must also be practitioners in the West.At that time, if he meets him, wouldn't it be very dangerous?At least until after entering the Tao.


"Xiaolou, congratulations!"

The next day, Hua Xiaolou and Liu Yiyi made a special trip to visit the old dean again.

"Hehe, old dean, speaking of it, you all rely on your support. If it weren't for your encouragement and support, this movie would not have been made so smoothly."

"Don't be humble. Speaking of it, I just played a guiding role. The final result depends on your efforts. At present, your film has been nominated by me to the jury, and I believe it will have good results."

It's not that the old dean used his privileges. In fact, this movie has already received unanimous praise from the jury.Although in their critical eyes, the film has a lot of room for improvement, but, on the whole, it is already worthy of the Golden Globe.

The important thing is that this is still filmed and starred by a new director.Although there are not many skills in the film, but because of this, it has a rare sense of immersion, which is shocking.

After watching it, many directors were also inspired.It turns out that the skills they blindly pursue are actually superfluous sometimes.

Just like the two sides fighting, too many fancy moves, but hands tied.

There is no trick, there is a trick to win!

This is Hua Xiaolou's philosophy, which is the experience he has accumulated in the process of cultivation.

The box office of the movie is still slowly increasing. In short, there is no suspense to break through 200 billion before it goes offline, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of movie history.

Moreover, believe this record, no one can break it in a short time.

Someone once commented that even Hua Xiaolou himself may find it difficult to surpass this height.Unless, something eye-catching can be made again.

But easier said than done?

Everyone wants to innovate, but many so-called innovations are really eye-catching at first, but after a while, you can feel that it is nothing more than new wine in old bottles...

However, some innovations belong to grandstanding, and the effect is counterproductive. Some are incomprehensible, and even the director does not know what he wants to express.

As far as Hua Xiaolou himself is concerned, he is indeed not sure that he will make another movie with a box office of more than 200 billion.And in a short time, he has no plans to make a movie.

After all, his main task is to cultivate...

(PS: Let’s make three changes today, and we will add more changes tomorrow!)
(End of this chapter)

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