The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 1359 Three people walk, there must be my teacher

Chapter 1359 Threesome, There Must Be My Teacher
As expected, according to Hua Xiaolou's suggestion, Ye Laixiang quickly gained fame.

The business is not to say that it is full every day, but the turnover has not been high. After a rough calculation, the daily net profit has exceeded [-].

Lei Zhe and Hua Xiaolou are fine. Lei Zhe has a good family background, so he doesn't care about this, so he treats it as a joke.

Hua Xiaolou and Long Xin don't care about money at all, as long as they have enough.

Lucy doesn't value money very much. Of course, having extra income means that she can buy more resources and some rare herbs for alchemy, which she must appreciate very much.

The most excited one was Lu Zhishen.

His family background itself is not good, a small family, now he didn't invest a penny, but can participate in dividends, of course he is very happy.

Of course, he didn't invest money, he only contributed. It is definitely impossible to share equally with others, but to compare the red according to a certain ratio.

Angela voted for some, she sold out the previous tavern and voted for 100 million.Although 100 million is very little, it can be regarded as her best effort.

The current income is indeed far more than her previous income from opening a tavern.

And here, she gave full play to her strengths and managed the bar in an orderly manner.

Compared with other people, Amy is more of a kind of longing and happiness.

Because she could see that Lei Zhe was sincere and caring for Eva.

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help finding Lei Zhe and had a serious conversation.

"Lei Zhe, first of all, thank you for letting me come to Wanyuan City. You see, my life is stable now, and Eva also has a relatively stable income. I can buy more cultivation resources. This is all yours." Credit."

"Auntie, don't say that, everyone has worked hard..."

"Yes, I know, but if you hadn't taken the lead, there wouldn't be today's Evening Lily. Actually, I'm looking for you today mainly to talk about Eva..."

"What's wrong with Eva?" Lei Zhe was a little nervous.

"Hehe, it's nothing. I haven't communicated with her much during this time. However, I understand her.

Maybe you also know some of the things she has experienced since she was a child.

This has cultivated her a sense of self-protection that is stronger than others, and her personality must be stronger.

I want to ask you, are you... are you sincere to Eva?Don't get me wrong, I just want to make sure, Eva is my daughter after all..."

Lei Zhe scratched his head in embarrassment: "Auntie, I understand your feelings. Here, I can say a heartfelt word to you.

In the beginning, I just had a crush on Eva.At that time, chasing her was probably just a mentality of trying.

But later, I slowly discovered that she is really a girl worthy of my love for the rest of my life.

Auntie, I have fallen in love with her deeply. In this life, I swear that I only like her alone, and I will not let her suffer any grievances.

Maybe you will think that I am lying to you, but if you have a chance, you can visit our house and get to know my father.

My parents and I have very similar personalities.

My father also fell in love with my mother without hesitation back then, married her back home, and he still only spoils her..."

"So good!"

Amy nodded in relief.

She herself is an example, desperate to marry her husband and become a concubine.It turned out that the situation was so difficult.

"Lei Zhe, don't worry, if you are sincere, I will definitely persuade Eva. In fact, she also likes you, but she dare not accept it for a while."

"It's okay, auntie. Anyway, it's still a long time. I believe she will accept me."


as the days go by.

With her mother's persuasion, and with the conscious or unintentional help of Hua Xiaolou and others, Lei Zhe finally got what he wanted, and Eva shyly agreed to associate with Lei Zhe.

On that day, Lei Zhe was very excited, and everyone sat together to drink and celebrate.

Moreover, this guy drank too much, so he changed his words directly and called Ai Mei his mother.

Eva was so ashamed that she punched him.

After a few days, Lei Zhe decided to take Eva home and let his parents have a look.

Eva was a little nervous.

As expected, when Lei Zhe returned to his family and told the news to his family, his parents didn't say much, but they were strongly opposed by others.

Lei Zhe took Eva to find his grandfather, and told him about Eva's experience.

It talked about the process of Eva entering Wanyuan College.

Finally said: "Grandpa, my mother was also opposed by you back then, how is it now?"

The old man sighed helplessly, looked at Eva, and couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, you talked about grandpa. It sounds like Eva should be a good boy. I hope you can be like Lei Zhe's mother, and you can be a part of the family in the future." shoulder the heavy responsibility."

"Thank you grandpa, thank you..." Eva choked up.

Now that the old man has no objection, the other clansmen can't say much.

The important thing is, after all, there has been a precedent. Lei Zhe's mother now holds a very high status in the eyes of the clan, and everyone respects her from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, Lei Zhe also assured his uncles that Eva would not let everyone down.

Everyone thinks about it, after all, who can enter Wanyuan Academy with their own ability, how bad is it?
This matter was settled satisfactorily.

With the nourishment of love, Lei Zhe and Eva seem to be particularly motivated to practice, and they are making rapid progress.

Lu Zhishen's performance is also eye-catching.

His appearance was not good at the beginning, he was fat and fat, as if he was very stupid.

The result has always been among the best.

Others don't know, but Hua Xiaolou and others know that this guy is trying to get ahead, so that he can pursue Lucy.

In the past year or so, his figure has lost a lot of weight, and it seems that he has really gained perseverance...

Two years later.

With absolute advantages, Hua Xiaolou, Long Xin, and Lei Zhe entered the intermediate class of Wanyuan College.

Lu Zhishen and Eva's previous realm was lower, so they are still studying in the elementary class.However, through the efforts of the two, after two years, they also entered the intermediate class one after another.

But at this time, Hua Xiaolou and Long Xin had already reached the peak of Martial King Realm, and they were only one step away from Wu Zong.

In fact, if the two of them really wanted to break through the Martial Ancestor Realm, they could have done it two years ago.

However, in Hua Xiaolou's view, there is no need to be so anxious.Anyway, he and Long Xin came to this world, the main purpose is not to practice, but to find opportunities to resolve disasters.

And an opportunity to break free from your own shackles.

Therefore, they learn all kinds of knowledge of this world, such as alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and even the language and culture of this world, learn more about the history of this world, and the rise of some powerful people.

There is an old saying that when three people walk together, there must be my teacher.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to cover everything. Others will always have something worth learning.

After entering the intermediate class, the resources provided by the academy have correspondingly increased, and some activities or competitions will be held from time to time, and some more precious resources will be given out to reward the winners...

(End of this chapter)

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