The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 1336 Start Secret Investigation

Chapter 1336 Start Secret Investigation

As Lucy expected, Neil ran to the academy again to make a scene.

This guy thinks he's smart, so he just makes trouble downstairs outside the courtyard and doesn't go up.Because he knew that there was a master Wuhuang in the academy affairs office, it would not be impossible to directly seal his air pocket and throw him out.

But it's different outside, in front of so many people, presumably the hospital will not be rough.

Of course, if it's someone else, it's time to use violence.

After all, what qualifications and reasons do you have to go to Wanyuan Academy to play wild?

But Neal has a special status by himself: Lucy's fiancée.

His fiancée was an instructor at the academy, and was bullied by students, so he naturally had a reason.

"Your college must return my fiancée's innocence. After so many years, I couldn't bear to touch Lucy with a finger, but your students actually did such beastly things..."

There are many students around.

The eyes of most of the students are a little incredible.

It stands to reason that when something like this happens, as a man, shouldn't he keep a low profile?

After all, face is dull.

But Neil did the opposite. It seemed that he wished that the more people would know about the trouble, the better. He was simply expanding the influence of the matter and making the trouble known to everyone.

Although there was no substantive contact at that time, Lucy was just thrown to the ground, and Lu Zhishen was quickly slapped away.

But it doesn't sound good after all.

The point is that there are already many rumors in the academy, saying that Lucy and Lu Zhishen have had an unclear relationship for a long time.

That day, the two of them hugged each other completely for a moment.

Wang Xing forgot to close the door, but was discovered by someone, and only then did a play...

What is said has a nose and an eye, and people who don't know it will believe it.

And these rumors were actually spread by Mai Xiu and others... They just wanted to tarnish Lucy's reputation. When the time comes, the academy knows that she has been wronged, but in order to preserve the reputation of the academy, they will probably hide her .

Neil, also for this purpose.

Although speaking from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Lucy to have such an ambiguous reputation.

After all, she is his fiancée.

However, if he didn't do this, Lucy's identity would always be high in his eyes, and he wouldn't have the confidence to get Lucy.

When Lucy's reputation is ruined and she is expelled from the academy, she must be disheartened at that time, so why not marry him obediently?
At that time, the positions of the two sides were reversed.

"Dean, this person is simply making trouble out of no reason, I'll send him away!"

Someone said angrily.

As a result, Jim's uncle Tan Senjie said: "Hooting him away in front of so many people is not good for our reputation. Let's persuade him."

So, someone went downstairs.

"Brother, please don't make a scene here..."

"I'm not making trouble, I'm seeking justice. Lucy is my fiancée, she was bullied in the college, you don't care, can't I, the fiancé, help her get ahead?"

"Who told you we don't care? We're investigating..."

"What about the result? What I want to see is the result."

"What right do you have to shout about the results here?"

At this moment, the unbearable Cyril Yard finally appeared...

As soon as he appeared, Neil felt somewhat guilty.

Because he knew that this was the dean of Wanyuan College.Even if he didn't know him, Cyril was a majestic master of the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Just that powerful aura made Neil feel guilty.

"I... I am Lucy's fiancé..."

Neil stiffened his neck, still using such excuses.

"Hehe, fiancé? Even if it is, so what? You are not from our academy, let alone fiancé, even a husband is not qualified to come here to make trouble.

Besides, as far as the old man knows, Instructor Lucy seems to be against this marriage all the time, I wonder if what the old man said is right? "

"You... this is between us..."

"Since it's a matter between you, why are you making trouble in the academy? Get lost!"

The sound of rolling made Neil take two steps back, his blood surging continuously.

Many students, including those around them, were also taken aback.

Because although Cyril is usually unsmiling, it is rare to see him showing off his power.Unexpectedly, today I saw him show his power with my own eyes.

"Dean, I, I didn't mean to make trouble, but..."

"There is nothing but, this is the internal affairs of the academy, and you, an outsider, have no right to interfere. When the matter comes to an end, Lucy will naturally give you an explanation."

"Okay, I'll go!"

Seeing the coldness in Cyril's eyes, Neil finally became a little scared.

To put it bluntly, what he relied on was nothing more than the false name of Lucy's fiancé.But, as a dean, would he care about these?

If he really angered him, he will be slapped at that time... the consequences are unpredictable.

So Neil had to leave in despair.

As soon as he left, Cyril glanced around and shouted: "The dean hopes that everyone will not spread rumors behind their backs, there is a reason for this incident, and the hospital is still investigating.

If the dean knows who spreads rumors again, he will be punished heavily, let's go! "

After speaking, he turned and went back to the second floor.

A group of students looked at each other in blank dismay, and then dispersed.

The dean went crazy, how many people are not afraid?

"Jim, it seems that the dean wants to defend Instructor Lucy?"

On the other side, Matthew, Dulu, Jim and others gathered together for a secret discussion.

"So what? As long as they can't produce conclusive evidence, they can't do anything to us."

"Yes, yes, they must be suspicious, but we didn't do it ourselves..."

"Oh, it's a pity for Neil's card. This guy is too cowardly. As soon as the dean came forward, he admitted his cowardice and left obediently. Thinking about it, he didn't dare to come again."

"It's okay, he has achieved our goal. At least, he has further expanded his influence. Now, not only the academy, but also many people outside are watching jokes."

"Haha, the rumors outside are much more exciting than those in the academy. It is said that instructor Lucy is a profligate woman who often does some shameful things with the students. This time it was bad luck and someone found out..."

"Hmph, the bigger the trouble, the easier it is for her to be removed. We'll see."

At this time, Hua Xiaolou and the others were also splitting up.

"Boss, have you lost your soul?"

"What? Lost soul powder? Are you kidding me? This shop is run with integrity, how can it be possible to sell such shameless medicine?"

"Boss, have you lost your soul? I can buy it at a high price..."

"No no……"

Hua Xiaolou and others ran all day, ran to dozens of stores, but found nothing.

They mainly want to track down the source of lost souls.

In the afternoon, Hua Xiaolou and Lei Zhe went into another store, but there was still nothing.

When the two walked out, unexpectedly a guy chased them out...

"Hey, two brothers..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"You want to buy Lost Soul Powder? What are you buying it for?"

Lei Zhe said angrily: "What we buy has nothing to do with you, does it? Anyway, it's useful."

"Hey..." The guy smiled knowingly: "Actually, I know where I can buy it..."

(End of this chapter)

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