Chapter 259

Doubts arose in everyone's hearts, only Ouyang Cha's complexion changed drastically when he saw the sword!
"Haotian Sword!"

But the change hadn't stopped yet, the wind became violent in vain, swept everything up and rushed towards Han Qing, swept him up and sent him to a safe range, Yali was stunned for a moment, seeing that Han Qing was no longer in danger, he frowned and stood up. Get up.

The breath of the wind element in the air has not dissipated.

An inappropriate swearing sounded.

"Fuck, what's so great about nobles?"

"It's nothing special, it's just that we came into the world with bare buttocks like us, and the places that should grow are the same, and there is nothing more than us." After a pause, Huang Wenlong said maliciously, "If it is really more Something that shouldn't be there, that would be weird."

The cheap voice made Luo Yao and Pang Luo blush, especially Pang Ling, trembling with anger.

"Hey, do you two want to speak so harshly!" Ye Keke wrinkled her nose, what do you mean by bare buttocks, it's really vulgar!

Huang Wenlong pouted.

Ou Yongxing reminded, "Qin Su is also a noble..."

Huang Wenlong froze, and subconsciously smiled and said, "There are still different nobles, just like girls who come with clothes."

Ou Yongxing and Zhao Xiaojun couldn't help but took two steps away from him, Ye Haotian glanced at him.

Ye Keke couldn't help laughing, the laughter was sweet and pleasant, "It's best not to let Zhai Lingyun hear your words, otherwise he will think you are peeping at Qin Su's clothes."

Suddenly remembered something, the smile on the corner of Ye Keke's mouth disappeared, and Huang Wenlong also suppressed the smile.

"If he was here, Qin Su would definitely not be in trouble..." Xiao Xiao whispered, making the atmosphere tense.

The inexplicable change in the atmosphere here also made other people feel it, but they didn't know what was going on. They saw Ye Haotian and his party appear in front of everyone in the wind and sand. The leader Ye Haotian was dressed in a simple yet dignified dress Crescent-colored samurai uniform, handsome appearance, seemingly lazy yet revealing an imposing manner that cannot be ignored, a pair of eyes swept across the group of people, and finally landed on the Haotian Sword, stretched out his right hand, and made a false grip Actions.

Haotian Sword soared towards him.

Yali glanced at Ye Haotian, and the two looked at each other calmly.

Ouyang Sha froze in place and couldn't move. He opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, but his mouth shape was saying, "Second Highness..."

Ye Keke turned her big eyes lightly, and wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction when she saw Ouyang Cha standing with Luo Yao and Pang Luo, "Ouyang Cha, since when have you liked to oppress people as a nobleman?"

"Xiao, Miss Keke." Ouyang Sha said with a stiff expression.

Ye Keke took a look at Pang Luo and Pang Ling who were near Ouyang Sha, stepped towards Han Qing's side, squatted down and asked, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's fine."

"It's a pity that we don't have light magicians in our team, so they can't heal your wound." Ye Keke looked at the bleeding wound on his body, frowned and said.

Ou Yongxing walked to her side, took out some rags from his bosom, knelt down and bandaged Han Qing up, his skillful movements seemed to have been practiced many times.

"Yeah, why do you have this?"

"She... left it." Ou Yongxing paused and said, these were put away when he was watching Qin Su bandaging...

"Oh." Ye Keke responded with interest, squatting beside Ou Yongxing, and occasionally pointed out, "The bag here is not good enough."

The two of them bandaged Han Qing who hadn't figured out what was going on as if no one was there. His eyes were busy shuttling over the two of them, but he didn't understand who the pair of boys and girls were.

But he also felt the kindness they showed.

The people who suddenly appeared in this line clearly expressed their disdain for nobles at the beginning, but now the leading man...Ye Haotian walked towards Yali again, looked at each other without making a sound, and made the frightened mercenary group follow The nobles didn't understand what it meant for a while.

But Ye Haotian and Yali, who have attracted everyone's attention, ignored the masked man on the side. Ye Haotian first broke the silence and said,
"We're going down."

A faint sentence explained his intention of coming.

The firmness in the words cannot be doubted.

Yali's face remained unchanged, he just looked at Ye Haotian and didn't speak.

Kate's heart skipped a beat, and so did Han Qing. The four members of the Fearless Mercenary Group all set their eyes on Yali, and everyone else present were also stunned.

"Uncle, we have to go down, and let your friends not stop you, or I will tear off your cloth." Ye Keke half-jokingly said, Ou Yongxing finished the last knot and returned to the team with Ye Keke .

The confrontation between the team that appeared in vain and Yali made everyone completely puzzled, but from Ye Haotian's words, they also smelled danger.

The nobles, in particular, gloated and thought that as long as Yali said no, the two teams would definitely fight if there were no accidents, and they could also reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Because according to rumors about Yali's personality, he would definitely not agree...

As soon as everyone's thoughts came to mind, Yali moved his footsteps to get out of his way.

Let everyone drop their jaws!

Even Kate was stunned, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after reacting.

Ye Haotian glanced at Yali, and walked towards the ladder without slowing down. Huang Wenlong and the others quickly followed. When passing by Yali, Ou Yongxing said in a low voice, "Thank you."

The path of the ladder is narrow and steep, not even steep. This is simply a small vertical waterfall, which is almost as dangerous as a cliff. Standing there, looking down from the top, it seems that a gust of wind can blow them away. After leaving, Huang Wenlong and the three couldn't help feeling weak.

But they didn't back down.

The appearance of this ladder is definitely the best timely rain for them. If they climb down the wall, there are very few people who can reach the bottom alive.

Ye Haotian was the first to go down. When he stepped on the first step, Luo Yao couldn't help but shouted coldly, "Who allowed you to go down?"

After that, the masked man attacked Ye Haotian and stopped him. Seeing this, Yali stopped him, "Your opponent is me."

Ye Haotian glanced over indifferently, and said lazily and sharply, "The son of Luo Shan, the first-rank foreign envoy of the Yong'an Kingdom? You were talking to me just now?"

Luo Yao froze.

Pang Luo looked at him in surprise!Pang Ling muttered in a low voice, "There are not many people in this world who dare to call Luo Shan's name directly..." Except for those from the royal family who have this qualification, even she and her brother have to be called Lord Luo.

Ouyang Cha had a strange expression on his face.

When the other nobles heard Luo Yao's identity, their hearts skipped a beat. They may not be familiar with Luo Yao, but they are no strangers to the first-rank minister Luo Shan. The key to the key, a word from the foreign minister, sometimes represents the survival of another small country.

And Luo Yao turned out to be that person's son!
Many nobles from small countries present began to think that they must have a good relationship with Loyola.

But Ye Haotian didn't give much thought to the fact that Ye Haotian could directly point out his identity, especially Ye Haotian directly called Luo Shan by his name instead of his honorific title.

"Presumptuous! What are you? Dare to call my father's name directly?" Luo Yao said angrily. He was very angry that Ye Haotian dared to call out his father's name, especially when Ye Haotian called out the word Luo Shan. That look naturally seemed to be calling a very common name.

(End of this chapter)

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