I heard that my wife is super hot

Chapter 659 Not Afraid of Mu Jingchen

Chapter 659 Not Afraid of Mu Jingchen
When Mu Jingchen got into the car, Gu Xuewei's eyes never left her body. He had never seen such a side of his little wife. She carefully protected the child, as if she was holding her own flesh and blood in her arms. .

He reached out and gently touched Gu Xuewei's arm. When she looked up at him, he immediately pointed to Xiao Wenxin in her arms, frowning slightly as if asking about her child's condition.

Gu Xuewei smiled at him, then looked down at Xiao Wenxin who had been keeping her eyes wide open, and when she turned her small head to Mu Jingchen, she whispered: "Xiao Wenxin, he is the husband of a beautiful aunt, do you want to talk to my uncle?" Shall I say hello first?"

Xiao Wenxin had the courage to look at everything around when there were few people. When her round eyes looked at Mu Jingchen for a few seconds, she immediately turned her head back, and buried herself in Gu Xuewei as before. .

"Looks like you scared the kids."

Gu Xuewei smiled helplessly. Just as she was about to explain to Xiao Wenxin, Mu Jingchen directly hugged the little wife and the child in her arms to her lap, which made her face turn red with fright.

"What are you doing?"

Mu Jingchen didn't care at all, he stared at Gu Xuewei angrily, and pecked lightly on her mouth without hesitation.

As long as he thinks that his little wife will be 'occupied' by someone else tonight, and the other party doesn't give him face at all, the jealousy in his heart will unconsciously emerge.

"If you dare to scare her, I will not forgive you."

Gu Xuewei did not forget to give him another warning look, and then when she noticed the movement of the little person in her arms, she looked down at the child in her arms again, and said softly: "Xiao Wenxin, he is the favorite of the pretty aunt, Just like Xiao Wenxin likes a pretty aunt."

"Hi... hi... like drifting... beautiful... auntie."

After Xiao Wenxin said this sentence half-understood, Yuanyuan's small eyes looked at Mu Jingchen again.

Children are the best at distinguishing a person's kindness and malice.

When Mu Jingchen looked at her expressionlessly, instead of being frightened, Xiao Wenxin called out 'uncle' softly after staring at him for four or five seconds.

This situation not only shocked Gu Xuewei, even the person called 'Uncle' was slightly taken aback.

"My God, did she call you uncle so easily?" Gu Xuewei looked at the two of them in surprise.

At this moment, instead of trembling with fear, Xiao Wenxin dared to meet Mu Jingchen's eyes, which is a bit unbelievable.

Mu Jingchen smiled triumphantly, and the smile on his face was not stingy in front of Xiao Wenxin.

When he hugged Gu Xuewei back to her original position, the curve at the corner of her mouth became deeper and deeper.

When Gu Xuewei also came back to her senses, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Wenxin was not afraid of Mu Jingchen, so there would be no problems that night.

Gu Xuewei dared to tell the details of her situation only when the child boldly showed her little head.

The expressions of the people in the car also became serious when they heard about Xiao Wenxin's abuse.

Such a small child, after being burned by a cigarette butt, not only did not cry, but he did not even cry out in pain. This is really not something a child should bear.

After Gu Xuewei finished speaking, she said softly to the man sitting beside her: "Chen, do you want to try to hug Xiao Wenxin, she is really good?"

(End of this chapter)

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