Chapter 108 Farewell
"'s okay..." Zhao Keran, whose face was covered in blood, forced a smile. The impact was severe, and now he didn't know where he was injured. The pain in his body made him unable to speak a complete sentence. .

"Great, you must be fine..." Seeing that he was still able to speak, Shen Jing cried and laughed excitedly.Fortunately, fortunately, Zhao Keran... Otherwise, she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life!

The rain fell down the quiet face like a pour, seeing her stuck outside the car door with a distressed expression, Zhao Keran was both moved and helpless in his heart.

Ye Xuan's heart felt sour, seeing Zhao Keran who was still trapped in the car, his mood was very complicated.Gratitude, worry, and jealousy... All kinds of emotions were intertwined, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"...Don't panic, get out of the way first, let me do it." Ye Xuan walked to Shen Jing's side and said in a low voice.

Shen Jing stepped aside in a panic, she was drenched all over.

"Bang—" With a crisp sound, Ye Xuan's elbow slammed hard on the car window, and the glass shattered in response.The white shirt was also scratched, and spots of red quickly smudged on the sleeves, but they were washed away by the rainstorm in an instant.

Ye Xuan withdrew his arm calmly, his fingers were still trembling slightly.Can't let Shen Jing see, he doesn't want to scare her.He quickly stretched out his other hand and touched the inside of the car.

Quiet pupils shrank suddenly.Ye Xuan was injured, she could see clearly.However, she could only pretend that she didn't see it, even if she was heartbroken with worry.

"Crack," the car door was quickly opened with a sound.

Looking at Zhao Keran in the car, Ye Xuan didn't move.

"I don't know where he is injured now, let's not move him around, so as not to add to the injury." As if afraid of Shen Jing's misunderstanding, Ye Xuan wiped the rainwater from his face and explained hastily.

At this time, Wang Tao quickly approached with several people.They are responsible for Shen Jing's safety, but now that something like this has happened, their hearts are heavy.

Desperate Xia Xiao tried her best to open the car door, as if she could not feel the pain in her body at all, only the heart-wrenching pain remained, supporting her to walk over staggeringly.

But before he got close, he was stopped by Wang Tao and others who rushed over.

"Why?!" Xia Xiao shouted hysterically at Zhao Keran, her voice was shrill and desperate, "Why can you do this for her?!"

Through the car window, Zhao Keran just glanced at her indifferently, but did not speak.

Depressed and regretful cries resounded presumptuously in the heavy rain.Xia Xiao had already fallen to the ground, and she murmured helplessly and confusedly, "I don't want...I just kill that devil...I don't want to hurt Ran..."

The heart-wrenching cry made Shen Jing feel confused.Fortunately, the tears fell together with the rain, so no one would notice even if she was crying.

Xia Xiao's fierce accusation made her feel even more desolate.Is she a devil? Maybe... yes.

Opposite is the hospital, and the doctor rushed to the scene quickly.

Both Zhao Keran and Xia Xiao were put on stretchers, but when they were being sent to the hospital, Shen Jing suddenly stepped forward and held Zhao Keran's hand tightly.

"You'll be fine, right?" Shen Jing asked in a strong tone as if forcing him to give an affirmative answer.

Looking at Shen Jing's trembling lips and flustered eyes, Zhao Keran knew that she was very scared.When he thought that Shen Jing was worried for him, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

"En." Zhao Keran replied with a smile, wanted to sit up, but was pushed down by the doctor.

Just like that, Shen Jing held his hand stubbornly until he was sent to the emergency room.

Curled up on the bench in the corridor, Hugged into a ball tightly in silence.The cold clothes were pressed against her skin, and the biting chill made her shiver uncontrollably.

It's ridiculous, it's obviously a hot summer, but she seems to be in the cold winter, desperate and cold.

Ye Xuan's eyes hurt for no reason.Shen Jing's current appearance made him very distressed.

He followed all the way, how many times he wanted to rush up and violently separate the hands that were tightly held together.But he didn't, the pain in his elbow came again, and the blood seemed to start to ooze again, but he didn't care about it at all.

Why did the distance between him and Shen Jing suddenly become so far away in the blink of an eye?The distance makes people almost desperate, as if they can no longer get closer.

He raised his arm unwillingly, hesitated many times, and then tentatively placed it on Shen Jing's shoulder.

"Don't touch me." A lifeless voice suddenly sounded, and Ye Xuan withdrew his finger like an electric shock, feeling even more sore in his heart.

"He'll be fine." Ye Xuan's heart tightened, and he comforted him helplessly.

But Shen Jing suddenly raised his head, and his faint eyes stared straight at him.Such a gaze... There was condemnation in the resentment, Ye Xuan only felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"It would be great if I hadn't met you..." Shen Jing said softly, but every word, like a stone weighing more than a thousand catties, ruthlessly hit the hearts of the two of them.

"If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have encountered such a thing..."

"I won't be kidnapped..."

"I won't be hated, I won't be scolded..."

"No one wants to harm me, Zhao Keran..."

"There will be no accident..."

"It's all your fault... I just want to live this life in a normal way..."

"Why don't you let me go?" The trembling lips finally uttered the last word against their will, and the sad tears finally fell down uncontrollably.

Ye Xuan leaned against the wall weakly, his whole body was trembling slightly.Quiet words made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

" hate me?" The dry lips opened and closed feebly, leaving only a desperate barrenness in Ye Xuan's heart.

"...Yes, I hate you! Why me? I was just passing by! Why did you choose me?" Shen Jing said hoarsely, the tears on her face became more violent, as if she was venting her suppressed emotions.

"...I...I understand." After saying these words with difficulty, Ye Xuan felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained.His expression was ashamed, and the next moment, he turned around staggeringly, and stumbled away.

"...Ye Xuan..." Looking at his lonely back, Shen Jing could only shout this name silently.How much she wanted to tell him that she never regretted meeting him.How much I want to tell him that the luckiest thing for her is to meet him who was dumped by his fiancée after that rain.How much she wanted to tell him that she didn't hate him at all.How much I want to tell him that she loves him...

Only, she can't.Gradually watching the person she cared about the most disappear into the corridor, Shen Jing hugged her knees tightly, crying uncontrollably.

Never thought that she would push him away in such a cruel way.

Ye Xuan, from now on, we will see each other forever.

"You and Ye Xuan broke up?" Zhao Keran asked, frowning, his head wrapped like a rice dumpling on the hospital bed.

Zhao Keran just suffered some trauma, which looks scary, but it's not really serious.But he can't be discharged from the hospital yet, and to thank him for saving his life, Shen Jing naturally bought a bunch of fruits to see him.

"We've never been together at all, so there's no such thing as a breakup." Shen Jing said calmly, she calmly peeled off a bright yellow orange, tasted a piece, her teeth were so sour that she almost fell out of the row, and her eyelids also twitched. non-stop.

But she swallowed it calmly, nodding her head pretendingly, "It's very sweet." As she spoke, she handed over the remaining oranges.

Without knowing it, Zhao Keran took advantage of the opportunity and put half an orange into his mouth. He didn't feel anything at first, but then his two eyebrows couldn't help but squeeze in the middle, and his two eyes kept blinking, and he couldn't stop at all.

"Hahaha!" Shen Jing laughed and leaned back and forth, she hurriedly brought the trash can over, and said with a smile, "Spit it up, throw it up soon!"

Zhao Keran winked for a while, his eyes were teary, but he endured the pain, chewed twice, and swallowed the orange in big gulps.

"As for it?" asked silently, "You don't feel sour, do you?"

"Of course it's sour." Zhao Keran only felt that his tongue and teeth didn't seem to be his own. He rubbed his eyes and said with a wry smile, "You stripped them to me."

"Cut!" Shen Jing gave him a contemptuous look, this guy is really stubborn.

"What's the matter between you and Ye Xuan?" Zhao Keran asked, the relationship between Ye Xuan and her, as a super light bulb, Zhao Keran naturally saw everything in his eyes.It is precisely because of this that he will choose to quit.But as soon as he retired the two of them, it was over, so Zhao Keran couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"What else can happen?" Shen Jing said indifferently, "Isn't it because he chased me but failed to catch up, and then gave up?"

"So I have another chance?" Zhao Keran tilted his head and smiled, his smile was full of evil charm.

"Hehe." Shen Jing gave him a cold look.

Zhao Keran shrugged helplessly, but his eyes were shining with the light of exploration, looking up and down at Shen Jing.

"I heard that Ye Xuan is going abroad." Zhao Keran said in a drawn out voice.

"Oh." Shen Jing agreed indifferently.

Zhao Keran frowned even tighter, he was very dissatisfied with Shen Jing's attitude.

"Ye Xuan is injured." Zhao Keran continued.He was in the same hospital as his grandfather, and Ye Xuan also came to visit him later, so he naturally saw Ye Xuan's bandaged elbow at a glance.It was just looking at him with resentful eyes, which made Zhao Keran's heart skip a beat.

"Oh." Shen Jing continued.

"Aren't you worried?" Zhao Keran asked suspiciously.

Shen Jing turned her head in doubt, stared straight at him and said, "I'm not a doctor."

His brows suddenly relaxed, and now he is 100% sure that something must have happened before.

"Peel me an apple." Zhao Keran touched his chin, he knew that he would definitely not be able to ask, so he might as well think of other ways.

Shen Jing's fingers froze slightly, and she said lightly, "I won't."

"Forget it," Zhao Keran laughed, "I'm just talking casually."

After leaving Zhao Keran's ward, he quietly walked back.

After that day, Ye Xuan never appeared again.I heard that he has been preparing to go abroad, and his grandfather's condition is gradually improving. The day to go abroad is scheduled for tomorrow.

Shen Jing never saw grandpa again, and this news was conveyed by Mo Yicheng.Sensitive, she and He Yuan were the first to discover that the relationship between the two was not right, but unfortunately she and Ye Xuan kept silent about it and couldn't ask anything, so He Yuan and Mo Yicheng had no choice but to give up.

But Shen Jing didn't know that there was a person at the corner behind her, watching her leaving silently and timidly.

Don't dare to come out, don't dare to catch up.He didn't even dare to let Shen Jing see him.Watching her leave his sight, a trace of pain flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes.

He took a deep breath and pushed open the door of Zhao Keran's room.

"Why did you come here?" Zhao Keran said dissatisfied, "Shen Jing just left."

"I want to take care of grandpa." Ye Xuan said with a wry smile.

Zhao Keran raised his eyebrows slightly, Ye Xuan's excuse was not very wise.However, he would hide in silence?What happened between them?
Could it be that because she saved Shen Jing, that girl suddenly fell in love with her and wanted to commit herself to her?But the few times Shen Jing came here, she always looked indifferent.Zhao Keran can be sure that Shen Jing has no other special feelings for him other than gratitude.

"Eat oranges." Zhao Keran casually threw half of the peeled oranges on the table.

Ye Xuan stretched out his hand to catch it, subconsciously snapped off a piece and put it into his mouth.

Zhao Keran opened his eyes wide and watched, but saw Ye Xuan chewing peacefully for a long time, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

He couldn't help but wonder.That half of the orange was the sour orange that Shen Jing peeled just now, why Ye Xuan ate it so delicious, it didn't look sour at all!
Who knows, after Ye Xuan swallowed it, he frowned and said, "It's so sour."

Zhao Keran almost laughed, but his smile froze suddenly.He suddenly understood that this orange was fine, but Ye Xuan and Shen Jingxin were not here at all, so they couldn't taste anything at all.

The problem between them is so serious?

"I'm going abroad tomorrow." Ye Xuan said calmly as he put down the remaining oranges.

"When will you be back?" Zhao Keran asked cautiously.

"I don't know. Maybe a few months, maybe longer." Ye Xuan replied sadly.

"What about Shen Jing?" Zhao Keran asked dissatisfied.

"...Take good care of her." After a long silence, Ye Xuan finally spoke.

Zhao Keran frowned even tighter, what did Ye Xuan's words mean?But looking at his disheveled face, he couldn't utter the questioning words.

"Tell her for me that you don't have to rush to move. I will compensate her for that house, and we will settle it in the future." With a wry smile, Ye Xuan continued.

"What do you mean two cleared?" Hearing this sentence, Zhao Keran finally couldn't help the anger in his heart. "Ye Xuan, what do you think of love? What do you think of silence? Is this the beginning as you said, and the end as you said?"

Ye Xuan glanced at him indifferently, and asked suspiciously, "You have the right to say that about me?"

Zhao Keran took a bite, his face turned purple, took two deep breaths, and said angrily, "Shen Jing is different!"

"You tell her this?" Ye Xuan continued.

Zhao Keran was speechless again.If such words were said in front of Shen Jing, Shen Jing would beat her up angrily.That girl always has three views when she is inexplicable.

"Do you really want to leave?" Zhao Keran asked with a wry smile.


"give up?"

"...Yes." Ye Xuan replied weakly, feeling exhausted and reluctant.

"Then I'll see you off tomorrow." Zhao Keran said. "I will bring silence."

"No need." With a long sigh, Ye Xuan rubbed his temples helplessly.Sometimes, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other.What's more, she definitely doesn't want to see herself again... Thinking of those heartbreaking words, his heart couldn't help but ache.

"What happened between you two?" Zhao Keran said distressedly, "What exactly do you want to do in this play of supporting Gu?"

Ye Xuan smiled wearily, but said nothing.

Seeing that Ye Xuan had already made up his mind, Zhao Keran could only sigh depressedly, and he said softly, "I hope you won't regret it."

Ye Xuan's heart twitched again, he stood up and walked out silently.

It is impossible for him not to regret.

There is too much reluctance in his heart, too much regret, but he can only continue.Because it was he who disrupted Shen Jing's original life, and he had the responsibility to return it all.Shen Jing hates him, hates him, why does he have any reason to stay?
If this is what Shen Jing wants, he will give her freedom.

The day of parting came.

Shen Jing rushed to the hospital early.She also carried an insulated food box containing a rich corn rib soup.

Opening the lid, the tangy aroma made Zhao Keran's index finger twitch.

"It smells so good!" Zhao Keran praised without hesitation, and he asked quite unexpectedly, "Did you cook it?"

"Don't make trouble." Passed a small bowl of soup, and said calmly, "For an impatient person like me, if you ask me to make you a simple and convenient fast food, I may still consider it. Let me be patient." Spend hours cooking soup with your temper? What are you kidding about!"

Zhao Keran chuckled, the result didn't disappoint him too much, he took a sip, the pork rib soup was delicious and sweet, very delicious.

"Where did you buy this? It's really good." Zhao Keran asked curiously.

"...a restaurant called Family." Shen Jing's eyes darkened, and she said softly.This topic made her a little suffocated.

Zhao Keran smiled slightly.Shen Jing spent nearly a week learning how to make longevity noodles. How could he not know that he wanted to give it to grandpa as a gift?
"Ye Xuan took the ten o'clock plane." Suddenly, Zhao Keran said softly.

Shen Jing raised her head in astonishment, not understanding what he meant.

"If you want to deliver, hurry up." Turning his head away, Zhao Keran said softly.

He subconsciously stood up, but was stunned in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go, I'm going to rest." Zhao Keran lay face down, closed his eyes in distress, and issued the order to evict the guest.

Standing there silently.

"Maybe... I won't see you in the future." Suddenly, Zhao Keran said softly.

These words were pierced into Shen Jing's heart like a needle, and the next moment, she rushed out like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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