Chapter 263
As more and more people were kicked out by Xia Yan, the manager's forehead twitched.They are choosing a stand-in, not a leading actor.

It's just a stand-in, as long as the figure is similar and the movements are in place, it's basically fine.

Look at what their artists asked for?
Skills, appearance, figure, and temperament are also required...

If this continues, he won't be able to pick a substitute!
Xia Yan, who was leaning on the chair, was still uninterested in talking about the stand-in.

Suddenly, he felt a chill around him, he turned his head quickly, and an empty mineral water bottle fell on him just like that, the manager's voice had already started to turn cold: "Xia Yan, you should stop it!"

To be honest, Xia Yan was still quite afraid of his manager. Before that, he often provoked the manager, until one time he really touched the manager's bottom line.At that time, his three-month schedule was full, and the seamless itinerary did not give him a chance to breathe.

After those few months, he was as tired as a dead dog, and he had no energy to challenge his manager.

Since then, Xia Yan has known that it is okay to contradict the manager, but it must be done in moderation, otherwise he will die the worst.

Xia Yan, who no longer wanted to be tortured by his manager, immediately sat up straight and pointed at the substitute who had just entered: "That's him!"

As he finished speaking, the stand-in who had just walked in paused, he suddenly raised his eyes, and a familiar little face was exposed in front of Xia Yan's eyes.

This... is the girl who was kicked out of the crew? !
Xia Yan opened his mouth wide in surprise, and he stood up abruptly: "It's you!"

During this time, he has been looking for this girl.

However, the entertainment industry is so big, and there are countless actors. Even if he is a trafficker, he still can't reach the sky. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to find an unremarkable group performer.

He thought he would never find this girl, but he didn't expect to see her in the stand-in's interview today.

However, isn't this looking for a substitute for yourself?

Why is this girl here.

Man Luo already smiled and said, "Hi, senior Xia Yan, I'm here to interview your substitute."

The girl's voice was soft and soft, and she looked as gentle and harmless as she remembered.

Such a soft-looking girl is here to apply for her substitute?Are you sure you're not joking?

Xia Yan looked strange.

If there were other girls in front of him, he would have already asked her to go out by now.

However, this girl was the one he always wanted to make up for.

Xia Yan opened his mouth, and finally turned to his manager.

That meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Hurry up and explain it to me!
The manager glanced at him slowly, and said unhurriedly: "Her name is Xia Luoluo, and she is the most similar to your figure among the doubles, and she is also very skilled."

Speaking of the manager, he nodded: "I am very optimistic about her."

During the primary election, he also suspected that the girl was here to make trouble, but when the girl really made a move, the sharp and sharp movements surprised him all at once. If you dress up your clothes, you can indeed confuse Xia Yan with the real one. The only disadvantage is probably that the other party is a girl.

However, among the group of actors applying for a stand-in, he still favored this girl the most.

Hearing what the manager said, Xia Yan paused.

(End of this chapter)

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