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Chapter 522 Saving Humans from Vaccination 2

Chapter 522
He simply yelled for his son, "Fathers and elders, I am Du Yiming, the owner of the Valley of Medicine Kings. We have discovered a cure for smallpox, so you can come and receive treatment. We promise that it will not cause any danger to your life. Now you It's already at the end of its strength, I don't think you should care about this."

Just like what Du Yiming said, they were infected with smallpox, so what if they were put to death?You can't live with smallpox if you can't cure it. Now some people say that they have found a cure for smallpox. Even if it is not true, they will come to try it. What if it is true?What if I missed it?
So when Du Yiming yelled this sentence, he felt that maybe no one would want to come, after all, no one would trust a stranger, wouldn't it be even more disappointing if he couldn't be cured.

Otherwise, when they heard his shout, everyone who could come over came, and they were all overwhelmed by the crowd in an instant. Du Yiming and Du Mingyin hurriedly organized the people to line up, "Don't panic, everyone, line up and come one by one. Don't worry, as long as you come, I will definitely be able to treat you."

"Yes, everyone line up so that we can heal faster." Du Mingyin followed Du Yiming's words.

Most of the people were obedient and lined up obediently, and some who didn't want to line up wanted to see it first, but they were beaten up by the two of them.

So when everyone lined up, Shen Yiang had already started vaccinating.

The two maintained order, and Du Yiming said to Du Mingyin: "Yin'er, you can also help Mr. Shen inoculate the cowpox, it will be faster, as long as there is dad watching over here."

Du Mingyin was obedient and went to help Shen Yiang vaccinate the patient together, came to the seat next to Shen Yiang and sat down, "Brother Shen, I'll help you."

"Okay, let's go together." Shen Yiang raised his head and said with a smile.

Seeing Shen Yiang's smile, Du Mingyin was somewhat fascinated again.

"Brother, don't look at it, I'm still waiting for you to cure me."

Du Mingyin came back to his senses, his face flushed red immediately, it was so embarrassing, he stammered and said to the person who reminded him: "Okay... I... this... I'll treat it for you."

Although the man was sick, he smiled, "Brother, you have good eyesight, this young man is handsome, and he matches you very well."

Du Mingyin...! !This is a g... a... y...! !

He immediately vaccinated the man and told him to leave quickly, a bit unbearable.

This person was inoculated with cowpox, and it hurt a little, because Du Mingyin couldn't stand this guy a little bit, and the cut was a little bigger when he shook his hand.

But when this guy was leaving, he still made a gesture of clenching his fists to cheer Du Mingyin, "Big brother, I am optimistic about you, come on."

Du Mingyin...! !

Shen Yiang's heart is also a grass mud horse roaring and galloping past, this dead guy.

However, his face was still calm and calm, not showing at all.

Seeing that Shen Yiang didn't respond, Du Mingyin deceived himself into thinking that Shen Yiang was concentrating on inoculating vaccinia and didn't hear it. He let out a breath and continued to vaccinate the next one.

Of course, not only the patients have heard about it, but the doctors here have also heard that they have come to inquire about the truth. Could it be that someone really made a prescription against smallpox, so they also came, even if they don’t come, they’re fine, I didn’t see it Did everyone run over?
When they came here, they saw a table at the front, two teenagers were sitting in front of the table, and there were many small porcelain bottles beside it.

They just watched the two cut the wound on the human skin, and then smeared the contents of the small porcelain bottle, and it was fine.

It's so simple, they can't believe it, how is this possible, they have been developing it here for so many days, but they haven't developed it yet, but now two teenagers have developed it, and the method is still so simple.

(End of this chapter)

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