Chapter 573 Angry

"So that's how it is. Listening to Mr. Xiao's words is better than reading ten years of books. Thank you Mr. Xiao for your sincere advice." Ye Xiu suddenly realized and said in response.

Ye Xiu, after being instructed by Xiao Jiansheng, has already clearly understood the one-stop operation mode of purchase, planting, harvesting, and processing in the domestic Chinese herbal medicine market, and also knows how to take practical and effective measures in the future to improve the quality of Chinese herbal medicines in the purchase channel, so as to Ensure the quality of proprietary Chinese medicines in your own pharmaceutical factory.

"Doctor Ye, from what you said, it seems that you are going to make a big move next?" The old man Xiao Jiansheng was very smart, and from the question Ye Xiu asked, he could somewhat guess his intentions.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, Mr. Xiao, I have this plan at present, planning to build a modern Chinese patent medicine pharmaceutical factory, and turn some effective prescriptions I know into standing medicines that can cure diseases and save lives, so that Chinese medicine can benefit the public. "Ye Xiu replied.

"Oh? With Dr. Ye's level of Chinese medicine skills, I'm sure that the Chinese patent medicines produced by your pharmaceutical factory will be sold well all over the country and the world." Xiao Jiansheng said with a look of admiration in his eyes, and blessed him in advance.

"Old Xiao's auspicious words are accepted, and I will cooperate with Old Xiao's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at that time." Ye Xiu laughed.

"Don't worry, Doctor Ye, I will take care of your affairs with all my heart. I will produce Chinese patent medicine according to your prescription. Is there any need to talk about the quality and efficacy? My hospital is willing to serve as a clinical laboratory for the Chinese patent medicine produced by you." The designated hospital for the experiment." Xiao Jiansheng said very straightforwardly.

"Hehe, then I'll thank Mr. Xiao first." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Old Xiao, what do you think of what I told you on the phone?" At this time, Xia Yuan also came up and asked with a smile on his face.

"Brother Xia, the matter you mentioned is not big, and he is not small. Although I am the vice chairman of the Chinese Medicine Association, I must follow the rules and regulations. You want me to promote the Chinese medicine practitioners in your hospital immediately. It is not difficult for several doctors in the department to enter the association together, but there is one thing that I must say beforehand. After entering the association and becoming a reserve member, these reserve doctor members of your hospital must accept the necessary review of the association. After procedural review, all the conditions have been met before you can become a full member." Xiao Jiansheng pondered for a while, looked at Xia Yuan and said slowly.

Ye Xiu also understood from the side that Xia Yuan came through Xiao Jiansheng's back door to gain qualifications for the doctors in his hospital so as to create publicity for his hospital to make better profits.

After all, there are several members of the Chinese Medicine Association in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so the hospital's publicity is still not flying?This effect is leveraged.

At the same time, Xia Yuan earned capital for himself and added weight to his future competition for the position of hospital director.

However, Xia Yuan didn't expect him to encounter a soft nail. Xiao Jiansheng's seemingly soft words revealed an awe-inspiring toughness, which made him anxious, and he couldn't find a good way to deal with it.

Xia Yuan looked at Ye Xiu in embarrassment, as if there was something unspeakable.

Ye Xiu didn't bother to listen to him anymore, so he found an excuse and walked away.

Xia Yuan saw that Ye Xiu walked away wisely, so he said something to Xiao Jiansheng in a deep voice, only to see Xiao Jiansheng shook his head again and again, as if he did not agree with Xia Yuan's proposal.

Xia Yuan looked anxious, and his voice suddenly became louder, and Ye Xiu could still hear it clearly even seven or eight meters away.

"Mr. Xiao, if you are like this, you obviously have two sets of standards. I don't agree!" Xia Yuan said angrily.

"Oh? Brother Xia, why did you say that? Xiao Jiansheng's tone was still calm and sophisticated, with a calm expression on his face, he looked at Xia Yuan and asked with a smile.

"That Ye Xiu, at such a young age, why should he? He rose like a rocket to join the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a standing committee member of the Association?" Xia Yuan asked in a rather unconvinced voice. He held these words in his heart for a long time. Yes, now all the questions are "crackled".

"So you suspected this? It's ridiculous, it's too ridiculous." Xiao Jiansheng scolded Xia Yuan disdainfully.

"Am I right? You have nothing to say, right?" Xia Yuan confirmed his opinion, but he just didn't believe that Ye Xiu could have any level of Chinese medicine at his age?What bullshit contribution can it make to the development of Chinese medicine?

"Xia Yuan, don't watch the sky from a well! The promotion of Ye Xiu to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine was unanimously evaluated by all members of the Standing Committee of the Association. Do you think it's up to me to say it alone? Besides, let's not talk about you, Even the few old Chinese doctors in your hospital who nominated to join the Chinese Medicine Association are not qualified to be Ye Xiu's apprentices!" Xiao Jiansheng was not happy when he saw Xia Yuan chattering and saying so many negative things about Ye Xiu. Yes, immediately reprimanded Xia Yuan and said.

Xia Yuan was reprimanded face to face by Xiao Jiansheng, his expression changed drastically, and he looked at Xiao Jiansheng with an unkind expression.

The meaning implied in Xiao Jiansheng's words is also very simple. Since the few old Chinese medicine practitioners in Xiayuan Hospital's Chinese medicine department with 30 to [-] years of clinical practice experience are not qualified to be Ye Xiu's apprentices, then he, an immature Chinese medicine doctor who has just graduated for half a year, is still not qualified. What can I say?To put it bluntly, Xia Yuan is not even qualified to carry Ye Xiu's shoes!

Of course, Xiao Jiansheng is old and smart, usually he won't say these hurtful words directly, they are all hidden in the words, you have to realize it by yourself!

An old man like Xiao Jiansheng doesn't swear by dirty words, but it can make you extremely depressed.

Although Xia Yuan is a bit young and energetic, he is not stupid, of course he can hear the hidden meaning in Xiao Jiansheng's words, that's why he is so angry.

If it wasn't for Xiao Jiansheng's awe-inspiring identity and social status, and with Xia Yuan's temperament, he would have fought against Xiao Jiansheng long ago!
"Director Xia, what else do you want to say?" Ye Xiu walked over and stood beside Xiao Jiansheng, preventing Xia Yuan from becoming angry and jumping over the wall.

"Ye Xiu, do you dare to come to my hospital tomorrow morning and compete with the Chinese medicine practitioners in our hospital? I don't believe it anymore. What qualifications do you have to be elected as the standing committee member of the Chinese Medicine Association?" Xia Yuan looked unconvinced , said Ye Xiu aggressively.

"Okay, what time will it be tomorrow morning?" Ye Xiu smiled lightly and replied easily.

Xia Yuan was startled immediately, he didn't expect Ye Xiu to agree so happily.

However, now Xia Yuan has been blinded by jealousy and hatred, and has lost his mind. He didn't think much, and after hearing Ye Xiu's promise, he immediately said: "Mingxiu Hospital's Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, anyone who doesn't come is a bear! "

After speaking, Xia Yuan shook his hands angrily and left.

"Oh? Dr. Ye, I also want to go to watch your match tomorrow morning, not for anything else, but to see how Dr. Ye teaches those ignorant lunatics." Xiao Jiansheng waited for Xia Yuan to go away Yes, he said with a smile.

"Hehe, if Mr. Xiao is interested, Ye Xiu will welcome you." Ye Xiu replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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