Chapter 556 Bizarre Murder
"Ye Xiu, what's the matter? Why did I hear the little girl's soft voice? You won't even let the little girl go, are you?" Qi Chuyan looked at Ye Xiu with a half-smile expression on her face.

"No, no, don't misunderstand. Where is the little girl? She is a lonely and helpless girl I brought back from abroad. Her family died due to the war, and she is the only one left. I just do my part. Help her." Ye Xiu explained.

"Ye Xiu, isn't it? The little girl's voice and tone are so severe? Just now everyone heard the woman shouting on your phone, as if something serious happened. I think you should hurry over and take a look." Go." Zhang Xiaofei smiled.

"Don't worry, big things are not as big as eating." Ye Xiu said with a calm expression, and put his belly in his mouth.

After eating and paying the bill, Ye Xiu took out his bulging crocodile leather wallet. When paying the bill, Cai Yang was stunned. Ye Xiu's wallet contained at least 2 yuan.

Cai Yang touched his shriveled wallet subconsciously, not daring to laugh at Ye Xiu face to face anymore.

After leaving the restaurant, when Ye Xiu opened the butterfly door of the BMW sports car, Cai Yang, who followed behind him, was stunned. With an incredulous expression on his face, he watched Ye Xiu and Zhang Xiaofei get into the BMW sports car.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze?" Qi Chuyan urged from the side.

"Is Ye Xiu really a doctor?" Cai Yang murmured with a confused expression.

"I told you a long time ago, Ye Xiu has a lot of money, and doctors are just his hobby. You insist on comparing yourself with others, and bring shame on yourself?" Qi Chuyan said with a smile.

After Ye Xiu sent Zhang Xiaofei back to school, he drove to the community where Bai Wei lived.

Along the way, Ye Xiu's cell phone rang continuously, and it was all from Bai Wei's cell phone and the landline at home to urge him.

Looking at it like this, something really happened.

Ye Xiu wisely chose not to answer the phone, letting the phone keep ringing.

Ye Xiu could imagine that Bai Wei was furious right now.At this time, the best strategy is to keep silent, so that Bai Wei, who is suffocating with evil fire, can't find a way to vent her anger, and there is nowhere to vent her fire.

Ye Xiu rang the doorbell of Bai Wei's house.

After a while, the door opened, Wu Xiaoyue leaned out half of her body, looked at Ye Xiu with a playful smile and said, "Brother Xiu, it's been more than an hour, and you just came here?"

"Where's your sister Bai?" Ye Xiu asked in a low voice.

"Sister Bai let you in." Wu Xiaoyue smiled.

Ye Xiu coughed lightly, straightened his clothes, and walked into the room.

"Ye Xiu, what time do you think it is?" Bai Wei sat on the sofa seat in the hall with her legs crossed, staring at Ye Xiu and asked indifferently, her tone very dissatisfied.

"Officer Bai, don't pay so much attention to the details, won't it be fine if I come?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Be serious! Don't be playful! If you were so disorganized and undisciplined on the battlefield, I would have shot you to death!" Bai Wei reprimanded fiercely.

"Yes, yes, Officer Bai. I have to remind you that I'm just a patriotic person, not yours. What kind of organizational discipline are you talking about with me? Isn't that the same as taking off your pants and farting?" Wei's set of military rules, said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Bai Wei asked, frowning at Ye Xiu, she couldn't understand the meaning of Ye Xiu's words.

"Take off your pants and fart, it's unnecessary." Ye Xiu smiled lightly.

"Too vulgar!" Bai Wei scolded.

"The people who eat melons are ordinary people. Thank you, Officer Bai, for your compliment." Ye Xiu said with a smirk.

"I'll settle the score with you later! Come out with me right away." Bai Wei said angrily. She wished she could tear Ye Xiu up, but because of the task, she had to let Ye Xiu go and keep the account first. When I have time, I'm slowly cleaning up Ye Xiu.

"So urgent?" Ye Xiu asked in surprise.

"Why don't you think I'm joking with you?" Bai Wei gave Ye Xiu a blank look and said angrily.

Wu Xiaoyue made a funny face at Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu patted Wu Xiaoyue's head, and said with a smile, "Your elder sister Bai is so majestic, it's hard to take care of her."

"Ye Xiu, if you talk nonsense again, I'll cut off your tongue!" Bai Wei scolded, glancing back at Ye Xiu.

"Xiaoyue, be good, I'll bring you something delicious when my brother comes back." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

Bai Wei got into Ye Xiu's BMW sports car and said in a cold voice, "Why didn't you notify me when you returned to China? Afraid that I would eat you up?"

"Mr. Bai, you are so powerful and have such a strong aura. How dare I, a vulgar ordinary person, bother you?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"You and your god-brother named Hua Sheng have the same virtues. There really is a brother like you." Bai Wei couldn't help but feel angry when she thought of Ye Xiu's Hua Sheng pretending to be Hua Sheng.

"Hearing what you said, it seems that you have a lot of resentment towards my elder brother Hua Sheng. What did he do to you? Did you guys do something you shouldn't?" Ye Xiu asked with a smirk.

"Shut up! Talk nonsense again, and I'll strangle you to death!" Bai Wei stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Xiu's arm hard.

"Officer Bai, pay attention to driving safety, I'm driving." Ye Xiu's expression changed due to the pain, and Bai Wei's hands were strong.

"Turn left!" Bai Wei pointed out.

"Speak up earlier, and only say when you reach the intersection, you think the road belongs to your family?" Ye Xiu said admonishing Bai Wei.

"Your skin is itchy, right?" Bai Wei gave Ye Xiu a sideways look and said threateningly.

"Pinch me again and fight back." Ye Xiu laughed.

While the two were chatting and joking, they arrived at their destination.

Police cars were parked on both sides of the street of the single-family villa of the Lin family in Beijing, and the police also set up a security cordon to prevent pedestrians who were watching the excitement from approaching the villa of the Lin family.

"What big case happened here? Such a big scene?" Ye Xiu asked, looking at the surging crowd around him.

"Last night, Lin Zuzhi, the head of the Lin family in Beijing, died suddenly at home, along with several disciples and members of the Lin family." Bai Wei explained.

"This is a homicide case. Shouldn't it be handled by the Criminal Police Team of the Serious Crime Squad? It's none of our business?" Ye Xiu didn't understand why Bai Wei dragged herself to the Lin's house to take this muddy water.

"Lin Zuzhi, his disciples, and his clan died in a very strange way. The forensic doctor could not identify how the murderer committed the crime, so we sent our martial arts experts to assist in the investigation, to find clues to this bizarre murder case, and to find out the murderer. , be brought to justice!" Bai Wei said.

"Get out of the way! You are stepping on the victim's clothes!" At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded behind Ye Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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