Chapter 553 Beauty please eat

"Ye Xiu, I was lucky to have you here just now, otherwise I really don't know what to do." Zhang Xiaofei said with a grateful expression, looking at Ye Xiu who was driving.

"Why did that Zhong Jiani target you so much?" Ye Xiu asked.

"I don't know, I've always been kind to others, and I never have pointless disputes with others. Zhang Xiaofei replied with a puzzled expression.

"Xiaofei, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. You are too outstanding, and you are from a professional class. That Zhong Jiani is afraid that you will threaten her status if you rise up in the film and television industry in the future. She is probably jealous of the talents, so she did it on purpose. Finding faults and punishing you." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Really? But I'm a newcomer with no reputation at all. I can't compare with a big star like her. Now that the competition in this industry is so fierce, how can it be so easy to make achievements?" Zhang Xiaofei laughed at herself.

"Xiaofei, I have a friend who happens to be the boss of a film company in Beijing. Their company is now vigorously exploring and cultivating potential newcomers. I recommend you to him. You can try it out later, and just take a look at it." Look at their company, if both parties are satisfied, then sign a contract and cooperate." Ye Xiu suggested.

"Okay, what's the name of your friend's film and television company?" Zhang Xiaofei agreed pleasantly upon hearing this. After graduation, she was also worried about signing a contract to find a job. Now that Ye Xiu provided her with the door, she was really looking forward to it.

"Hui Ying Film and Television Company." Ye Xiu said.

"Huiying Film and Television Company? This company is a well-known company in the capital. It would be great if we can cooperate with them." Zhang Xiaofei smiled happily after hearing this.

"Ye Xiu, you said that a rookie like me who has just graduated from school and has never filmed any movies, would such a big film and television company like me?" After Zhang Xiaofei was overjoyed, she fell into a state of anxiety and worry. middle.

"Give it a try, how will you know if it will work if you don't try?" Ye Xiu laughed.

Arrived outside the administrative office building of Huiying Company.

Ye Xiu asked Zhang Xiaofei to go up first, and he used the excuse that he wanted to park in the garage. The administrative office building of Huiying Company is located in a downtown area, and there are not many parking spaces around, so he had to park the car in the underground parking lot.

After Ye Xiu parked the car, he called old K, told old K about Zhang Xiaofei's situation, and asked old K to keep it a secret for himself, not to reveal that he was the owner of Huiying Company.

The reason why Ye Xiu did this was because Zhang Xiaofei was worried that if he knew his identity, it would put pressure on the self-respecting Zhang Xiaofei when making choices.

In order for Zhang Xiaofei to successfully sign the contract with Huiying Film and Television Company, there is nothing wrong with temporarily concealing her identity, as long as it is beneficial to Zhang Xiaofei.

Zhang Xiaofei came to the lobby reception on the first floor of Huiying Film and Television Company alone. After asking the female secretary at the reception where the actors went for auditions, she took the elevator alone to the tenth floor of the building, knocked on the door of the artist training department and entered. .

Ye Xiu took old K to find an artist training companion outside the door, old K went in first to explain everything, and Ye Xiu entered after everything was settled.

Today happened to be the day when the actors of Huiying Company auditioned and signed contracts. School newcomers who came to the audition, as well as some acting lovers who had become monks in the society, all gathered here. The spacious hall of the training department was bustling with people who came to the audition. audition people.

Everyone hopes to have a good way out for themselves. Signing a work contract with a big film and television company like Huiying is not only a guarantee, but also an opportunity. At least they can get more filming opportunities.

Liu Yue, a well-known director hired by the company, was in charge of recruiting Huiying's potential actors for the audition.

Director Liu Yue has two blockbuster films with a box office of more than one billion. He is a well-known director of a rare successful commercial blockbuster in China, and is also an important contracted director of Huiying Company.

"Director Ye, Mr. Yao, this is the list of actors and contract levels for this batch of auditions to be signed, please take a look." Director Liu showed Ye Xiu the newly-arrived list with a finalized list.

Ye Xiu took it and saw Zhang Xiaofei's name on the list, but the list he was going to provide to Zhang Xiaofei was only a slightly better than usual B-level newcomer signing a work contract.

The work contracts provided by film and television companies to newcomers are divided into SABC grades of work contracts according to the potential and value of the newcomers. The higher the grade, the more favorable the signing conditions, and the more resources the company promises to invest in you. You get The chances of filming are much greater than others, much more.

"This Zhang Xiaofei, give her an S-level contract." Old K said in a low voice, his tone unquestionable.

"Okay. I originally wanted to give this Zhang Xiaofei a contract above S level, but I was worried that the other party was just a rookie who just left school, and I was afraid that people would gossip." Director Liu laughed.

Ye Xiu and old K explained clearly about the contract and went out first.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiaofei looked excited and joyful, and walked out of the artist training department humming a song like a happy lark.

"Ye Xiu, I have good news for you. I signed a contract! And it's an S-level contract. Director Liu said that this is the company's best contract for a newly signed artist." Zhang Xiaofei looked at Ye Xiu with a smile on her face and said.

"Congratulations, I'm sure you'll do it. Come on!" Ye Xiu and Zhang Xiaofei clapped their hands together to celebrate.

"Well, I will work hard! I will fulfill my mother's unfinished dream of acting and become the best actress in Huaguo." Zhang Xiaofei prayed with her palms folded.

"It's such a good start, shouldn't you invite me to rub it tonight?" Ye Xiu smiled.

"Should be, but I don't have a job yet, and I don't have much money. If you don't mind being shabby, I invite you to have a meal at a special restaurant I often go to." Zhang Xiaofei happily agreed.

"I don't pay much attention to ostentation. As long as the taste is good and the master's craftsmanship is excellent, I'm satisfied." Ye Xiu laughed.

Four or ten minutes later, with Zhang Xiaofei leading the way, Ye Xiu drove to a special restaurant called Baodu Zhang in Beijing.

"Explosive belly?" Ye Xiu exclaimed in surprise when he saw the name of the restaurant's main dish.

"Do you like to eat too?" Zhang Xiaofei asked with a smile.

"I like it, especially in autumn and winter. Eating fried belly is one of the great pleasures in life. It's very refreshing." Ye Xiu has studied at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for five years. He was lucky enough to taste this delicacy. passed.

Following Zhang Xiaofei into this special restaurant, Zhang Xiaofei seemed to be familiar with it, and followed Ye Xiu to a table in the back of the first floor of the restaurant and sat down.

Zhang Xiaofei ordered two plates of fried lamb belly and two plates of boiled mutton.

After a while, the restaurant waiter served the dishes. There were two large plates of deep-fried sheep tripe cut into horizontal strips, and two plates of three-finger-wide, paper-thin boiled lamb.

"Wow, it smells so good, it's started." Ye Xiu impatiently picked up the chopsticks, picked up a few shredded lamb tripe, and started chewing.

Crispy and fragrant.

Just when Ye Xiu had endless aftertaste, a female voice called out: "Ye Xiu, are you eating here too?"

(End of this chapter)

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