Chapter 535
Ye Xiu heard the words, turned his head to look at the masked girl who scolded him, and said with a faint smile, "Sorry to bother you."

After Ye Xiu quit, he heard the long-haired girl in the mask complain disdainfully: "I've never seen such a lack of quality!"

Ye Xiu thought of the purpose of coming here tonight, so he shook his head and smiled lightly, and endured it.

A small leak will sink a great ship.If it was normal, Ye Xiu would have said a few words in a targeted manner.

Ye Xiu didn't have those pedantic ideas of "a good man doesn't fight a woman". Whether to fight or not, the standard has always been to be right about things and not people. There is no distinction between men and women when it comes to right and wrong.

Just because she is a woman, one should not be granted the right to immunity from liability. In the new era, equality between men and women is everywhere, and when it is implemented, it is impossible to say one thing and do another, but to keep pace with the times.

On a bigger scale, in the face of big right and wrong, if you still cling to the pedantic wrong idea of ​​"good men don't fight women", then there will definitely be problems.Not to mention harming yourself, and it may cause others to suffer along with you.

Ye Xiu walked slowly along the first row of stalls.

Walking to about the middle, Ye Xiu suddenly noticed a different smell in a large bag of Chinese herbal medicines displayed by the seller at booth No. 87.

There was only one man in a blue down jacket who was not a few years older than Ye Xiu negotiating with the seller, and seemed to have the intention to buy.

Ye Xiu frowned, walked up, stretched out his hand, and searched into the sack with a different smell.

Just as Ye Xiu flipped through it, the seller, a tall and thin man in a suit with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, pointed at Ye Xiu with an unhappy face and said, "That young man is talking about you. Do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, don't rummage through the herbs. , the Chinese herbal medicine is messed up, can you help me sort it out?"

"Boss, are these herbs?" Ye Xiu casually grabbed a few herbs and put them on the palm of his hand, looking at the boss and asked.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked boss couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Ye Xiu again, and said, "Oh, don't you see it? You also know these herbs?"

Tongcao is a medicinal herb that dilutes water and stimulates menstrual flow. It also has a certain effect of regulating immunity and anti-oxidation. It is found in many southern provinces in China. It is a rare herbal medicine for curing diseases.

The price of Tongcao varies from 60 yuan to 140 yuan per kilogram according to the quality. The demand is not small, but there are many adulterants of this herb, and it is rare to buy pure ones.

Alum and weighting powder (magnesium sulfate) are often used for adulteration. The texture of the adulterated herb is hard, some taste astringent, and some are tasteless. Recently, the adulterants sell the inferior herb mixed with the genuine product.

This company's herbal medicine is the latter adulteration method, mixing inferior herbal medicine with genuine products and selling them as good ones.In simple and clear words, the boss of this company is playing tricks, trying to pass off the defective Tongcao as high-quality Tongcao, sell it at a high price, and reap huge profits.

"I'm a Chinese medicine practitioner, so I know these herbs." Ye Xiu said with a faint smile.

"Oh? Are you a Chinese medicine practitioner? Disrespectful, may I ask your surname?" After hearing Ye Xiu's identity, the boss didn't dare to underestimate him anymore, knowing that he had met an expert.

"Miangui's surname is Ye, what's the boss' name?" Ye Xiu replied lightly.

"My name is Fang Caiyu, Doctor Ye. I wonder if you work in a hospital? Or do you run a private clinic or pharmacy?" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked boss began to ask about Ye Xiu's details.

"Boss Fang, I'm planning to open a private Chinese medicine clinic recently, and I need to import a batch of Chinese herbal medicines, so I want to come and have a look."

"Doctor Ye, I don't know if I'm bragging. The Chinese herbal medicines I sell here are all authentic Chinese herbal medicines. The quality is guaranteed and the price is fair. Whoever buys them will know. The boss Cao from Jiangzuo negotiated a deal with me tonight for 300 yuan. Wan's herbal medicine business, he is very appreciative of the quality and price of my herbal medicine." Boss Fang said, pulling up the young male businessman just now, and they all came to endorse him on the platform.

"Doctor Ye, the bag you are looking at is high-quality Tongcao. Others sell it for 130 or 140 yuan. My price is fair, and I only sell it for 120 yuan." Boss Fang said with a complacent expression.

Ye Xiu scoffed at the boss's cunning trick and ignored it.Spreading his palm, he pointed to a few broken and badly shaped thong grass on his palm and asked, "Boss Fang, do these thong grass of yours deserve to be called high-quality thong grass? Are you still selling it for 120 yuan?"

Hearing this, Boss Fang was taken aback for a moment, his face changed slightly, and he looked closer. After a while, Boss Fang smiled awkwardly and said, "Doctor Ye, those you took were all damage caused by mishandling during drying and bagging. Look, how long and how good are these herbs? No matter how good the herbs are, there will always be some damage, which is unavoidable."

At this moment, several people came over and watched the argument between Ye Xiu and Boss Fang with great interest.

"Boss Fang, there won't be so many accidental damages due to human error, right? How can I see that in your sack, except for the top layers of high-quality grass, the bottom is all damaged goods?" Ye Xiu saw that Boss Fang was eloquently arguing in public, so he bent down, opened the sack completely, and dug hard into the herb pile. After a while, Ye Xiu removed the high-quality grass that Boss Fang deliberately spread on top of the inferior grass. , to expose the broken and inferior Tongcao below.

Ye Xiu also grabbed a handful of low-quality grass and showed it to the public, and asked with a smile: "Boss Fang, it's impossible for me to just grab a handful of bad-quality grass produced by accident, right? Then your accident is too awesome." right?"

After Ye Xiu said these words, a clear and melodious girl "giggled" among the onlookers.

Other onlookers also pointed to the poor quality of the draft and talked about it.

Boss Fang's face turned red after a "swish". He stared blankly at the inferior Tongcao that Ye Xiu had displayed in his palm in a daze, and he didn't dare to answer Ye Xiu's words for a while.

"Doctor Ye, come here, I'll talk to you." Boss Fang beckoned Ye Xiu to come into his booth, and had a private conversation with Ye Xiu.

"Boss Fang, isn't it? You give me 1000 yuan? Tell me to stop talking? No way? My right to speak is only worth 1000 yuan? Girls are just selling the right to have a first night, and the starting price is [-] yuan. Without discussion, my right to speak must not be sold so cheaply." After Boss Fang whispered to Ye Xiu for a while, Ye Xiu yelled loudly in shock, and all the onlookers heard it clearly, even the nearby The merchants at the stalls were also attracted by the sound, and many people gathered together.

The crisp and sweet girl's laughter sounded again.

Ye Xiu looked around, and saw a long-haired young girl wearing a medical mask trembling with laughter. The one who was leaning forward and back was the same young long-haired girl with a mask who scolded Ye Xiu before.

(End of this chapter)

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