Chapter 502 Get closer

Ye Xiu opened the contract document, and the date of payment on the last page clearly showed that the contract was signed two days ago. This contract was obviously signed only after Ye Xiu told Wei Huan to suspend all new projects.

Now the truth has come to light, it was General Manager Wei Huan who violated Ye Xiu's order and urged Chief Financial Officer He Yu to pay the money with this hastily signed contract.

Ye Xiu looked at Wei Huan, and asked in a deep voice, "General Manager Wei, what else do you want to say?"

Wei Huan looked at Ye Xiu, defended himself and said: "As the general manager of the company, I negotiate business and sign project contracts. This is also for the development of the company. I think this project has great potential. It would be a pity if I miss it. so……"

"Okay, now I'm announcing the appointment and dismissal of personnel. Wei Huan will no longer be the general manager of Huiying Film and Television Company, and Yao Junhui will be the general manager." Ye Xiu loudly announced a major personnel appointment.

After the announcement of Ye Xiu's personnel appointment, Wei Huan's expression changed drastically. He stood up abruptly, pointed at Ye Xiu emotionally and shouted, "You country bumpkin, you will regret it!"

"Notify the security guards and take Wei Huan out to go through the resignation procedures!" Ye Xiu immediately picked up the dedicated phone on the desk and told the secretary outside the meeting room.

Soon, the door of the conference room opened, and the head of the security team of Huiying Company walked in quickly with two security guards, and forced Wei Huan, who was still swearing and cursing, out of the room.

Yao Junhui is old K's real name. Old K thinks his name is too delicate and not tough enough, so he rarely uses his original real name, but is used to being called by his nickname.

Today, Ye Xiu directly appointed old K as the general manager of the company in front of the executives and directors of Huiying Film and Television Company, so he had to use old K's real name.

Old K didn't expect his master Ye Xiu to entrust him with such an important position, so he was stunned on the spot.

Ye Xiu got up, pushed old K to the front desk in public, and introduced the company's new general manager to everyone.

The appointment of Ye Xiu caused quite a stir and controversy among the directors of the company.

Immediately, one of the directors stood up to oppose Ye Xiu's personnel appointment decision: "Director Ye, the position of general manager of the company has a lot to do with the future of the company. The newly appointed General Manager Yao, what special abilities does he have? In charge of the operation and management of Huiying Company?"

"Everyone has heard the story of breaking chopsticks, right?" Ye Xiu didn't answer the director's question directly, but asked calmly and calmly.

Everyone in the meeting looked at Ye Xiu with puzzled expressions, wondering what kind of medicine this young boss was selling in his gourd?

Ye Xiu said in a deep voice: "One chopstick is easy to be broken, but a pair of chopsticks is very difficult to break. If a family wants not to be bullied by outsiders, the most important thing is brothers and sisters. Working together is the same for a company. If even the general manager of the company can't be of one mind with me, what use is he? The more capable he is, the greater the negative impact and loss he will bring to me and the company!"

After Ye Xiu's simple words, the conference room fell into silence.

Those directors of the company who originally had different opinions and views on Ye Xiu's decision to replace the general manager fell silent collectively.

"From now on, all business projects of the company will be carried out as normal. If no one has any suggestions or opinions, today will end here!" Ye Xiu said succinctly and flatly.

The directors present were all stunned when they heard the words. They didn't expect that the first important meeting of the new boss taking over the company ended in just half an hour.

"Everyone, I have another punishment decision to announce. Vice President Hong knowingly committed a crime and took the lead in violating company discipline. He was six minutes late for the meeting and will be fined 6 yuan!" Ye Xiu stood up and announced loudly.

The muscles on Hong Biao's face couldn't help twitching when he heard this, but he didn't dare to say anything more because of Ye Xiu's power and strength, so he could only swallow his anger.

After the punishment decision was made, the conference room immediately became lively. Everyone in the room was talking about it. Some boasted that Yexiu was awesome. As soon as he took over the company, he unleashed a thunderbolt. , Punish Vice President Hong in public.There are also bad-mouthing ones, belittling Ye Xiu for being ignorant and messy.

"I solemnly reiterate a discipline here. In the company's future meetings and activities, anyone who is late for one minute without reason will be fined 1 by the top management! [-] by the middle management! If the company's rules and regulations are ignored by everyone else, what future is there for this kind of company?" Ye Xiu said loudly.

Ye Xiu said loudly: "If everyone has nothing to say, then the meeting ends!"

"Director He, please stay here, I have something to discuss with you." When He Yu walked past Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu stopped He Yu and said.

He Yu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and agreed immediately, "Okay." She turned around and walked back to her seat to sit down.

Everyone in the conference room had almost left, and only Ye Xiu and He Yu were left in the spacious conference room that could accommodate more than a hundred people.

"Director He, don't be so cautious, I just want to chat with you casually." Ye Xiu looked at He Yu, and found that she was sitting upright, her pretty face was as cold as ice, and she looked serious and nervous. Ye Xiu smiled and said, trying to create a An easygoing vibe.

"Chairman Ye, please tell me what you need, and I will do it according to your request." He Yu still looked outside, and replied coldly, speaking in a businesslike tone.

"Director He, let's chat casually, can you sit here?" There is a seat between Ye Xiu and He Yu, which makes Ye Xiu feel as if there is a mountain between them. This kind of chatting atmosphere And feeling very bad, Ye Xiu suggested with a smile.

"That's good, that position is for the general manager, and He Yu dare not presume to take it." He Yu politely declined Ye Xiu's proposal.

Ye Xiu smiled faintly, got up, walked to the general manager's seat, sat down, and leaned the seat towards He Yu. This way, Ye Xiu and He Yu could get closer, and they could almost communicate face to face. .

He Yu obviously didn't expect her new young boss to be so domineering. She was obviously not used to talking with strange men at such a close distance. A certain safe distance.

Seeing He Yu's flustered action, Ye Xiu just smiled slightly without expressing too much.

Ye Xiu looked at He Yu's blushing cheeks and asked, "May I ask, is Director He married?"

"Ah?" He Yu looked at Ye Xiu in surprise. She never expected that her new boss left her alone to ask her such a personal question.

(End of this chapter)

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