Chapter 345

"You look down on me, don't you? Brother Guang said he wanted to help, but is there anything he can't help? Tell me, Yang Cheng!" Seeing that Ye Xiu pushed back and refused to give him a chance to show off, Brother Guang became angry too. There is no doubt about it. said in a tone.

"Ye Xiu, since Brother Guang thinks highly of you and is willing to help you, you can go down the slope and promise to finish the job. Human feelings are not human, and people come and go. We get to know each other later. Isn't this a trivial matter?" Yang Cheng helps Brother Guang persuade Ye Xiudao from the side.

"Okay. If that's the case, I'll thank Brother Guang first, and I won't be disrespectful for this kind of love." Ye Xiu could only nod his head and agree, otherwise, it would be strange for Brother Guang to turn over the table and leave on the spot. Well, Ye Xiu didn't want to make it difficult for his good friend Yang Cheng.

Brother Guang did what he said, and immediately took out his mobile phone, looked through the communication list in the mobile phone, and found people who could help one by one.

"I'll put some water, I've had too much tea." Ye Xiu got up and said.

After Ye Xiu left the box, Yang Cheng said to Brother Guang, "Brother Guang, how is my old friend? He was No.1 in our TCM professional skills assessment, and his knowledge of TCM medical skills is very strong."

"In the village doctor who is only a small health center if he is excellent, what is the use of skills these days? At most, he can keep you from starving and have enough food. If you want to get ahead and make a good appearance, you have to rely on tricks , fighting for personal connections." Brother Guang said to Yang Cheng in a teaching tone.

"Yang Cheng, I'm not talking about you. Your friend Ye Xiu is too high-minded. You can't mix in society like this. You will suffer a lot." Brother Guang commented on Ye Xiu.

"It's been like this since I've known him. I think he's pretty good and decent." Yang Cheng spoke for Ye Xiu.

"Yang Cheng, I'm just talking about you for your own good. No matter in ancient times or modern times, it's only for you to adapt to the society. Actively seeking changes is the best way to survive and develop. If the society changes for you and adapts to you, then you will only fail and spend your whole life in poverty." Brother Guang said slowly.

After Brother Guang finished speaking, he immediately made a call.

After Ye Xiu drained the water, when he walked to the lobby of the clubhouse, he met several people head-on.

"Godfather, it's him. Just now he slapped my face swollen, look." A charming woman's voice rang out.

Ye Xiu took a closer look and found that this woman was none other than He Zi, the trendy girl who falsely accused Ye Xiu of hiding her diamonds in the gazebo of the clubhouse.

The enemy's road is narrow, and after He Zi was scolded by Ye Xiu in the parking lot and left in despair, she immediately called her godfather to invite her godfather to help her vent her anger.

At this time, He Zi was snuggling in the arms of a middle-aged man with a white head, acting like a baby, letting the middle-aged man's hands knead the sensitive restricted areas of her body.

This middle-aged Pulsatilla man stared coldly at Ye Xiu who was walking over with a pair of gloomy eyes.

"Dalu, go up and teach him a lesson." The middle-aged Pulsatilla man said in a deep voice to a tall and mighty young man in a suit who followed closely behind him.

"Yes, Master Bang."

The tall and mighty man in a suit quickly walked towards Ye Xiu.

When the tall and mighty man was about to pass by Ye Xiu, the saber in his left hand was swift like the wind, cutting across the acupuncture points on the back of Ye Xiu's neck. If you lose, you cannot faint on the spot.

Ye Xiu came later, and brushed the man's armpits with his finger. When the man cut Ye Xiu's body with the knife, it was already at the end of his strength, limp and without any strength.

Seeing that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, the man even broke one of his own arms. He couldn't help being shocked, and quickly turned around and punched Ye Xiu's head with the other arm.

The corner of Ye Xiu's mouth raised slightly, he took a step away, and repeated the same trick, flicking his finger on the key point of the opponent's armpit, and disabled the other arm of the man.

After clearing away the tall and mighty man sent by the middle-aged pulsatilla to find fault, Ye Xiu quickly approached the middle-aged pulsatilla man. The tall and mighty man who attacked Ye Xiu lost all strength in his hands at this time, and he was like a useless person. He could watch Ye Xiu helplessly but could do nothing.

The middle-aged Pulsatilla man saw that Ye Xiu had easily defeated his best bodyguard, his face was full of horror.

"Stop him!" Pulsatilla yelled in panic.

The two bodyguards behind him wanted to rush forward to stop Ye Xiu.

Just a face-to-face meeting, maybe with both hands out, pushing the two of them flying a foot away.

Ye Xiu came up to the middle-aged man with a pulsatilla, and slapped his face with his backhand, "Papa!"

With Ye Xiu's slap, he not only slapped the Pulsatilla, but also slapped He Zi, who was nestled in Pulsatilla's arms.

Ye Xiu's slap was not weak, and the faces of the two of them immediately turned red and swollen.

"You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?" After being slapped, Pulsatilla remained dazed for a while before waking up.

"I don't care who you are, you'd better remember who I am, and don't hang out in front of me from now on, or I'll beat you up every time I see you!" Ye Xiu said coldly.

After admonishing Pulsatilla and He Zi, the fashion girl, Ye Xiu turned and left, leaving only Psyllid and He Zi dazed as they watched Ye Xiu go away.

"Godfather, you just let him go like this?" He Zi was still provocative.

"Slap!" Pulsatilla was so angry that he slapped him and shouted angrily: "Today, I lost all my old face because of you, a stinky bitch!"

"Master Bang, I'm sorry, this subordinate is incompetent." The bodyguard whose two arms had been crippled by Ye Xiu walked over with his head bowed in shame and said.

"I'm sorry for the kick! Go and investigate this person right away! If you don't take revenge, you're not a gentleman!" Master Bang's eyes widened, and he yelled with a ferocious look of wanting to eat people.

Ye Xiu returned to the box and just sat down.

Yang Cheng said with a smile: "Ye Xiu, Brother Guang will invite someone to come over later, and your work problem in the capital has been solved!"

"Brother Guang, who did you find? It was solved so quickly?" Ye Xiu was a little bit disbelieving when he heard that, in less than 10 minutes, his work in the capital was solved?
"When the servant arrives, you will know." Brother Guang laughed, pretending to be mysterious.

"Ye Xiu, when the servants arrive, you have to be diligent in serving tea, attitude is everything." Yang Cheng reminded.

"You two are very secretive. Could it be that you invited some gods to go down to earth?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Xiaoye, this person's status in the medical industry circle in Beijing is much higher than that of the gods. As long as he nods alone, your work can be done in minutes." Brother Guang vowed.

(End of this chapter)

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