Chapter 313 Can you do it?

Finally, a middle-aged man came over and said to Ye Xiu, "Doctor Ye, please help me cure my fatty liver and alcoholic liver."

"Take this pill first." Ye Xiu poured out the last Shugan Pill and said.

This middle-aged man drank too much alcohol and ate too much greasy food, which caused damage to his liver function and led to pathological changes.Fortunately, there was no cancer, otherwise Ye Xiu couldn't be cured.

After a course of Qiankun Good Fortune Acupuncture was over, Ye Xiu took out the needle and said, "Be careful with your diet in the future. It will take three months for your damaged liver cells to recover and regenerate. During this recovery period, you must abstain from alcohol. You must not eat greasy food, especially fried food, so as not to increase the burden on the liver, otherwise the recovery period will not be satisfactory, and your liver disease will recur, so don't regret it." Ye Xiu specifically instructed.

"Okay, Doctor Ye. I will definitely follow your orders." The middle-aged man agreed with a smile.

"Also, do you still have that medicine? I want to take a few more at home to strengthen the healing effect." The middle-aged man was still thinking about Ye Xiu's bottle of Shugan Wan.

"No more. One is enough, as long as you do as I say, there will be no problem." The Shugan Pill made by Ye Xiu is a life-saving elixir for serious illnesses, and taking one is already the virtue of the ancestors, and I want more How many bottles do you want?

"Give me a copy of the experience reports of the four volunteer patients on stage as soon as possible." Monica ordered the personal assistant to say.

"Yes, miss, I'll do it right away." After the personal assistant agreed, he walked out quickly.

After Ye Xiu's on-site interactive display of Chinese medicine skills, all the participating Western doctors stood up and applauded. They finally witnessed the elegance and unique charm of Huaxia's Chinese medicine skills today.

Now the doctors attending the meeting saw that the four volunteers who came to the stage had good treatment effects. Many people sighed and regretted.
This kind of good opportunity to receive free medical treatment from a famous doctor for free will not come up often, maybe it will only happen once in a lifetime!
Such a great opportunity for self-help was stupidly given up by myself, and all the Western doctors who attended the conference were secretly regretting.

Ye Xiu gracefully walked down from the audience amidst the applause and cheers of the crowd, returned to the guest seat and sat down.

In a corner under the stage, Qu Hong stared at Ye Xiu with a face of livid anger and eyes full of jealousy and hatred.

Qu Hong didn't expect that he had worked so hard and spent a lot of money to ask others to create a harmful situation, but in the end he would succeed Ye Xiu, let Ye Xiu stand in front of himself and in front of more than a thousand elite western doctors from all over the world. Show your face and have a good time.

Qu Hong said that he was hurt and depressed.

After Ye Xiu returned to the guest seat and sat down, all the guests from various countries in the guest seat rushed over to make friends with Ye Xiu and make friends with Ye Xiu.

This young Chinese doctor from China only showed his face for an hour, which was impressive. The tycoons and celebrities in the medical industry invited by the organizing committee of these conferences all tried their best to make friends with Ye Xiu.

Everyone wants to save a way out for themselves. No matter how rich you are or how great you are, there will always be a day when you will grow old, and there will always be a day when you will be sick and unable to walk. The only thing that can help you at that time is Ye Xiu's medical skills Superb doctor too.

"Doctor Ye, this is a special invitation card for the reception tonight. We look forward to seeing you and your friends at the reception." Dr. Anderson from the organizing committee held two exquisite invitation cards shining golden light and invited him respectfully. Said.

"Is there a reception tonight?" Ye Xiu asked with a frown.

"Yes, this is a regular program of the conference. The purpose of the reception is to allow colleagues and friends from the medical field from all over the world to get to know and communicate more." Anderson replied politely.

Ye Xiu accepted the invitation card for the reception, and dragged Wang Shuangshuang out of the venue.

"Xiaoye, didn't you say that there is still a matter of negotiating the purchase of medical equipment? Don't you want to talk about it?" Wang Shuangshuang was puzzled why Ye Xiu pulled him out of the venue early.

"Can this kind of atmosphere make things happen?" Ye Xiu asked with a slight smile.

"That's right, the environment is too noisy, it's not suitable for talking about things." Wang Shuangshuang said with a smile.

"Xiaoye, why are we here so early? What are we going to do?" Wang Shuangshuang asked Ye Xiu how he arranged it.

"Sister Shuangshuang, how about we go back to the room and fight for [-] rounds?" Ye Xiu whispered in Wang Shuangshuang's ear.

"Three hundred rounds? Can you do it?" Facing Ye Xiu's provocative words, Wang Shuangshuang did not back down shyly, but flirted with Ye Xiu hotly, showing her true colors as a hot queen.

"As long as Sister Shuangshuang brings her horse over, I will definitely satisfy you." Ye Xiu laughed.

"Hmph, Xiaoye, you're getting worse and worse in front of my sister? See if my sister won't hit you!" Wang Shuangshuang pushed Ye Xiu away, waving his palm to hit you.

"Hit it, hit it if you want to." Ye Xiu didn't hide or evade, but put his face on it.

Wang Shuangshuang waved his palm across Ye Xiu's face lightly, making Ye Xiu feel numb and comfortable.

"Sister Shuangshuang, we can't just wear this to the evening reception, can we? We can't lose the image of our Huaxia Chinese medicine practitioners." Ye Xiu asked with a smile.

"Xiao Ye, let's go. There is a fashion store over there, let's go and have a look." Wang Shuangshuang volunteered to take Ye Xiu's arm, and led Ye Xiu to a fashion store across the street from the hotel.

"Xiaoye, look, look, that rose-trimmed evening dress is so beautiful." As soon as Wang Shuangshuang entered the store, Wang Shuangshuang immediately caught sight of a red rose-trimmed evening dress hanging in a conspicuous place in the store.

"It's pretty good, but..." Ye Xiu looked at Wang Shuangshuang, hesitant to speak.

"But what? You're talking!" Wang Shuangshuang urged Ye Xiu to finish speaking.

"The evening dress is very beautiful. What I'm worried about is that our Sister Shuangshuang's figure is so good, won't there be room for her?" Ye Xiu tapped Wang Shuangshuang's firm towering figure lightly with his finger and smiled.

"I hate it, someone is watching." Wang Shuangshuang quickly patted Ye Xiu's wet hands and said.

"Waiter, give that evening dress to this young lady to try on." Ye Xiu said to the waiter in the shop.

Before the waiter in the store came over, Wang Shuangshuang couldn't wait to walk to the evening dress hanger.

"Xiaoye, it's so expensive. It's 4 yuan." Wang Shuangshuang said after seeing the price tag.

The currency in circulation in Denmark is the Danish Krone, and one RMB is roughly equivalent to 0.8 Danish Krone.Converted into RMB, this evening dress is equivalent to more than 3 RMB. No wonder Wang Shuangshuang was so surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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