Seeing through the village doctor is also crazy

Chapter 284: The Rich Is Not Kind

Chapter 284: The Rich Is Not Kind
Ye Xiu and Zhang Xiaofei walked aimlessly on the bustling Yandai Xie Street, one behind the other.

"Looking at the architectural style on both sides of the market, isn't this Yandai Xie Street a bit old?" Ye Xiu said in order to resolve the cold and awkward atmosphere.

"This street existed as early as the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, built a wharf near here in order to facilitate the southern cargo ships to dock directly at Dadu, and various commodities were continuously supplied to the Dadu market. The goods unloaded at the wharf were circulated, and this street market was built nearby. How long do you think it has been?" Zhang Xiaofei said with a proud expression on her face, her chest held out, her hands behind her back, and she jumped and kicked in small steps.

It seems that flirting is the right way, as long as Zhang Xiaofei, a cold and arrogant little fairy, can let go of her guard and speak, then there is a possibility of breaking the ice.

Ye Xiu deliberately slowed down, hoping to wait for Zhang Xiaofei behind him to catch up.

But Zhang Xiaofei seemed to have sensed Ye Xiu's intentions. Ye Xiu slowed down, and she slowed down too. The distance between the two was always kept within two or three meters.

Seeing this, Ye Xiu shrugged helplessly and smiled.

The two continued to walk back and forth like this for a while, Ye Xiu thought about it, pretended to be careless, and dropped a bright red one hundred yuan bill from his pocket.

Ye Xiu thought with a smile in his heart, "Zhang Xiaofei, Zhang Xiaofei, this time I don't believe you still obediently come to your door."

"Big brother, you lost your money." Just as Ye Xiu was thinking about his wishful thinking, a young boy's voice came from behind, and his clothes seemed to be ripped.

Ye Xiu stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked down. A little boy in a ragged padded jacket, about ten years old, was holding a hundred-yuan bill in his hands that were already purple with cold, looking at Ye Xiu and shouting with a smile.

"Big brother, this is the money you dropped. I picked it up and returned it to you." The little boy said.

"Thank you, what's your name?" Ye Xiu bent down to take the money handed over by the little boy, and asked with a smile.

"I don't have a name. Everyone calls me Tie Dan." The little boy said with a grin.

"Tie Dan, why are you alone? Where are your parents?" Ye Xiu looked around and asked.

"I don't have parents, I'm the only one in my family." Tie Dan said sadly.

"Tie Dan, let's go!" At this moment, two ragged little boys about the size of Tie Dan rushed out from a small alley, holding dirty bowls in their hands.

"Big brother, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After Tie Dan finished speaking, he also ran away with the two little boys.

Ye Xiu originally had a lot to say to this little boy, but the sudden incident completely disrupted Ye Xiu's plan.

"Hey, Doctor Ye, you are really extraordinary. You are driving a million-dollar supercar, but you still want to take advantage of a poor little beggar." Zhang Xiaofei walked up, looked at Ye Xiu with a smile that was not a smile, and said sarcastically Said sarcastically.

Zhang Xiaofei saw Ye Xiu accepting the little boy's money just now.

Zhang Xiaofei thought that Ye Xiu shouldn't accept the poor little boy's money with peace of mind. Even if the money was his own, Ye Xiu should show some kindness and extend a helping hand to the little boy who was suffering from hunger and cold.

But to Zhang Xiaofei's disappointment, she didn't see Ye Xiu do this.

As a result, Zhang Xiaofei's misunderstanding and prejudice against Ye Xiu deepened, and a stream of sarcasm appeared.

Facing Zhang Xiaofei's ridicule, Ye Xiu just smiled and did not make any excuses.

The two continued to walk, but the atmosphere was obviously a little awkward and deserted. They went their own way without saying a word, and they didn't even look at each other.

On the sidewalk at the entrance of an alley, several ragged little beggars with disheveled hair were kneeling side by side, and a cardboard box was placed in front of these little beggars.

There were still quite a few pedestrians watching the excitement around, Zhang Xiaofei squeezed in after seeing it.

Seeing this, Ye Xiu also followed.

It says on the cardboard: We are all orphans who have no one to adopt. My sister and brother have broken their hands and feet again. They have no money for food, no money for medical treatment and so on...

Seeing such a tragic scene, some people took out their wallets, took out ten yuan, 20 yuan, and 50 yuan bills, and put them in the broken bowls placed in front of these little beggars.

Ye Xiu saw that Zhang Xiaofei's eyes seemed to be red, and she also took out her wallet, and donated all the three bright red hundred-yuan bills in the wallet to these little beggars.

This lonely and cold fairy sister has a kind heart, but she is too kind and innocent, often ignoring some important details.

Those twin little beggars with severed arms and legs are all good hands and feet, and there are no broken scars!
All of this could not escape Ye Xiu's clairvoyant eyes.

In fact, even if you don't need to use clairvoyant eyes, you can find the flaws in it as long as you observe carefully.

The two little beggars dressed as brothers and sisters with broken hands and feet had obvious flaws in the broken hands and broken feet.

A few sharp-eyed onlookers also noticed it and pointed it out in public.

However, he was sprayed in the face by some kind-hearted people who didn't know the truth, so he shook his head and left with a sigh.

Zhang Xiaofei said disdainfully: "Who are they? It's fine if you don't help others, but you also tear down the stage."

"Ye Xiu, why don't you donate money?" After Zhang Xiaofei complained, she stood up and looked at Ye Xiu and asked, a scornful smile seemed to hang on her cold and pretty face.

"I don't think there is any need to donate." Ye Xiu spread his arms and shrugged.

"These children are so miserable, and you don't lend a helping hand? Are you embarrassed?" Zhang Xiaofei asked coldly with a more contemptuous look on her face.

"Aren't I just this kind of person in your eyes? Isn't it strange?" Ye Xiu didn't want to have too many arguments with Zhang Xiaofei who didn't know the truth in public, and acted like I was a rotten person, why not.

"Bring me the wallet!" Zhang Xiaofei stretched out her hand and said.


"I don't count on you as a rotten person anymore, how about I borrow your money from the head office?" Zhang Xiaofei said with a disappointed expression.

"Borrowing money is fine, but let me remind you, don't do bad things with good intentions." Ye Xiu took out his bulging wallet and said.

"Bring it here! What nonsense!" Zhang Xiaofei said involuntarily, grabbed Ye Xiu's wallet, opened the wallet for a moment, and the expression on Zhang Xiaofei's face seemed to freeze.

After a while, Zhang Xiaofei "tsk tsk" said: "Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu, you rich man, you have so much money? Is it not good to be rich and be unkind?"

1000 yuan, I will lend it to you. After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofei took out all the hundred-yuan bills from Ye Xiu's wallet, squatted down and stuffed them into the little beggar's hands.

"Xiaofei, let me remind you..." Ye Xiu wanted to stop Zhang Xiaofei's crazy behavior.

"Shut up!" Zhang Xiaofei reprimanded coldly, not listening to Ye Xiu's words at all.

(End of this chapter)

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