Seeing through the village doctor is also crazy

Chapter 136 Unidentified militants

Chapter 136 Unidentified militants
Ye Xiu temporarily decided to go to the Burmese jadeite rough mine to purchase rough jadeite. Boss Cai, who is familiar with the road, completed the entry and exit procedures in just one day. Boss Cai has been running the rough stone store for many years. Boss Cai is well-versed in the way of the ghosts and snakes.

After lunch the next day, Ye Xiu and Boss Cai drove a Harvard H6, followed by a small pickup truck driven by a store employee.Driven to the border checkpoint in a dusty manner.

All the way to the border checkpoint is a highway. Within six hours, at dusk and sunset, the vehicles of Ye Xiu and others had already cleared the customs and drove into Myanmar.

After the vehicles drove into Myanmar, the road conditions declined significantly. The wide and bright expressway disappeared and was replaced by a two-lane asphalt road with nine bends and eighteen bends.

"This area is controlled by guerrillas. If you don't coordinate with their commanders in advance, you may be forcibly detained and fined while driving." Boss Cai looked at the small groups of guerrillas that appeared from time to time along the path outside the car window. Said the soldier.

Although Myanmar is nominally controlled by the military government and has reached a ceasefire agreement with independent guerrilla forces in various places, the two sides still play their own way in private and do not buy into each other.

This time Ye Xiu is going to the center of Myanmar's most famous emerald mine, Hpakant.Hpakant is the most famous emerald mining area in northern Myanmar, which can provide 95% of the world's jade production.

Hpagan has also gradually developed into an important economic town in northern Myanmar due to the trading of rough jadeite. At present, Hpagan's defense and security are temporarily controlled by the armed forces of the military government, and the vast area outside the city is the territory of the guerrillas.

"Boss Cai, there seems to be a temporary checkpoint ahead." The driver, Xiao Fang, had sharp eyes and saw a vehicle being forced to stop at a road bend. There were soldiers with automatic rifles on their backs around the vehicle.

"It seems that luck is not very good today. After passing the curve, we will reach the Pagan City after a few kilometers." Boss Cai shook his head and signaled the driver Xiaofang to stop the car on the side of the road.

"Boss Ye, Miss Tu, you just stay in the car. These people are probably soldiers of the guerrillas. I'll go down and deal with it." Boss Cai explained to Ye Xiu and Tu Qingqing who were sitting in the car.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Ye Xiu noticed a little uneasiness in Lao Cai's expression.

"I have a little friendship with the guerrilla commander, General Dewin, so I should be able to handle it." When Boss Cai said these words, his tone was obviously weak, and he said it more like he was emboldening himself.

The friendship Boss Cai talked about was nothing more than a visit to pay tribute money through other people's introductions. Through the tribute money, Boss Cai got a special pass valid for one year signed by General De Wen.With this special pass, vehicles and personnel can travel freely in the vast areas controlled by the guerrillas.

"Qingqing, you and the driver stay in the car honestly. I'll go down with Lao Cai to have a look." Ye Xiu said without further ado, patting Boss Cai's fat shoulder.

"Oh, then you have to be more careful." Tu Qingqing also sensed the seriousness of this matter from Ye Xiu and Lao Cai's conversation.

With Ye Xiu by his side, Boss Cai calmed down a little.

Ye Xiu and Boss Cai got out of the car and didn't go far. Suddenly, three soldiers armed with guns who had been lying in ambush rushed out from the dense forest next to the road. Their black guns pointed at Ye Xiu and Boss Cai.

"Misunderstood, misunderstood, we are just merchants who come to do jade business, this is the passport signed by General De Wen." Boss Cai took out a small red book with rough workmanship, and handed it to the soldiers approaching with guns.

One of the skinny soldiers with a pistol roughly snatched the pass from Boss Cai without even looking at it, then tore it up in front of him with a sneer.

Ye Xiu, Boss Cai, Tu Qingqing and the driver Xiao Fang who were sitting in the car were also escorted to the temporary checkpoint at the bend.

Next to the checkpoint road, two Cherokee off-road vehicles were parked. On the road not far from the vehicles, there were four foreigners kneeling in a row, three men and one woman.

At the intersection of the checkpoint, a burly foreign man with yellow hair was arguing loudly with a small military officer.

"Mr. McGee, what's the matter?" Boss Cai approached and recognized the foreigner who was arguing loudly with the little officer.

McGee, the deputy general manager of Feiyue, the largest jewelry and jade company in Southern Europe, often leads a team to Pagan to purchase rough jadeite, and he and Boss Cai are old acquaintances.

"Lao Cai, they said that they have taken over here, and they want us to pay a new toll!" McGee replied with a resentful expression.

Ye Xiu's English is not bad, and there is no problem in normal English communication. As soon as he heard McGee's words, he already had a rough judgment in his heart.

The terrain here is dangerous, and the trail with nine bends and eighteen bends happens to be an uphill bend here, and it is also the main road for vehicles to enter the city uphill. Anyone who sets up a card toll here will definitely make a fortune.

McGee's attitude of refusing to cooperate seemed to have annoyed the little officer. His face was distorted and he yelled and cursed loudly. Then the soldiers beside him smashed McKee hard with the butts of their guns. Several gun butts greeted him. In the past, the burly and tall McGee was knocked to the ground by the butt of the gun and passed out temporarily.

After McKee fell to the ground, the little officer seemed to be still angry, and kicked twice at McKee who had already fallen to the ground.

The little officer turned around and looked at Ye Xiu and the others with a sinister smile on his face. He only heard him yelling a few words in dialect to his own people, and then a few soldiers rubbed their hands, with smirks on their faces, and walked quickly Walk up to the four foreigners kneeling beside the Cherokee SUV.

Right under Ye Xiu's nose, those soldiers violently overturned the foreigners kneeling on the ground, and forcibly seized all their belongings, including necklaces, watches, cash, even cigarettes and lighters.

The young girl with a hot figure was even more unlucky. This group of unidentified armed soldiers forcibly stripped her shirt off and pinned her to the car. Kneading wantonly on the white body.

Ye Xiu secretly observed the surrounding situation at this time, thinking about when would be the best time to act.

Now it seems that this group of unidentified armed men may not be able to get rid of them even if they pay honestly.

Around the crude checkpoint temporarily built with a felled tree, there were seven armed militants, three of whom were beating the foreigners by the Cherokee SUV, and four armed men watched with guns. Ye Xiu and his party.

The foreign woman's lung-piercing cry when she resisted made McKee, who had been knocked unconscious by the gun butt, struggle to stand up again.

"Beast! Let her go!" McGee got up and rushed towards the little officer bravely. When everyone's attention was attracted by McGee's sudden pounce, Ye Xiu made a move.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time as Ye Xiu made his move, a crisp gunshot rang out.

The little officer's head was shot open, like a ripe watermelon suddenly falling from a high place and bursting open. Red blood plasma and white brain juice exploded and scattered all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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