The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 614 The Heart of Consciousness

Chapter 614 The Heart of Consciousness
"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect such a wonderful thing to happen to Aunt Balrena's brother... Sister Celia, did you know it all from this box?" Nina suddenly realized, and immediately asked Jue Beautiful half-elf.

"Yes, there are Bantu characters on it. It should be carved by Charlie's 'Heart of Ice' with kind and pure frost power, although the words in it are very cryptic and not stated directly. But it should be This situation is correct." Celia nodded upon hearing this, and explained softly.

"The evil ice giant Charlie needs the 'Heart of Ice' to be promoted to the epic level, which means that Charlie's 'Heart of Ice' has a great effect?" Lu Zhan nodded thoughtfully and said slowly.

"Well, yes in a sense. Ice Heart is a part of Charlie, and because it has attracted the favor of normal ice elements, it has a power not weaker than that of the evil giant Charlie. But I think, for the evil ice For the giant Charlie, this kind 'Ice Heart' should be a hindrance, it will either infect the 'Ice Heart' into an evil nature, or destroy it, because there is a bond between the two , if they can’t integrate with each other, then simply destroy each other and completely wipe out the traces of each other’s existence.” Celia thought about it for a while when she heard Lu Zhan’s question, and responded cautiously.

After hearing Celia's explanation, all the masters understood the relationship between the two Charlies.Judging from the current situation, it feels more like a deadly enemy to each other.

"Good people, can you help me?"

Suddenly, when everyone was thinking about the solution, a burst of words emerged from the decision box, which shocked all the masters and was greatly surprised.

Because this is not the voice of the elf Nakolulu, but a male voice from the heart of ice.Obviously, it could only be Bing Xin who was talking.

"Hello, Charlie." Only Celia was not surprised. After thinking for a while, she responded quietly: "How can we help you?"

Just now, Celia has delved into a lot of information from the box, knowing that Charlie's heart is self-sealed, that is to say, it has self-awareness, and retains all the memories and intelligence when he died that year.So, it's no surprise that it's now possible to speak.

"I feel pure kindness from this little elf. People who can be with her should be kind beings. So I hope you can help me purify my body that is polluted by the evil ice breath." The smell from the voice is very warm and pleasant, although it is also cold, but compared with the evil and tyrannical breath emanating from the ice giant Charlie, there is a huge gap.

I have to say that 'Heart of Ice' Charlie has a good way of seeing people. Indeed, as he thought, everyone in the Black Blade team, regardless of their occupation or strength, have one thing in common, that is, they are very human." Zheng', even though he has killed countless people and countless alien races, he is also a guy with a clear conscience.

"That is to kill your body?" Lu Zhan took up the conversation under the signal of Celia without any trace, and continued to ask.

"To be precise, it is to restrain him, and then I will play a real game with him. If I can use my own power to remove the evil ice breath from his body, then a kind ice giant Charlie will appear. , if I was eroded by it, then you don’t have to worry, I have already set a forbidden curse in my consciousness. If I am fused by it, I will annihilate myself directly from the depths of my soul, and I will not give it to the Bantu tribe or Wannianxue. All the creatures in the mountains bring disaster." Charlie the Iceheart heard the words, and said lightly: "You know I am Charlie, you should have been to the Bantu tribe and heard my story? If I really disappeared in this In the world, please tell Balrena, a little girl of the Bantu tribe, that her brother Charlie regrets not listening to her advice... If there is another life, he will definitely listen to her and stop being curious about anything. "

Hearing Charlie's words, everyone sighed a little. While sighing for Charlie's determination to destroy his evil body, they also felt helpless that it was still in the state it was decades ago, and they still regarded Aunt Balrena as their little girl back then. younger sister.

However, he can't be blamed. For a person of the older generation who completely sealed himself and built the castle into the ancient main camp of the Bantu people, it is normal to think old-fashioned.

"Of course, I won't let you make efforts to help in vain. If you agree, then another ring in the box can be given to you, and if I can successfully purify the body, you can gain the ability to summon me , there will be a large number of toy soldiers and puppet fighters to face the enemy for you." Charlie the Ice Heart seemed to feel the murmur of the crowd, and said softly.

In fact, what everyone considers is not whether to help, but how to help.Because even with the relationship between Balrena and everyone, this job should be done anyway.But since Charlie seemed to have misunderstood a bit, everyone readily accepted the other party's reward.Just looking at Charlie the Ice Heart's ability to create such a strong castle and such a compelling doll, then there must be something good in his hands.

With this mentality, Lu Zhan scanned the box with his Mind Eye skill, and found something very surprising.

Apart from Bing Xin, there was indeed a ring there, which seemed inconspicuous, ordinary under the blue Bing Xin's light.But when Lu Zhan touched the ring with the detection function of the mental space, he found amazing information.

[Heart of Consonance: According to legend, it was made by Celia, the former chief priest of the Bantu tribe. Because he loved Charlie and Balrena very much, he gave them a pair of rings. According to legend, the rings have magical powers and can Perceive the opponent's position.It's a pity that Balrena's one was lost when he was a child, and only the ice-hearted young Charlie's one remained in the end.Legend has it that if you get two rings together, you can instantly teleport between them. (Available to fighters above Tier [-])
Pink Rare Equipment

Magic Defense +1301
Intelligence +13
Attack Speed ​​+3%
Slowdown Resistance +11
Even if we are far apart, as long as we have a good heart, we will definitely feel each other! 】

I don't know why, when Lu Zhan saw this ring, he was so excited, he almost had the urge to snatch it from the box.

No reason, because this is the heart of consonance.Almost all the artifacts that rely on speed, or want to increase the speed of the occupation!It can be said that in the era of land warfare, anyone who knew something about dungeons and warriors should know the legend of the heart of consonance!
There are no occupational restrictions, low level requirements, and powerful single-piece effects, which contribute to the sky-high price of this piece of equipment!

At that time, Lu Zhan could only set up a stall and watch those guys with outstanding personalities showing off their consonant hearts at unattainable prices, but they had never touched this thing up close.

But now, what he once dreamed of is within easy reach.

(End of this chapter)

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