Chapter 606 White Ruins
This is the first time Lu Zhan has heard of the term "war spirit". To a certain extent, the so-called "war spirit" is just "martial arts potential" in popular language.Since it is potential, it means that everyone has different highs and lows.But no matter whether it is high or low, there is a limit. According to what Ocal said, there are some people who have an immortal fighting spirit and will become a great weapon in the future, and there are also some people whose fighting spirit is limited and reaches a certain level. After this shackle, you can no longer advance an inch.

What are the people and spirits in the Black Blade team like?
Originally, Lu Zhan still wanted to explore it, but now he is extremely avoiding this problem, wishing that there is no such thing as the "Looking for the Soul" secret.

The reason is very simple, what if he finds out that some of the team members have exhausted their battle spirits and stay at this level forever?If you continue to lead him, there will be no possibility of improvement. It can only make him and the rest of the team stronger, but abandoning him... Lu Zhan claims that he can't make that kind of decision.

Therefore, the blood berserker who had his own thoughts and considerations on any issue in the past chose to escape, at least temporarily.

"Not everyone is immortal...then is there a way to make it immortal?" Thinking silently in his heart, Lu Zhan gritted his teeth and tried to figure out some possibility: "There must be Everything is possible in this world with gods! I must find this method so that everyone has an immortal fighting spirit! Even if it is stealing or robbing, it must be done!"

The current Black Blade team has basically taken shape. There are long-range and long-range, close-combat and close-combat, healing and healing, and output and output. Although the distribution of occupations is not even, it is roughly balanced, and only needs to add some supplementary combat. Professionals are enough.If it was broken just because of an illusory battle spirit, it would be equivalent to killing Lu Zhan's painstaking efforts for several years, and everything would be in vain.

It is intolerable and simply unacceptable.

In fact, this problem has already appeared. First of all, Tina, the wise blood of the peak think tank of the Lenghu family, is just an ordinary archmage. Since she unexpectedly comprehended the 48th rank, she can feel that her martial arts potential is not enough. The door to advanced again is basically closed.

In the past, Lu Zhan didn't dare to fully believe in potential, but now that Okal said it clearly, Lu Zhan couldn't help but not accept it.

Looking secretly at Tina's glamorous and beautiful side face when she was thinking about tactics and strategies, Lu Zhan had no idea what direction the Black Blade team would go without this long-standing think tank.

"You have to find a solution even if you die! But let's get this mission done first."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Lu Zhan threw all distracting thoughts out of his mind and concentrated.


According to Okal and Rabina's account, the location of the white ruins has already been deeply imprinted in everyone's minds.

That is another livable place in the Wannian Snow Mountain, which is located three thousand miles away from the ridge and in the north direction.

The Wannian Snow Mountain is covered with snow all the year round, stretching for thousands of years, and there are very few places that are suitable for living creatures. At least according to what many experts of the Bantu tribe can detect, there are only the Snowy Land of Ston and the White Ruins.

The Snowy Land of Ston, that is, the area between the ridge and the Stru Mountains with moderate wind and snow and vast resources, has always been the sphere of influence controlled by the Bantu people.

Correspondingly, there are white ruins controlled by a group of wild beasts.

The temperature and environment of the white ruins are also very good, and the resources are also good. The Bantu people have always wanted to bring it into their sphere of influence. Unfortunately, with the obstruction of the Xuedrill people, they have not been successful.

Now the Xuedrill tribe sent a large army to attack the Bantu tribe, even the army led by the patriarch Sesiqi, the reason why they started the war without authorization is unknown.But what we can know is that although there are still a large number of Xuedrills living in the white ruins, the danger level has dropped several levels, which is beneficial for the Black Blade team to sneak in and inquire about news.

Since everyone flew away from the secret path, they basically lost the direction visible to the naked eye. They could only use the magic compass to walk hard in the snowstorm, looking for their own direction.

I can't fly, and I don't dare to fly anymore, because the "air convection phenomenon" that often occurs in snowy areas can strangle all flying creatures in mid-air. Everyone can't compete with the power of nature, so they can only choose step by step. Stepping on the snow and walking forward slowly, let the black one-piece robe and anti-freeze equipment flutter with the heavy snow, like bleak tree branches in the cold wind.

However, after walking for a while, everyone found that a snow storm was approaching. Not to mention walking, even life safety became a problem!
The snow storm is a weather phenomenon that can only occur in a heavy snow environment. It is similar to the tornado phenomenon that sometimes occurs in the three major human countries of the mainland, and it has extremely powerful and destructive power.When the storm swept past, nothing remained except for the ice crystals that had been frozen for tens of thousands of years.

"Summon Familiar Mech: Frost Driller!"

Seeing the giant snowstorm slowly forming thousands of meters away, Emily, who has excellent eyesight, summoned her Familier machine without hesitation.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue vehicle with a giant drilled helix at the front appeared in front of everyone.

The masters of the Frost Drilling Vehicle Black Blade Team are no strangers, because they used this machine to break through Agile Moby's dark secret thunder formation in the Dark City Shadow Labyrinth.But now that it appears, everyone thinks it is the best use of everything.

No matter how you look at it, the Frost Drilling Vehicle is a machine suitable for snowy areas. It is of ice nature, and coupled with its excellent drilling function, it can completely avoid most of the dangers on the snowy ground while walking underground.For example, now is the time for snow storms.

Many masters quickly drilled into the frost drilling vehicle one by one. Emily entered the control room, dexterously drilled it into the solid ice underground, and began to break through the ice.

And just above the crowd, a boundless snow storm swept past.In this way, there is no need to worry about the pursuers of the Xuedrill clan behind everyone. The power of nature will take them to the capital of the dead and become the plaything of the god of death Dreyfus.


"White ruins... What kind of strange place is this? Why has it never been recorded in human classics?" Emily looked through the memories in her mind while driving the Frost Drilling Vehicle, and asked in confusion. Tina next to her.

Originally, Emily wanted to sit in the front control room with Lu Zhan, but a certain blood berserker was frightened once, and of course she would not make the same mistake again, so she resolutely chose to stay in the rear seat room.There was no other way but Tina and Emily sat in the control room together.

Since the appearance of Celia, the two girls who originally had the taste of competing with each other have instantly become comrades-in-arms on the same front. Inadvertently, they have issued a subtle challenge to the wife of Lu Zhan, so they have become good friends without knowing it. .

"It's normal. Humans say they don't know much about the Wannian Snow Mountain, even the Bantu people. Let alone a place in this vast snowy region." Tina explained calmly after hearing this.

"That's true. This place is like an unexplored mysterious place. Maybe even the Bantu people dare not say it clearly. It's normal for the races in the outer domain not to know." Hearing this, Emily nodded in agreement .

The distance of [-] miles seemed extremely long under the slow advancement of the Frost Drilling Vehicle. Everyone who had nothing to do took a good rest and accumulated a lot of energy.

Three days later, the snow storm finally swept through.

Emily, who was already very tired, decisively drove the frost drilling vehicle out of the ground and returned to the surface.

"Where is this?" Opening the hatch of the vehicle, a gust of fresh, icy air came over the surface, and Lu Zhan took a deep breath and asked freely.

Looking around, it was still a dazzling white.The snow-white land, the snow-white mountains, the only difference is that in the whiteness of the sky, there are a lot of fragmented wood and ancient ruins.

Obviously, even if this is still a snowy area, it must have been a mysterious place with a large number of buildings.It is not certain that it is a ruin left by some ancient race.

"If there is nothing wrong with the magic compass, then this place should be a white ruin." Looking at the surveying and mapping equipment in her hand, Emily, who had driven the frost drilling vehicle for three days, also looked up at the blue sky in a relaxed and happy manner. An Ran said.

(End of this chapter)

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