The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 453 The Actions of the Demon Realm

Chapter 453 The Actions of the Demon Realm

Hanging high in the sky above the continent of Arad, the former planet Terra looked a little bleak.

Due to the fierce technological war, most of the Terra planet was destroyed and fell into a different space.Then, during the long floating in different space, it gradually attracted many powerful life forms to settle on this barren and hopeless planet, and started a chaotic war, which caused endless turmoil, and it was also called the so-called Demon Realm.

After floating for an unknown amount of time, the planet Terra stayed near the continent of Arad, and mysteriously began to be affected by the continent.

The first to suffer were the nine strongest men, the Nine Apostles of the Demon Realm, who had been assigned their positions after the melee in the Demon Realm.

For their own survival, the apostles of the demon world and the people they controlled had no choice but to fight against the forces on the Arad continent. At least, they wanted to obtain a living area on the most fertile land in the Arad continent.

And the fertile land occupied by the three major kingdoms of mankind was first imprinted in the eyes of Kahn, the king of the demon world and the first apostle.

However, in the previous confrontation of the "First Dark Demon War", the demon world did not take much advantage, because at that time there were forest elves and humans advancing and retreating together, and because countless human beings and elves emerged in the "age of great development" at that time. His masters and special professions were able to resist many strong men in the Demon Realm, and even part of his strength was able to suppress the hundreds of alien races on the mainland at that time.It can be called the strongest age of mankind.

But after years of dormancy, Kahn once again felt the time had come.In other words, the time has come now, and if it is delayed again, then the next one to be dragged into the transfer phenomenon may be yourself.

In the winter of 981 in the Continental Calendar, a joint operation with Ozma, the ghost god of chaos, the "Chaos of Nothingness" alliance, and the Continental Anti-Human Nations Alliance was launched to completely wipe out human beings.

But all of this is hard to resist the blow to the morale of the entire coalition army.

That is, the fifth apostle of the Nine Apostles of the Demon World, 'Hiroko the Invisible', fell again before the official war started.

This news has dealt a huge blow to morale, because not long ago, the eighth apostle of the demon world, "Rotes the Long-legged", had fallen, and another one fell in a short period of time, which made this battle even worse. The war that hadn't started cast a shadow in an instant.

Although the two apostles died after being weakened by more than 95% of their strength during the transfer phenomenon, not everyone knew what the transfer phenomenon was. What they knew was that the two apostles died in the demon world. The result of people being speechless.

Therefore, the large-scale genocide campaign that was well prepared had to be postponed.

The center of the Demon World, Union Square.

In the pitch-black sky, black clouds billowed, as if they also indicated the mood of the king here.

There is nothing on the square, there are only nine huge dark thrones, in the middle, and on the largest throne, sits a cloud of black mist whose face cannot be seen clearly.

Of the remaining eight Dark Thrones, only six positions are filled with black mist.

The other two are empty, appearing a bit chill and silent.

"Great Herder, bard and chanter of Terratec? What is the situation of Iris in the Dros Empire?" A cold male voice came from the throne in the center, although this The black mist seems to be just a clone, but just the voice of the clone has already dispersed the black clouds in the sky, revealing the color of chaos.

"Honorable Kahn, she has gained a firm foothold in the empire, successfully won the trust of Leon? Heinrich III, and became the fortune teller of the empire. She is also working hard to trigger a war between the dark elf kingdom and the human kingdom. Nine times out of ten. However, the Necromancer King of the Dark Elf Kingdom affected her strategy, turning the doomed war into a situation where investigations are made first and then decisions are made. For this reason, both the Dark Elf Kingdom and the Principality of Belmar sent I joined the investigation team and went to the Neupera area of ​​the Dark Elf Kingdom to investigate."

"Stop their investigation, or mislead them. It is necessary to set off a desperate war between the Dark Elf Kingdom and the Principality of Belmar. Di Ruiji's hard work cannot be wasted." Sitting on the main seat, the black fog's cold voice carried With a little desolation: "We don't have time. It's always good to spend a little more of the enemy's strength. This matter, Cassias, you can do it."

"...Okay, my lord Kahn, I just have nothing to do, so let's see if there are any powerful people in the mainland." The voice of Hei Mist sitting on the fourth Dark Throne seemed very leisurely. , responded slowly.

"Don't delay your business because of your martial arts competition!" Kahn obviously understood the personality of the fourth apostle Cassias on his side, and said cautiously: "If you want to compete, you can come to me!"

"Ahem... this. I'm looking for you, let's talk, let's talk..." Hearing this, the fourth apostle Cassias moved his position on the throne uneasily, and said with a little embarrassment.

Seeing the appearance of Cassias the Conqueror, a burst of chuckles came from the mouths of the other apostles, and the dignified atmosphere instantly weakened a lot.

"Okay... let's all play our own responsibilities. The environment on the planet Terra is harsh, and it is still merging with the continent of Arad. Although we are all wanderers from various places in the universe, on this land It has existed for tens of thousands of years, and I already have feelings for it, and I already have feelings for the people on this land." Kahn saw that the atmosphere had improved, but he was not harsh, but said a little seriously: "Now, both we and the people have reached the point where life and death are at stake. If we don't fight, we will die and perish."

Hearing Kahn's words, the remaining apostles pondered for a moment, and gradually fell into silence and sentimentality.

"Everyone, let me tell you in advance. I already have a feeling that the next person to experience the transfer phenomenon will be me." When there was silence in Union Square, sitting in the black mist on the sixth chair, a A slow voice came out.

"Di could be you." A sigh came from the black mist sitting on the second chair: "Approximately, how long?"

"Based on the sense of the dark, it should be between three and five years." The slow voice thought for a moment, then said in a low voice.

"Di Ruiji, come to me after the meeting. In the past few hundred years, I have made some progress in the research on transfer phenomena. Let's see if we can overcome the power of this law!" The second apostle He There is incomparable strength in De's weak voice, sonorous and powerful.

"Is it the main body... or the avatar." The slow voice paused for a long time before whispering.

"...Let's do it with a clone." There was a hint of helplessness in Herder's voice: "If your main body comes over, half of the people in the Demon Realm will probably die."

"Oh..." The slow voice was full of sadness, but he could only respond dully.

The meeting went on for a while, and Kahn took the trouble to tell the main points to the fourth apostle Cassias.

Immediately, the meeting ended quietly under Kahn's order.

The shadows on the seven dark thrones gradually disappeared.

The dark clouds over Union Square are getting thicker and thicker.

(End of this chapter)

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