The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 437 The Terrifying Land of Analysis

Chapter 437 The Terrifying Land of Analysis
The entrance to the ground of analysis, the entrance to the underground world.

"Okay, now we have reached the entrance of the land of analysis. Then let's analyze the situation and the specific strategy." Frowning, Tina looked at the deserted and dead jungle environment around her, and said: " First of all, eat the anti-plague potion, and now even in such a peripheral place, there is already an evil plague aura, and I don’t know how strong it will be after waiting."

Everyone was kind, and quickly took out the potion from their storage rings and drank it in one gulp, even Borken, whose strength was unknown, simply drank it.After all, no one wants to become a disgusting creature like a zombie, even a high-level zombie like a ghoul.

"It really works. Okay, let's continue." After drinking the potion, Tina gradually showed a soothing expression: "The Kingdom of the Dark Elf is an underground country built around the legendary Dark City. Of course, the Land of Analysis is no exception, it is located underground. Then, since it is in this environment, lighting is a problem. After all, we don’t have dark elves’ eyes that are so adaptable to darkness.”

"Things like torches are unreliable. If there are things like ghosts or wraiths in them, they can be blown out by relying on them. So, I can only work hard on you, Roronoa, you need to maintain the light technique at all times. The little magic spell illuminates a radius of at least 20 meters around us." Tina first made the issue of vision the primary topic, and said it.

"Understood, Miss Tina." Roronoa nodded solemnly, wearing heavy plate armor and carrying a huge Xuanguang cross.

"Okay, the lighting is solved. Then the next step is the person at the front. I think it's best for you, Leo, to clear the way." Tina nodded, then turned her head and said to Lu Zhan: "Because it's a long and narrow corridor, And you are a heavy armor profession, with enough defense. And you don’t lack agility, the huge heavy sword can prevent unexpected sneak attacks in many cases, and block many sudden enemies.”

"No problem, Military Adviser Tina." Hearing this, Lu Zhan nodded with a smile without any objection.

"Afterwards are Lucio and Paris. The two of you are the most flexible and can help defend against ghosts and other creatures that Leo missed and might sneak in."

"No problem." Lucio put away the novel, Paris put on the alloy claws emitting light elements, and nodded quietly.

"Brother Roronoa is still sitting in the middle position, taking care of the situation of the entire team and casting buff magic." Tina continued.

"Understood." Roronoya nodded.

"Nina, Miss Kelly and I are in the rear. Nina uses magic as the main turret output, and I control the summoned beasts to supplement the omissions everywhere. Miss Kelly also provides remote support. No problem?" Tina finally set the tone , looked around and asked softly.

"Of course there is no problem. Sister Tina's small team is in command of the world's unparalleled." Nina raised her emerald green hair and showed an extremely pure and soft smile.

"It's no wonder that the Black Blade team hasn't suffered a loss until now. It turns out that it's because of the support of such a careful strategist. The Black Blade has a good life." Kelly also nodded in agreement, but at the same time complained A bit of land warfare.

Lu Zhan looked at Kelly innocently, saying that he was also shot while lying down, and was very powerless.

"Ahem, what about me? What am I doing?" Borken asked suspiciously when he saw that Tina was quickly allocated there, but he had no share for himself.

"Because I don't know the specific strength and characteristics of Captain Borken, I won't assign you. You can go wherever you think is suitable." Tina shrugged and smiled.


After assigning tasks, Roronoa began to bless everyone.

The strength of the orthodox pure assistant cleric uncle is absolutely powerful. Although his attack is very weak, having him in the team is even more important than having land warfare.

After all the preparations were completed, the group of people took a breath and walked towards the place of analysis.

The place of analysis is a transfer station connecting the underground city of Neupera with the aboveground world, and it is located about 8000 meters underground.Although the length is not very long, because of the idea of ​​preventing the human world when it was built, the road leading to the small village is extremely rugged and steep, with countless ravines and ambushes.Although the entire road has been repaired several times because of the friendship with the Principality of Belle Mare, it is still very difficult to walk.Moreover, after the Neupera incident broke out, the road was already full of plague breath and mutated creatures that stood up again after death.

After a bloody slaughter, the members of the Black Blade team leaned tiredly on a corner of the corridor, resting.

"Tie, Tina, what kind of mutated creatures have appeared? You should have written them all down." Lu Zhan said weakly with blood on his face and trembling all over his body.

"Thank you for your hard work. Up to now, there have been ghouls of the zombie family, bone throwers, the evolutionary mutant creatures of ghouls... and ghosts." Tina's face was not good-looking, but she still encouraged her After the land battle, he said slowly.

"It's really too much. It's impossible to kill, it's endless!" Wiping the blood on his face, Lu Zhan said with a cold light in his eyes.

Lu Zhan had already made deep psychological preparations, and had already highly estimated the difficulty of the analysis.But I didn't expect that it was still so difficult!
In the corridor leading to the village of the place of analysis, there are countless corpses piled up.As long as one gets close to one at will, the corpse will open its eyeballs and grab the landing battle.The most unacceptable thing is that every seemingly weak corpse here is a powerful legendary zombie.Powerful and heavy, rough skin and thick flesh, fearless of pain.Even if their agility is very low, they can't hold back the endless numbers.

It is very difficult for Lu Zhan to resist, because he has no advantage in the ranks, and the field that has shifted direction has not taken shape at all.

The Corpse Snatchers are only small obstacles. As they gradually deepened, skeleton throwers slowly appeared in the corridor. Behind the body stealer, it is even more difficult to deal with.These dead bones thrown over were not just ordinary broken bones, but dead bones with attributes of darkness and plague power attached, each of which hit Lu Zhan would take away a lot of life points.

If it weren't for the fact that Roronoa in the rear had been using the light magic skill to restore the life value of the landing battle, Lu Zhan would have been lying down long ago.

After walking a little more reluctantly, they encountered a third kind of mutated creature—ghost.This is the creature that makes the whole team feel like an enemy.

The ghost is the product of the resentment of the deceased who was unwilling to die during his lifetime.Because it belongs to the soul body, the speed is very fast, and the shape is almost transparent, and the attack power is not weak.But fortunately, as long as the weapon is blessed with fighting spirit elements, it can still harm this kind of creature.However, since Land Warfare has shouldered the responsibility of defending against Corpse Snatchers and Skeleton Throwers, it will be difficult to stop these fast mutant creatures.

Fortunately, there are Lucio and Paris in front of the team who are also fast and aggressive.

Lucio's awakening profession is a very mysterious profession on the mainland. According to Lu Zhan, it seems to be called Wuji, which should mean 'the ultimate in martial arts'.But because Lu Zhan had never seen what a male fighter was like in his previous life, he didn't fully understand his skills.

Looking at Lucio's domineering and sharp shots now, it feels like he should be a relatively powerful melee combat class, similar to Lucio when he was not awakened before.

And Paris is completely different, her fighting style is incomparably wretched, and all the tricks are used without any scruples, showing the true qualities of Street Fighter.

With these two powerful masters, the formation of the entire team can be regarded as stable.But Nina and Roronoa, who have been in charge of powerful output, finally couldn't stand it anymore. It wasn't that they lacked energy, but that they had exhausted their mana and light power.

The faces of all the people were covered with sweat, they hurriedly took out the slow supply medicine from the storage ring, and sat cross-legged on the ground to recover.

"This feeling seems to bring me back to the time in Gran's Forest. At that time, we were also in such difficulties. In a flash, it has been a few years." Nina said thoughtfully while meditating.

"Well... Indeed, we are here in the Alphalia camp, which is equivalent to novice fighters. We have to start from the beginning step by step as before." Lu Zhan looked at Nina, who was with him almost from the beginning to the end. , A trace of warmth flashed across his face, and he said with a smile: "I still remember the time when you accompanied me through the depths of the dark forest. At that time, you had no main consciousness, controlled by Na Kelulu, and let me see..."

When this point was mentioned, Lu Zhan woke up suddenly, immediately realized what he was talking about, and stopped abruptly.

When Nina heard these words, the front part was still relatively warm, but when she heard the latter sentence, her face turned red.Immediately lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the strange looks of these two people, whether it is the three sensitive women Paris, Tina, or Kelly, or the three dull men Roronoa, Lucio, and Borken, they are all He was watching suspiciously.

"Between you..." Tina asked in a low voice with a wave of fluctuation flashing across her icy face.

"What did you do! Tell my mother!" Paris said more directly, with a fierce gleam in her eyes, and said word by word.

In fact, after so many years, the Black Blade team has been together for a long time. Everyone knows what the rest of the members are thinking, but they all tacitly did not say it.But everyone knew in their hearts that Paris, Tina, and Nina were all in love with Lu Zhan in their hearts, but because Lu Zhan was relatively slow in emotion, or deliberately pretended to be stupid, so they dragged on. It's been very ambiguous now.But fortunately, because Lu Zhan has always treated every woman equally, there are basically no factors for the outbreak of civil strife for such a long time.

However, Lu Zhan's subconscious words and Nina's flushed expression seemed to touch this sensitive nerve.

(End of this chapter)

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