The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 413 The Disappeared Aganzo

Chapter 413 The Disappeared Aganzo
Aganzuo disappeared, and disappeared suddenly when everyone just stepped out of the mourning cave.

With his departure, there was Lukexi's body and the two precious relics.Everyone knows that he is looking for his lost memory, but they also understand that this is a road with no results.

Since then, Lu Zhan has not seen Aganzo for a long time.But Lu Zhan knew in his heart that from then on, Aganzuo was no longer Aganzuo holding the Ronin Great Sword, but Aganzuo holding the Lukesi Relic Hidden Dragon Great Sword. Seeing him again means seeing another Time for a real legend.

There is no ambush at the entrance of the mourning cave as everyone imagined.However, there are indeed many traces where wars took place, and it is obvious that battles took place not long ago.If you get in touch with Buwanga, you can know that a group of elders of the Bantu tribe have fought for a way out for everyone here.Because of this, Lu Zhan developed an inexplicable affection for the Bantu people, but the grievances and grievances with the Bantu people in the past have faded a lot.

A group of people sat around the entrance of the cave, quietly looking up at the sky.

Although it was only a few days without seeing him, it seemed like a century.

"Although I didn't get anything substantial, I feel that I have gained a lot. I didn't come in vain." Buwanga let out a long breath, lay down on the ground, and murmured.

Everyone else nodded in unison, even Lu Zhan.

In fact, in the official history of the Arad Continent, the investigation of the Wailing Cave was a very important turning point.It is also a cradle for the strong to start, as long as it is here, it has faced Sherlock and survived.Each has reached the level of Juggernaut or above.And to a large extent led the next era.

For example, the future Four Juggernauts, such as the next generation of Juggernauts after the Four Juggernauts - Silent Juggernaut Yu.

Of course, there is one more land battle in the current history, and no one knows how far he can reach.

"Xilan, what are you going to do now that something has happened here?" Buwanga asked as he pulled out a thin piece of grass from the nearby land and chewed it in his mouth.

"I'm a wandering swordsman, so of course I'm going wandering." Xi Lan spread her hands, showing an unruly expression on her face.

"Oh, then your little disciple must still be by your side... Then, what about Bahn?" Buwanga continued to ask.

"Revenge!" A shadow flashed in his eyes, and Bahn gritted his teeth and said sonorously.

"Hey... what about our black blade master." Buvanga seemed to think of the lively and knowledgeable Lynn, and regretfully shifted the problem to Lu Zhan.

"I don't know what I will do, but I will probably rest for a while." Looking at Byrd flying in the blue sky, Lu Zhan felt inexplicably relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "I have gained a lot, and It should be digested."

After a few people chatted leisurely for a while, more than ten figures suddenly appeared at the door of the mourning cave.

"Warriors who saved the human world, seeing that you have come back so safely, on behalf of the Continental United Front Association, thank you!" Out of more than ten figures, a person familiar to everyone walked out, the Hetton Mar Branch of the Continental United Front Work Association Guard Captain, Stina?Alfonso.She lifted her hat, revealing a piece of blue hair and a beautiful face.

Finished, Stina?Alfonso also sat beside the crowd, and naturally blended into the circle of the crowd.

Only this time, not many people gave her a good look.

Because the reason why Lynn died, Lukexi died, and Aganzuo lost his memory this time was actually their Continental United Front Association!

If there is no inner ghost in the United Front Work Association in the Mainland, then the investigation of the mourning cave by everyone will not be known to the rest of the human forces.If the Continental United Front Work Association had put more effort into sending some masters to guard the entrance of the Mourning Cave, then Lei Ban and his group would not be able to get in at all.By only one Kent?Kane cannot affect the situation, and Lynn will not die.

If Lynn is not dead, she will be able to know the important weakness of Sherlock before meeting Sherlock!Knowing Sherlock's weakness, the group will face Sherlock in a targeted manner, and they may not be in such an embarrassing situation. They can only let Luxy loose the shackles of ghosts and gods.

Perhaps the title of the culprit is too much, but the result of two deaths and one amnesia should indeed be borne by them!
There was silence, no one answered Stina's words, it was just complete silence.

Although Stina is only the captain of the guard of the Hutton Mar branch of the Continental United Front Work Association, her work is not only guarding, but also communication.She is a character who understands people's hearts very well and is good at integrating forces from all sides.Now seeing that there was no response to his words, he looked at Aganzuo, Lukexi and Lynn who were missing from the crowd.I understood the situation immediately.

"...Well, have Aganzuo, Lukexi and Master Lin En sacrificed their lives for the glory of mankind?" With soft words, he asked Yu quietly.

From this, Stina's ability can be seen. She understands that among the remaining people, Yu is the only one who can be regarded as easy to deal with.

"Senior Aganzuo lost his memory. Senior Lukexi died in order to kill Xilock. Sister Lynn..." Yu really couldn't save face, and slowly told Stina everything, but when talking about When it was time for Lynn, she stopped unnaturally.

Because there was no way to go on, a bloodthirsty light flashed in Bane's eyes on the other side, and the sharp short white hair was originally standing on the crown, which meant that Bane didn't wear a hat, otherwise he would have pierced it directly.

"Let me tell." Seeing this, Lu Zhan took it coldly: "Because of your 'good' arrangement, two of us, who would not have suffered much damage, were killed and one injured. With this kind of result, what do you want? How many times do we repeat it?"

"...Why? Is there something wrong with our arrangement?" Stina was obviously shocked and asked in doubt.

Then Lu Zhan roughly relayed to Stina what happened along the way.

When she heard that Lei Ban and others used the name of the Continental United Front Association, Stina's face flashed a little moved. She heard that it was Lei Ban and Kent who she introduced to the team?When Kane killed Lynn, Stina's face was gray and annoyed.After that, Lukexi took off the shackles of ghosts and gods, and Aganzuo lost his memory and disappeared, which really turned the delicate face of this beautiful woman into a heavy iron blue.

After listening to what Lu Zhan said, Stina closed her eyes and remained silent for a while.Afterwards, she opened her eyes, and apologized firmly to everyone: "I didn't set up a sentry at the entrance of the cave, because I didn't want to make extra troubles, which would be counterproductive and attract attention. But this led to the influx of enemies, Mage Lynn The death of Senior Lukexi, the sacrifice of Senior Lukexi, and the amnesia of Senior Aganzuo, these are the responsibilities that our Mainland United Front Work Association cannot shirk. Although it is too late now, I will definitely apply to the organization and do my best to compensate us fault."

"As for Ken, the elite swordsman of the Dros Empire... this is our unshirkable responsibility. I have inserted a spy beside you with my own hands. This is my irreparable sin. I can only do it to you My sincerest apologies from everyone! I'm sorry, if possible, I hope to wash away my mistakes by resigning from the position of captain of the guard..."

Stina's expression was very ashamed and remorseful, but there was a feeling of showing her true feelings.

"I can't represent anyone else, but I can forgive you on my own behalf. You are just a Hutton Marr-level security officer, and you don't have the right to choose the candidate. It's no wonder you. When it comes to selecting candidates, there must be someone at the top Intervene!" Xi Lan stood up slowly, and Yu beside him put the sackcloth on him: "However, if the Continental United Front Work Association does not investigate the dissidents in the organization, then this organization will not exist for long. "

"I, Xi Lan, announce my withdrawal from the Mainland United Front Work Association. If you need anything in the future, please don't come to me."

After saying that, Xi Lan turned around and walked away with Yu gradually, the sackcloth and messy long gray hair fluttering in the wind, looking a little desolate.

"Oh, that's right. On behalf of Aganzuo, I am quitting the Continental United Front Work Association. You have caused him to lose his wife and memory. Please don't look for him again. If any of you send someone to disturb him, then don't blame me for Xi Lan's knife , turn around..."

The residual voice drifted with the wind, and the figures of Xi Lan and Yu gradually disappeared into the distance.

"I, Bahn, quit the Continental United Front Work Association."

There was another voice, and everyone turned their heads to see that it was Baan who stood up slowly with red eyes: "From now on, the rest of my life will only be for my sister. Fan Feng, who will not kill the Dross Empire for a day, East, my footsteps will not stop for a day. If one day I fall into hell because of hatred, which one of you is capable can kill me simply. But... I hope you can kill me first Kill those two bastards, thank you."

After speaking, Bahn put on the one-piece black robe, and left quietly with the dazzling purple dagger on his back.It's just that I can feel that the high-spirited and proud young man before entering the mourning cave has completely disappeared, replaced by a revenge body with infinite potential.

For some reason, Lu Zhan suddenly felt pity for Fanfeng and East.Because he seemed to have predicted that Bahn would use the most ruthless and cruel punishment on these two people sooner or later.And the dead Kent?Kane and Rayban should be considered lucky.

The departure of Xilan, Yu, and Bain made the remaining people much less popular.

"I'm not a member of the Mainland United Front Work Association, so I don't have the choice of quitting or not. But to be honest, although I have gained a lot, I am also afraid of this situation. You humans are too complicated! Our future cooperation will also be difficult. I have to look again! Now, just give me my salary first!" Buvanga scratched his head, turned his head and said to Stina indifferently.

"Senior Buvanga... I'm really sorry!" Stina's face was already full of shame and self-blame, she slowly took out a few props exuding pink light from the storage ring, sincerely Passed it to Bhuvanga.These pink props flashed in Lu Zhan's eyes. They were all blunt weapons and armors. There was only one special one, which seemed to be a huge heart-shaped heart.

"No. You don't need to apologize to me, take people's money, and eliminate disasters with others. I came here for rewards. Even if I die here, I can't blame you. The ones you really want to apologize to are those people before. Ah, they are all the most important future pillars of your association. Losing you is not only a heavy loss?...Let’s not talk about it, Black Blade Boy, I’m leaving, and I will have a chance to drink in our Bantu territory in the future. Haha’ Heart of the Frost Dragon, now I finally don't have to fight with Belmar and the group of humans, and go back to the snowy land!"

Proudly carrying the huge stick "Bantu Heart", Bhuvanga smiled and left gradually step by step.

"Mr. Heiben, you don't need to say it. This is your reward. This time it is the mistake of our Continental United Front Work Association, and it is my mistake. There is no explanation, but please forgive me."

Before Lu Zhan could say anything, Stina quietly put three pieces of equipment that shone with thick purple light into Lu Zhan's hands.

Lu Zhan looked at Stina's face, but it had changed from livid to flushed to now pale.Thinking about it carefully, in fact, Stina also suffered an unwarranted disaster.It's impossible for a person like her to know the hidden secrets in it.Instead, it can only act as a doormat.

It is estimated that when I go back this time, I will lose the original core members Aganzuo, Xilan, and Lukexi. It is hard to say whether her position can be kept.

But Lu Zhan has nothing to do. Without strength and influence, there is no capital to speak.

"Thank you." After taking the three pieces of inherited heavy armor with one hand, Lu Zhan nodded slightly: "Then, this matter will stop here. If the Continental United Front Work Association does not clean up the cancer in the body, then I think this Once, it is the last cooperation between us."

After saying that, Lu Zhan quietly put on the one-piece black robe, flew up, and flew towards the distance.

Seeing the emptiness around her, as if people's hearts were scattered, Stina couldn't help feeling sad from her heart.Originally, she was indeed a woman with a strong sense of justice, and she had always regarded the glory of mankind as her own glory, but this time the cancer extending from within the organization really broke her heart.

She stared blankly at the sky, and sat down on the ground slumped after a while.

"Captain Stina..."

The dozen or so black-robed warriors of the United Front Association who had been standing by the side quietly watching all this happened seemed to feel Stina's sadness.A person slowly walked out from the middle, and said in a low voice behind Stina: "Captain, we heard it too. But, we hope you don't be sad. Because behind any dazzling sunshine, there will always be darkness. Even our United Front Work Association in the Mainland cannot be saints purely for human beings, not for their own selfish desires.... If you, Captain, have the determination to change all this, then we hope that you will cheer up and climb up to the top position little by little. Then pull out all the moths in the organization!"

"Even if a room cannot be full of sunlight, we can open as many windows as possible to make the darkness less, can't we?"

The calm, dignified and inspiring voice obviously moved Stina a lot. She jumped up and turned her head to look carefully at the man who told herself that his entire face was covered by an iron helmet.

"You are right, Lucas. Let us remove the darkness for the organization together! Of course, every member of our team!"

The twelve soldiers whose faces were similarly shrouded in iron helmets all nodded silently upon hearing this.

"Arad Continental Calendar?Power and organization volume?Continental United Front Association? "Queen of Light" Stina and the Twelve "God's Judgment Holy Guard"": In 981 of the mainland calendar, in this turbulent year, the Continental United Front Association, the strongest organization among the mainland humans at that time, finally had a turning point.It seems that after the incident in the Cave of Sorrows, the future "Queen of Light" Stina and the twelve "God's Judgment Holy Guards" really made up their minds to get rid of all the filth in the organization.At this point, another spring of the United Front Work Association of the Mainland has come. This ancient organization has once again glowed with vitality and avoided the danger of being destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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